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CapeSoft Progress

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pulse bar
color change
double shaded bar
single shaded

The CapeSoft Progress control allows you to use custom progress controls, which provide a variety of different shading and style options. In addition it allows real-time previewing of any changes. No hand coding is required to use the progress control, and replacing all existing progress controls in your app is as simple as adding a global extension. CapeSoft Progress is built on the fast, robust CapeSoft Draw engine, and is shipped as source code, hence you need CapeSoft Draw in order to use Progress. See the Draw Page for more information on CapeSoft Draw.


Please install CapeSoft Draw 2.14 or higher before using CapeSoft Progress. Run the supplied installation file.

Important: CapeSoft Progress requires CapeSoft Draw (4.22 or later), without Draw it will not function. Please insure that you have CapeSoft Draw installed before using Progress.

What's New (Important)

  1. Progress requires Draw 4.22 or later

    Clarion 11.0.13622 required the Draw class to be renamed (from Draw to DrawClass.) Regardless of which version you are using, Progress now requires Draw 4.22 or later.

Jump Start

Using CapeSoft Progress in your program is really easy. This quick start is divided into two sections. The first section covers using CapeSoft Progress to replace all the existing controls in an application using the global template. The second section covers adding a single progress control to a window.

Adding Progress to an existing application (Globally)

CapeSoft Progress makes it exceptionally easy to replace all the boring old Progress bars in your application with spiffy new Progress controls.
  1. Open an existing application (for example the app that ships with progress in your 3rdparty\examples\progress\global\ directory)
  2. Go to the global extensions for the app (Click on the "Global" button and the click "Extensions")
  3. Click on "Insert" and choose "Progress - Activate CapeSoft's Progress.
  4. That's it! You can use the default settings, click OK until you get back to the app and compile and run the app.
Hint: Each window procedure that uses progress controls will have a local progress extension added to it, you can use this to override the global settings for that individual procedure.

Adding a Single Progress Control

  1. Create a new Application and make the main procedure a Window (alternatively you can use the file in your clarion\3rdparty\examples\progress\single\ directory)
  2. Right click on the Window procedure and click "Data". Add a long called "curProgress". This is the variable that the control will use to update itself.
  3. In the Window Editor place a new progress control on the window and select "CapeSoft Progress Control" from the populate options box. Resize the control to the size you prefer.
  4. Right click on the control and choose "Properties". This is where you can configure all the setting for this Progress control:

Note: When using PROP to get the runtime properties of the control, do no use the Clarion control handle, for example:

myWidth = ?myProgress{ PROP:Width}

may return the incorrect value for the width of the control. Instead you should use the thisProgress.control property to access runtime properties. Example:

progressWidth = thisProgress.control{PROP:Width}
progressXPos = thisProgress.control{PROP:Xpos

If you set the PROP values using the Clarion progress control handle then the Progress object will update itself, and in doing so may overwrite the properties of the Clarion control. This only applies to {PROP:Width}, {PROP:Height}, {PROP:Xpos} and {PROP:Ypos}.


There is an example in your \Clarion\3rdParty\Examples\Progress\Demo directory. The example is a great way to get started and see a few of the ways you can use CapeSoft Progress.

Progress example screen

In addition there are two simple examples of using Progress: and They are in the Examples\Progress\JumpStart and Examples\Progress\Single directories respectively.


The example demonstrate how you use Progress to override existing progress controls simply by adding the global extension and leaving the "Replace all progress controls" tickbox checked (which it is by default). It also demonstrates unchecking the "Use Global Properties" checkbox on the Local Progress Extension in order to override the progress control properties for that particular procedure.

global bar replacement example

using the local extension example


The example demonstrates adding a single CapeSoft Progress control to a window, it is essentially the result of following the JumpStart guide for adding a single custom progress control to a window.

Adding Progress to Your Application

Adding a CapeSoft Progress to your application is easy. If you would like to replace all the progress controls in your application with CapeSoft progress controls then add the Global Progress Extension (see 1. below). You can also simply add a CapeSoft Progress control to your window (see 2. below).

1) Adding the global Progress extension: 2) Adding a custom progress control to a window Important: When using PROP to get the runtime properties of the control, do no use the Clarion control handle, for example:

myWidth = ?myProgress{

may return the incorrect value for the width of the control. Instead you should use the thisProgress.control property to access runtime properties.


myWidth = thisProgress.control{PROP:Width}
myXPos = thisProgress.control{PROP:Xpos}

If you set the PROP values using the Clarion progress control handle then the Progress object will update itself, and in doing so may overwrite the properties of the Clarion control. This only applies to {PROP:Width}, {PROP:Height}, {PROP:Xpos} and {PROP:Ypos}.

