Creating Web Services
Note: NetTalk Web Services requires xFiles
There are a variety of common features that programs can offer that
collectively are known as Web Services. NetTalk 8 introduces two new
Procedure templates, called NetWebService and
NetWebServiceMethod to assist
with creating web services.
A NetWebService
is the name for a collection of service methods.
In that
application tree you can have multiple NetWebServiceMethods for a single
NetWebService. the NetWebService is just a container, and does not
include much more than just a list of the methods.
application can contain multiple NetWebService procedures (each one with
one or more methods.)
In NetTalk 7 and earlier a hand-coded approach to web services was
demonstrated in an example called SOAPServer (42).
This example is included for reference purposes.
However a new
example, WebService (77) is provided from NetTalk 8
and as it makes use of the new templates, is a better example for
developing future WebServices.
The service, and each method is self documenting. From any browser you
can see the documentation for the service, and for each method. The
documentation includes as much information as possible so that other
developers can easily make use of your service.
To see the
documentation in your browser navigate to one of the following links;
A WSDL file is a formal, computer-readable way of documenting a web
service. Using this file, other programmers can write programs that make
use of your service, and the existence of this file makes their lives
much easier.
NetTalk automatically (and dynamically) generates
this file for you when it is requested. A WSDL file for your service can
be retrieved by using one of these links; or
Method Data
The method template has a place where you can set the incoming data fields, and the returning
data fields. These fields need to be declared in your application either
as tables, table fields, global data or local data.
Incoming fields can
be any simple data type or a TABLE, GROUP or QUEUE structure. (If a QUEUE
structure is used then
declaring it as a local queue is recommended- global queues are strongly
Like a normal Clarion procedure the method can take
multiple incoming parameters and (depending on your code) the caller may
only need to send some of them - in other words some of the incoming
parameters may be optional.
If a Table is selected as an incoming
parameter, then another parameter (
tablename_action) is also
expected from the caller. The action parameter informs the server of the
nature of the change or fetch.
The template includes validation
options for the parameters, but you can also add your own hand-code
validation where necessary.
Unlike a normal Clarion procedure,
the method can return multiple variables. Return values can be simple
fields (including Local or Global variables), Queues, Groups, Tables and
All methods can return one or more errors in place of the
declared return values. If any errors exist, then none of the
other declared variables are returned. For more on errors see
All methods can also make use of
the standard
ServiceResult queue. The
template code will especially make use of this when an incoming Table
parameter is used. For more on standard results see
Probably the most common use
for a WebServiceMethod is to read and/or write database records. Since
this is a common use-case, the templates are aware of this situation,
and creating these sorts of methods is very straightforward.
- Create a NetWebServiceMethod procedure. Add it to a
NetWebService as normal.
- Create an incoming parameter of type TABLE, and select a Table.
Tick on the database actions you want to allow (Inserts, Updates etc)
- If the method allows the user to read the table then create a
return value, of type VIEW. Give the view a name, tick on
GenerateViewStructure and select the Table to view. If you leave the
Fields list blank then all the fields from the table will be
exported. Alternatively you can select a subset of fields to send to
the client. Also be sure to enter an appropriate filter here.
The service will look for an additional parameter, called
This parameter is a string and should contain one of
get or
The wizard can now generate a web service (default name "database") and
a web service method for each table that you select.
Calling Methods from a Client program
The above calls are typically made from a browser, and the goal is to
determine what the service can do, and how to use it. To actually make use
of the service though you need to call one of the methods.
AA service is a collection of one or more methods. You can create your
own methods using the
NetWebServiceMethod procedure type.
You can add as many methods as you like to a service, and your application
can contain as many services (ie collections of methods) as you like.
have a name, a list of incoming parameters, and a list of returned data.
While a Clarion procedure only returns a single piece of data, a web method
can return any amount of data, including GROUP and QUEUE structures.
procedure type supports a number of calling techniques;
Normal HTTP GET. The URL is of the form
/service/method. Incoming parameters are passed as part of the URL or
as cookies. The returned result is a simple XML structure. For example;
GET /School/GetSchoolTeacher?FromTeacherID=value&ToTeacherId=value&Authenticate=value
It's also possible to call the method using the PUT
or DELETE commands instead of GET. For
PUT /School/GetSchoolTeacher?TeacherID=value&Teacher
In the method itself you can determine which Verb was
used by checking p_web.RequestMethodType.
Typical possible values are one of NetWebServer_GET,
NetWebServer_POST and NetWebServer_DELETE.
- Normal HTTP POST. The URL is of the form
/service/method. Incoming parameters are passed as Post Data, but in
addition to the URL and Cookies, data can be passed in as plain "POST Data".
For example;
POST /School/GetSchoolTeacher HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length
- SOAP 1.1. The URL is of the form /service.
In this case a POST is used, but the incoming Post Data is formatted as XML,
and (optionally) wrapped in a SOAP envelope. A HTTP Header called
SOAPAction: is also set to the method name.