Updating Progress inside a loop

In most cases the Progress control will be updated automatically, however when a bar needs to be updated inside a loop (such as looping through a number of records) it is necessary to manually update the progress bar in order for it to be displayed.

Using Progress in Multi-DLL applications

Draw and Progress provide options on the global extension to make using Draw and Progress in multi DLL applications simple. For the Data DLL you need to add the global extension, and for every other app file that uses Draw and Progress exported from that DLL, you should add the the global extension and tick the "Use Draw that is exported in another DLL" option.

If you are not familiar with Multi-DLL development, or you need to create a new Multi-DLL from scratch rather than adding the extensions to existing applications the steps are as follows:

Data DLL

  1. Add the global extensions
  2. Compile the data DLL
    Note: The "Use Draw (and Progress) that is exported in another DLL" settings on the template must be unticked for Draw and Progress in the data DLL (the DLL that they are being exported from)

Main APP

  1. Add the global extensions
  2. On both the Draw and Progress global extensions tick the "Use Draw (and Progress) that is exported in another DLL" tick boxes
  3. From the Application menu choose "Insert Module"
  4. Choose "External DLL"
  5. Click on the Lookup button next to the Name field and select the LIB file for your data DLL. Click OK.
The Multi-DLL example in the \3rdparty\examples\Progress\ folder in your Clarion directory demonstrates this.

Optimising Performance

Versions of Progress prior to 1.11 used a "Double Shaded" progress bar as the default bar type. This type of bar calculates the shading per pixels, for every pixel on the progress bar, every time the bar is redrawn. Progress 1.11 changes the default bar type to a Block Bar, which dramatically increases the performance and only needs to be drawn once. Block Bars also have the advantage that they can be based on any type of shaded bar, simply create a shaded bar and set the blockBar property to 1.


  1. Do I need to purchase CapeSoft Draw?

    Yes, CapeSoft Progress uses CapeSoft Draw, which allows us to ship both Draw and Progress as source code. Progress is an example of a few of the many features which Draw allows you to add to applications. This also means that Progress is fully customizable and extensible. For more about CapeSoft Draw visit the Draw page at the CapeSoft web site. Question 4 and 5 are the most frequently asked questions about Progress.
  2. I get the compile error "Make error: Source file Draw.clw not found".

    Progress requires CapeSoft Draw, please make sure you have Draw installed before compiling your app.
  3. When I compile I get a number of errors of the form "unknown field self.baseLayer."

    You have an old version of Draw, Progress requires CapeSoft Draw 2.14 or later. See the CapeSoft Draw page for the latest version of Draw.
  4. The progress bar doesn't get displayed - it is just blank.

    See the section on Updating Progress Inside a Loop
  5. The Progress bar looks good, but it seems to slow processing down, how can I make it faster?

    See the section on Optimising Progress
  6. One of my progress controls just doesn't seem to behave, what can I do?

    Email and please include the parameters that you have set (such as the various colors, draw directions etc. You can simply send JPEG, GIF or PNG screen shots of the settings tabs if you prefer), we will whip the slack progress control into shape ASAP and send you an update.
  7. I really want a super nifty polka dot progress control, what can I do?

    Progress is fully extensible, so you can add as many progress bar types as you like (by modifying the Display() method), alternatively Email and we will add it to the list of supported progress bars, as well as adding it to the real time previewer and template options.


Your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome. Check our web page ( for new versions. You can also contact us in one of the following ways:

CapeSoft Support
Telephone +27 87 828 0123


CapeSoft Progress ships as pure Clarion source code, so you can simply compile and ship your application, with no external resources necessary for Progress.

The Global Progress Extension

See Adding Progress to your Application for information on how to add the Global Extension. The global extension allows you to set the defaults for all CapeSoft progress controls that you populate, as well as allowing you to change all the existing progress controls to CapeSoft progress controls (and set the options that the controls will use). The global and local extension have identical options, with the exception of the Global "General" tab which allows you to use Progress globally, or disable Progress globally. Once you have added this to your app each Window that uses Clarion progress bars or CapeSoft Progress bars will have a local template that allows you to override the global setting on a procedure level. On the local template the "Use global settings" box is ticked by default, untick this box to use the setting on the Properties tab of this extension for the procedure.

Global General Template

global general tab

Use Progress for all progress control in app:
This allows you to use CapeSoft progress to replace all the existing Clarion progress controls in your app. The controls will use the global properties specified on the other tabs.

Disable Progress in this application:
Disables all Progress code, useful for debugging to ascertain whether an issue is being caused by Progress.

Preview Button:
This allows you to modify the global setting for Progress, and see the result immediately displayed on a progress control. See the section on The Preview Button for more information.

Global Properties Tab

global properties tab

RangeHigh and RangeLow
The maximum and minimum values for the progress control. By default these are set to zero and 100.

The direction the progress control should increment in. The default is progress:right, which draws a progress bar the same as the normal Clarion bar (starting at the left hand side of the control and moving right as the bar increases in length). Progress also allows you to set this to progress:left; progress:up or progress:down, to create bars that draw in any direction.
Note: See the section on Types of Progress Bars for information and examples of the effects of the various settings below.

Pulse Bar
Changes the Progress Control into a "Pulse" bar. Setting this to 1 will override any other settings that might apply (shading and incremental settings will be ignored).

Pulse Width
The width of the "Pulse" that runs down the pulse bar.

Specifies that the pulse bar fades to the one side.

Basic color for the bar, also used as the left hand color in shaded bars.

Colors used for shading

Horizontal and vertical percentage across the bar for the highlight on shaded bars.

The highlight intensity

startColor and endColor
The start and end colors for bars which change color as they progress, setting these to values other than -1 will override any shading options specified. If you change the startColor and endColor after the call to progress.Init() make sure you set the Init property to zero, this will recalculate the color increments with the new color specified. See Incremental Bars for more information and an example.

Depth specifies the depth (in pixels) of the ellipse on the end of cylinders (if this is -1 or zero then the bar will not be drawn as a cylinder), the ellipse will be drawn in eColor. Depth should be less than the width of the cylinder, so for instance for a progress bar that is ten pixels high a depth of 6 or 8 should work well.
cylinder example
Note that cylinders can only be drawn with a shading type that draws the highlight down the length of the cylinder, so top to bottom shading with no highlight, or left to right shading with a highlight (ypercentage > 0).

By default a line is drawn in startColor around incremental progress bars, setting this to 1 will ensure than no line is drawn around the bar.


Breaks the current bar into blocks (like the normal Windows progress bar):

block bar example

Block bars use the shading settings to draw the bar once and then copy it block by block from a hidden Draw layer. If you change the shading options manually (i.e. you are hand coding the progress bar) make sure that you set the progress.barDrawn property to 0.

You can easily make bars that look like XP bars on all versions of windows:

xp bar example

The leftColor and rightColor were set to 4766553, intensity was set to 60 and ypos to 30, blockBar was set to 1 and the default blockLength an blockGap were used.


The length of each block if blockBar is greater than zero (in pixels).


The gaps between each block for block bars (in pixels)

Global Classes Tab

global classes tab


You can specify your own class to use for the progress control, by default the csprogress class is used.

Shading Options

Shading options allow you to change the way the colors selected are applied, depending on the shading option selected you can create a variety of different shadings:
Left to right shading or top to bottom shading only: This creates a progress bar shaded between the two colors (Linear Shading). Specifying a x-percentage when using left to right shading will create single shading. Specifying a y-percentage when using top to bottom shading will also create single shading. You can create double shading by specifying a y-percentage with left to right shading and an x-percentage with top to bottom shading. The intensity option allows you to specify how bright the highlight is. The range is 0 to 100, 50 is not very intense at all, and 100 is pure white. The intensity is sensitive in increments of around 20, so for example 50 and 55 are very close in intensity, whereas 50 and 80 are quite noticeably different.

Vertical Shading (left to right) - single and double shading at 100% intensity:
shaded boxes

Single Shaded Progress Bars single shaded bars

Double Shaded Cylinder bar double shaded vertical bars

Note that cylinders can only be drawn with a shading type that draws the highlight down the length of the cylinder, so top to bottom shading with no highlight, or left to right shading with a highlight (ypercentage > 0).
cylinder shading description

See the section on Progress Control Styles for a full description of the different types of progress controls possible.