POST /School HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: /GetSchoolTeacher
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetSchoolTeacher xmlns="">
- SOAP 1.2. The URL is of the
form /service. the request is very similar to a
SOAP 1.1 request, although the SOAPAction header is not included. the
content-type of the SOAP 1.1 request is text/xml whereas the content-type
for a SOAP 1.2 request is application/soap+xml. For example;
/School HTTP/1.1
Host: somehost
Content-Type: application/soap+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""
<GetSchoolTeacher xmlns="">
Your Code in the method
Services can include automatically generated methods (more on that in a
moment) but a NetWebServiceMethod procedure doesn't actually do anything
unless you add the necessary code.
In this sense a method can do
"anything" that you code it to do. The template will parse the incoming
request, and place it in the Parameter data structures. It will also
format the return structures into XML, and return them to the caller.
Your job is to write the code that populates the return structures.
You add your code to a routine called ServiceMethod. By the time
this routine is called the parameter structures have been primed. Once
this code is completed another (generated for you) routine will turn the
result data structures into XML - you don't need to worry about that,
you just write the code to populate the return structures with the
correct value. Your code should not need to care about the technique
used to call the method.
You add normal Clarion code here,
opening tables, reading data and performing calculations, just like you
would in any Clarion procedure.
You have access to the
SessionQueue here for fetching and storing information using the normal
p_web.GetSessionValue and
p_web.SetSessionValue methods. However the
incoming request will be bound to the session ONLY if the
sessionID cookie is set in the request. Since the web client accessing this method
is usually not a browser, the cookie will not automatically be set.
Aside: If you are using a Clarion program as a client, and you are
using the NetWebClient class, then you can set the
NetWebClient.OptionAutoCookie property so that multiple webClient
request will preserve the cookies, and hence the session ID. If you are
using a different tool for the client, then you will need to research
that tool to determine how to send the cookie.
If your code does
not interact with the session queue, then you don't need to worry about
Your code can (and should) generate Errors when things go
wrong. See the next section for more on adding errors to your code.
NetTalk contains a generic Results queue (
which is used to pass information back to the caller. This queue is
populated when the caller is adding, editing or removing records in the
database, using the generated template code.
The Queue contains
three fields;
- Action
- TableName
- Description
You can add your own information to the queue
if you wish. The method to call is
p_web.AddServiceResult (action, tablename, description)
A method may fail for any number of reasons. Services should return detailed, meaningful
error information to the client wherever possible. To this end NetTalk Service Methods include
a built-in, automatic, always consistent queue of errors.
can be generated automatically by the validation template settings, or
they can be generated in your method code. To Generate a method simply
(Number, Position, Description, Recommendation)
You are free
to pass whatever you like to the AddServiceError
method, but the more information passed to the client the better.
If any errors are added to the queue in this way, then only the
errors list will be returned to the caller. None of the other return
values will be included in the reply.
The ServiceErrorQueue
is automatically added as a possible reply to the generated WSDL file
for all methods in the service.
SOAP versus REST
As you can see from the above your method will happily accept incoming
requests formatted as a SOAP XML packet. It is equally happy though to
receive the request as a simple GET, PUT, POST or DELETE command. This
is sometimes known as a REST request.
Your embed code does not
change greatly between creating a SOAP service, or a REST service. REST
is basically the same as SOAP without all the SOAP wrapping. Typically a
REST client will also use the different HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT and
DELETE) to match up to regular file activities. A SOAP service on the
other hand will typically use a parameter to determine the file action
to take.
Your code can easily handle both, for example in your
embed code you might have some code like this;
(In this example a
parameter called ACTION is assumed. If the
parameter is sent, then loc:act is set from
that, if the parameter is omitted, or set to 0, then the HTTP verb is
checked and the loc:act based on that.)
loc:act = action
if loc:act = 0
case p_web.RequestMethodType
of 'GET'
loc:act = Net:ViewRecord
loc:act = Net:DeleteRecord
of 'PUT'
loc:act = Net:ChangeRecord
of 'POST'
loc:act = Net:InsertRecord
To be a truly RESTful method you should not need to access the SessionQueue in
order for the method to work. Ideally the client should pass you all the
information you need in order for the method to work.
It is probable that many of the services you are providing will require
that the user authenticate themselves in order for the action to
As with normal Web apps, the method of authentication
is left largely under your control - you can determine the best approach
that suits your situation. Some approaches include (but are not limited to);
- Pass the Login and Password as fields on an incoming packet.
These fields are then first checked in your code to verify the
request before any other action is taken.
- Allow the user to log in with one request and set the session as
logged in (as you would in a normal web app). Then further requests
from the client can use the SessionID cookie with further requests.
Note however that normal session timeout rules apply here - if no
traffic from the service is received for a pre-determined period of
time, then the session will timeout.
Bear in mind
that because the service will typically be used by some service other
than a browser more complicated authentication schemes are possible.
[End of this document]