Options for the Progress Control (The local control template)

These options can be set after placing a progress control on your window and choosing to populate it using the CapeSoft Progress template, as described in Adding Progress to Your Application. The available options are identical to those available on the Global Extension, with the exception of the option to apply Progress to all progress control in your application , and the option to disable progress throughout the application (which are only on the Global Extension). See the section on the Global Extension for more information.

Right click on the Progress control and choose click on "Properties", then click on the "Actions" tab, here you can customize the Progress control's settings, such as giving the progress object a name.

General Tab

properties actions tab


The preview button allows you to set all the control setting and to see the changes in real time. The available settings are identical. When you click OK in the previewer the setting are saved, and are reflected on the Properties tab.

Properties Tab

global properties tab

RangeHigh and RangeLow

The maximum and minimum values for the progress control. By default these are set to zero and 100.

The direction the progress control should increment in. The options are progress:right (the default), progress:left, progress:up or progress:down.
See the section on Types of Progress Bars for information and examples of the effects of the various settings.

Pulse Bar
Changes the Progress Control into a "Pulse" bar. Setting this to 1 will override any other settings that might apply (shading and incremental setting will be ignored).

Pulse Width
The width of the "Pulse" that runs down the pulse bar.

Specifies that the pulse bar only fades to the one side.

Basic color for the bar, also used as the left hand color in shaded bars.

Colors used for shading

Horizontal and vertical percentage across the bar for the highlight on shaded bars.

The highlight intensity on shaded bars.

startColor and endColor
The start and end colors for bars which change color as they progress, setting these to values other than -1 will override any shading options specified.

Depth specifies the depth of the ellipse on the end of cylinders (if this is -1 or zero then the bar will not be drawn as a cylinder), the ellipse will be drawn in eColor. Note that cylinders can only be drawn with a shading type that draws the highlight down the length of the cylinder, so top to bottom shading with no highlight, or left to right shading with a highlight (ypercentage > 0).
cylinder description

By default a line is drawn in startColor around incremental progress bars, setting this to 1 will ensure than no line is drawn around the bar.


Breaks the current bar into blocks (like the normal Windows progress bar):

block bar

Block bars use the shading settings to draw the bar once and then copy it block by block from a hidden Draw layer. If you change the shading options manually (i.e. you are handcoding the progress bar) make sure that you set the progress.barDrawn property to 0. You can easily make bars that look like XP bars on all versions of windows:

xp bar

The leftColor and rightColor were set to 4766553, intensity was set to 60 and ypos to 30, blockBar was set to 1 and the default blockLength an blockGap were used.


The length of each block if blockBar is greater than zero (in pixels).


The gaps between each block for block bars (in pixels)

Classes Tab

image properties classes tab

Specify the name of the object to use, Progress will automatically populate this for you, although you can change it if you prefer.

The class that Progress uses, you can replace the default Progress class with your own class, as long as it supports the same same methods and properties as the default class. This setting allows you to create child classes that inherit from the base Progress class.

The Preview Button

the preview button

The preview button allows you to set all the control settings and to see the changes in real time. The available settings are identical to the normal template settings. The "Show Help" tickbox displays the help pane on the right when checked and hides it when unchecked.

Progress Bar Styles

You can achieve a large variety of progress bars using the options provided by the template. The best way to find out just what Progress can do is by using the Preview button on the General tab. This allows you to see your change in real time. Bear in mind that some settings override all others, in the following order:
  1. Pulse bar - when this is checked no other shading or bar type effects apply.
  2. Color change bar - when Start Color and End Color are specified no other bar or shading options will have an effect
  3. Cylinder bars (specified by Ellipse Depth and Color)
  4. Shaded bars - setting x percentage or y percentage will draw a double or single shaded bar. Clear both of these to use linear shading.
RangeHigh and RangeLow need to be set regardless of the type of bar you are using. Orientation
Orientation determines the direction that the bar progresses toward, and applies to all types of bars. The options are progress:right (the default), progress:left, progress:up and progress:down.

Pulse Bars
Pulse bars create a "pulse" that fades from a center color to the background color and moves along the progress bar. The color can be specified in the Color field when the Shading Option radio button is set to None on the Colors tab. When "pulse bar" is checked on the "General" tab a pulse bar will always be drawn, regardless of any changes to the settings on the "colors" tab. To draw any other type of progress bar untick the "pulse bar" checkbox. Check the "One sided" box to only draw the fade on the end of the "pulse", so the front edge of the pulse does not fade into the background.

pulse bar

Shaded bars

Shaded bars can be shaded top to bottom or left to right (regardless of whether the bar is horizontal or vertical). They come in a number of varieties: Single Shading
Single shading, shades the bar from one color to another but with a highlight in the middle (the position of which you can specify using the xpercentage and ypercentage fields), and the intensity of which you can specify by using the intensity field. If the shading is left to right specify a ypercentage for the highlight, if the shading is top to bottom specify a xpercentage.

single shaded bar

Double Shading
Double shading, shades from one color to another with a highlight shaded in the opposite direction to the color shading. If the shading is left to right specify a xpercentage for the highlight, if the shading is top to bottom specify a ypercentage.

double shaded bar
A nice effect is to use double shading with one color set to white. This makes the bar appear to fade into the background as it progresses:

progress shaded bar

Cylindrical Bars

Cylindrical bars are shaded bars where an ellipse color (red in the example below) and ellipse depth have been specified. Instead of a standard shaded bar, a shaded cylinder is drawn. Note that cylinders can only be drawn with a shading type that draws the highlight down the length of the cylinder, so top to bottom shading with no highlight, or left to right shading with a highlight (ypercentage > 0).

setting depth = 8 and eColor = color:red on a double shaded bar (leftColor, rightColor and ypercentage and intensity specified):

cylinder bar

Color Change Bars
Color change bars fade from one color into another as they progress, simply specify a Start Color and End Color to use a Color Change bar.

color change bar

Important: If you change the startColor and endColor yourself after the call to progress.Init() you will need to set the progress.init property to zero. This will force the progress object to recalculate the color increments with the new colors you have specified.


! after the window has opened and the call to progress.Init()
! you might want to change the startColor and endColor properties.
if myBarStyle = 1              ! check some condition
    myProgress.startColor = color:red
    myProgress.endColor = color:green
    myProgress.startColor = color:blue
    myProgress.endColor = color:lime
myProgress.init = 0            
! force the object to re-calculate the color increments with the new colors.

Block bars (Windows style progress bars)
The blockBars setting allows any shaded progress bar to be broken up into blocks - similar to the default windows progress controls. To use blockBars set the blockBar property to 1. The width of each block is specified by blockLength, and the gap between blocks by blockGap.

block bar

Block Bars are also very efficient as the shaded bar is only drawn once, and each block is then simply copied off a hidden Draw layer. This results in a significant speedup, especially with double shaded bars. You can also create bars that look like the Window XP bar under any version of Windows. See the progress Demo example app for examples of XP look bars.

Resizing the Progress control

When Progress replaces the Clarion progress control it sets its width and height to zero. In order for Progress to be able to tell that the control needs to be resized the Draw control created at runtime by progress needs to be resized, at which point Progress will update itself. Note that progress will keep track of the position of the Clarion control as well as whether it is Hidden and update the Progress control accordingly.

You can do this manually simply by using progress.control property to access the control Progress is actually drawing to:

thisProgress.control{PROP:Width} = 100
thisProgress.control{PROP:Height} = 10

Bear in mind that the progress.control property is the handle of a standard Clarion image control, so the units will be the current units being used on the target window (dialog units by default). In order use pixels you should set the target{PROP:Pixels} = 1, for dialog units set target{PROP:Pixels} = 0 (the default for Clarion windows).

Class Methods

By default you can simply specify a Use variable for the progress control, in which case you will not need to call any methods manually. You can call SetProgress() manually, which updates the control and redraws it. You will also need to call SetProgress() if you need to update the control inside a tight loop.


SetProgress (long progress)


Parameter Description
progress progress: A value to set the current to progress to. The value should be between RangeHigh and RangeLow. If this parameter is omitted the current Use attribute will be use, if {PROP:Progress} is being updated manually, the Use attribute will be zero and the value of {PROP:Progress} will be used.



If the RangeHigh and RangeLow are left as the defaults (The default RangeHigh is 100 and the default RangeLow is 0), then SetProgress(50) will set the progress bar to halfway and display it.


Init (long control)


Initializes the Progress control by calling the Draw Init() method. You should not call this. If you are hand coding you will need to call ReplaceControl().


Parameter Description
control The handle to the progress control to use for progress control. ReplaceControl (long controlHandle)
Replaces the Clarion progress control with a CapeSoft Progress control and calls Init().




Destroys the Progress control, called by the template when the window closes. Unless you are hand coding you don't need to ever call this method.

Class Property Reference

control   The control property allows you to access the runtime properties of the Progress control that is being drawn to. When using PROP to get the runtime properties of the control, do no use the Clarion control handle, for example:

myWidth = ?myProgress{PROP:Width}

may return the incorrect value for the width of the control. Instead you should use the thisProgress.control property to access runtime properties. Example:

progressWidth = thisProgress.control{PROP:Width}
progressXPos = thisProgress.control{PROP:Xpos

If you set the PROP values using the Clarion progress control handle then the Progress object will update itself, and in doing so may overwrite the properties of the Clarion control. This only applies to {PROP:Width}, {PROP:Height}, {PROP:Xpos} and {PROP:Ypos}.

baseControl   This is the handle of the Clarion progress control being replaced by the CapeSoft Progress control. Other Properties:
You can set these simply by right clicking on the control and choosing "actions", or setting the options under Global Properties. However for completeness the class properties are listed below.
rangeHigh long The maximum value of the progress control.
rangeLow long The minimum value of the progress control.
orientation byte The direction that the control draws in, can be set the following values:

progress:left                          equate(0)                        ! Draws from right to left
progress:up              equate(1)                        ! Draws from the bottom up    
progress:right           equate(2)                        ! Draws from Left to right
progress:down            equate(3)                       ! Draws from top to bottom

leftColor long The shading color on the left hand side of the bar
rightColor long The shading color on the right hand side of the bar
topColor long The shading color at the top of the bar
bottomColor long The shading color at the bottom of the bar
bottomColor long The shading color at the bottom of the bar
startColor long This is the start color of progress bars that shift color from startColor to endColor as they progress. When startColor or endColor is set a incremental control is always drawn, to draw a shaded bar starColor and endColor should be cleared to -1 (color:none).
endColor long The final color to shift towards.
depth long The depth of end ellipse of the cylinder.
eColor long The color of the end ellipse of the cylinder.
pulseBar byte If this property is non zero then a pulse bar is drawn.
pulseWidth long The width of the "pulse" that moves along a pulse bar progress control.
pulseWidth long The width of the "pulse" that moves along a pulse bar progress control.
oneSided byte Whether the "pulse" fades to the background color on one of both sides. Default is that oneSided = 0 and the pulse fades into the background on both sides, setting oneSided = 1 will only fade the pulse bar towards the "back" of the pulse - the edge facing the direction of forward movement will be a hard edge with no fade.
setBoxLine byte If setBoxLine = 1 then a color changing bar has the box line set to the current color each time it is drawn, if setBoxLine = 0 then the box outline is drawn in the StartColor.
barDrawn byte Used by when drawing bar types that draw the entire bar once. For example blockBars draw the entire shaded bar to a hidden Draw layer and copy each block as necessary. If the shading options are changed the barDrawn should be set to 0.

Version History

Download latest version here

Version 1.36 24 May 2021 Version 1.35 (7 September 2020) Version 1.34 (18 October 2019) Version 1.33 (18 September 2018) Version 1.32 (23 October 2015) Version 1.31 (21 October 2015) Version 1.30 (25 February 2015) Version 1.29 (6 November 2014) Version 1.28 (22 January 2014) Version 1.27 (18 June 2013) Version 1.26 (7 June 2013) Version 1.25 (24 May 2013) Version 1.24 (25 April 2013) Version 1.23 (14 March 2013) Version 1.22 (30 October 2012) Version 1.20 (10 November 2008) Version 1.19 (30 March 2006) Version 1.18 (14 April 2006) Version 1.17 (23 February 2006) Version 1.15 (09 June 2005) Version 1.14 (11 January 2004) Version 1.13 (23 November 2004) Version 1.12 (02 November 2004) Version 1.11 (04 November 2003) Version 1.10 (28 October 2003) Version 1.05 Beta (17 September 2003) Version 1.04 Beta (09 September 2003) Version 1.03 Beta (02 September 2003) Version 1.02 Beta (19 August 2003) Version 1.01 Beta (12 August 2003) Version 1.00 Beta (05 August 2003)

License & Copyright

This template is copyright 2019 by CapeSoft Software. None of the included files may be distributed. Your programs which use Progress can be distributed without any royalties.

Each developer needs his own license to use CapeSoft Progress. (Need to buy more licenses?)

This product is provided as-is. Use it entirely at your own risk. Use of this product implies your acceptance of this, along with the recognition of the copyright stated above. In no way will CapeSoft Software, their employees or affiliates be liable in any way for any damages or losses you may incur as a direct or indirect result of using this product.