If you're getting compile errors after
upgrading, then check the Compile Errors section of the FAQ.
Version History Download latest version
Version 5.06 GOLD (Released 8 January 2013)
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- DLL Tweak - ds_UsingFileEx has the
ability to force an old version of a data file into the upg.tps file (by
calling ds_UsingFileEx a second time with the old version number and old
- Template tweak - support for multi-dll apps in Clarion 8 - copies that
fm3 dll to the app dir after compile.
Version 5.05 GOLD (Released 23
October 2012)
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Fix for SQL 2012 Server support sp_indexes no longer supported in
Version 5.04 GOLD (Released 26
September 2012)
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Fix regression in 5.03 for identity fields - was generating identity
(1,1,1) in some circumstances.
- When altering a primary key field, applies the not null attribute
(allowing the primary key to be re-created).
Version 5.03 GOLD (Released 14
September 2012)
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Template tweak - Set default fm3.ini filename to use quotes (otherwise
error for brand new apps).
- Template tweak - allowed override in the template for gMSSQLFile (when
specifying the schema).
- DLL change - callback sends a group containing from and to prefix and
version numbers of a file (to label used). Use FM3:UFDGroupType in your
callback window to receive the correct info. See
FAQ34 for details.
- DLL change - callback sends EndUpgradeFile when a file is finished
- DLL change - fix for SQL 2012 - identity field wants both pars
explicitly set when creating.
Version 5.02 GOLD (Released 13 June
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Template tweak - removed 16 bit conditional compiled code from the TPL
(about time) .
- Fix for ODBC in MSSQL 2008.
- Fix for GPF (in some circumstances an array GPF occured in SQL).
- Fix for if MSSQL datatype does not have brackets (for a size indicator)
in datatype check.
- Fix for MySQL - table type now uses ENGINE rather than TYPE. TYPE is
deprecated from MySQL 5.5 and up (ENGINE is supported from 4.1).
- Template tweak - support for MultiProj in Clarion 8.
- Template tweak - fix default ini file name (quotes).
- Template tweak - add FilePrefix local variable to RuntimeFileManager
window (set when a file is selected).
Version 5.01 GOLD (Released 6 March
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Template tweak - regression in 5.00 for running fmcwrt (adding path to
call) for C55 users (no %cwroot symbol).
- DLL tweak - regression in 5.00 for 7.3 users (made build of Clafm3.dll
using C8 and croaked in C7.3). Build system now builds C7.3 dlls for C7.3
and C80 dlls for C8.
Version 4.99 GOLD (Released 10 February
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- If GUIDs have ForceSQLDataType applied, then don't make then override
the GUID case-sensitivity key in SQL.
Version 4.99 GOLD (Released 10 February
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Fix for GPF in Array Index for Clarion 8
- Override for GUID case-sensitive collation (a template setting).
- SupportABC template utility primes the root folder with %cwroot (if
Version 4.98 GOLD (Released 8 November,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Fix for longnamed files (was clipping the filename at 100 chars).
Version 4.97 GOLD (Released 24 October,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- C7/8 linking support tweak (for those with a file with IDQ prefix).
- MultiProj support for Clarion 8 users.
Version 4.96 GOLD (Released 26 August,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- DLL change - regression in 4.89 fixed - was not creating descending keys
in SQL correctly.
- DLL fix - collation in 4.93 was not doing not null as well on a field
requiring collation.
Version 4.95 GOLD (Released 24 August,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- DLL change - error in ds_AlternateFileNameAndOwner if no new filename is
specified (prevents a gpf).
- TPL change - support for Firebird Embedded (see FAQs)
- For DCTMasterFields - drop the index/constraint that contains a field
that must be dropped in order for DCTMasterOfFields to operate correctly.
- DLL change - fix for regression in 4.92 (thread lock moved). THread lock
is now around upgradefile only, allowing tables on other threads to open,
but not upgrade. 4.92 allowed multiple files to upgrade on different
threads, and some global vars got switched during upgrade between threads.
Version 4.94 GOLD (Released 18 July,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Fixed regression in 4.92 - was not counting BLOB fields in the file
Version 4.93 GOLD (Released 15 July,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Fixed regression in 4.92 (Unknown collation:
'SQL_Latin1_general_CP1_CS_AS' when using a non MSSQL backend).
Version 4.92 GOLD (Released 13 July,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
For Replicate users: This release requires Replicate 2.53 or above.
- Internal vars all moved to threaded. ThreadSafe critical section in
ds_FileOpen moved to not include the upgrade file (now handled on a thread
- IgnoreDuplicatesQ (ds_SetOption: key:ignoreduplicates, value is the
- Fix - group,over string does not attempt to create the fields in the
group on the backend.
- Fix for MSSQL - drop both constraint and index for unique keys (not
always a constraint, even if the Server returns IsConstraint in SQL2008).
- Fix for SQL - don't drop key twice (if a key needs to be altered for 2
- Various additional embed points in the SQL_Connect window extension
Version 4.91 GOLD (Released 28 June,
Note: If you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
- MSSQL only: Force case sensitive collation on a specific field (using
the CaseSensitive
field useroption). Also the default case-sensitive collation
(SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) can be overriden using the ds_SetOption('casesensitivecollation',MyCaseSensitiveCollation)
function. Also manually forcing a column to case-sensitive collation using
- MSSQL only: GUID fields are forced to case-sensitive collation.
Version 4.90 GOLD (Released 22 June,
Note: FIf you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
- TPL regression fix for Clarion 7/8 introduced into 4.89
Version 4.89 GOLD (Released 22 June,
Note: FIf you're upgrading from v4.87 checkout the 4.88 release notes.
- TPL change - fix for height of connect window (includes expand to allow
servername prompt space).
- Internal - (some old peek code exchanged for properties: prop:keys.
prop:memos, file{prop:fields}, Clarion 6 (and up): all key props,
Version 4.88 GOLD (Released 15 June,
Note: FOR MSSQL users: It is recommended that you re-import the Connect
window for Win7 64 bit support. See the
FAQ section
for more details.
- fmcwrt.exe change (for C8 support for builtins.clw modification)
- Set Identity insert off during FM3 conversion.
- Internal: Removed the use of records() on the gSQLFile (after a query) and searching for a
linked server. Caused continual upgrading in some cases.
- GetLinkedServer - LinkedServer needs the server name (not the IP
Address) to be ligit.
Version 4.87 GOLD (Released 27 May,
- Fix GPF in PostgreSQL and MySQL (for pdecimal datatypes with xx,0
- Clarion 8 fix - LenOwner (in the file header) uses a long, not a ulong
(as in c7.3 and below).
Version 4.86 GOLD (Released 3 May,
- Template fix (regression in 4.82). SupportABC was not modifying the
builtins.clw file.
Version 4.85 GOLD (Released 19 April,
- DLL fix - for oldname (where the old file was not the most recent
version of the old file) - was not trying older versions of the old file.
Version 4.84 GOLD (Released 7 April,
- TPL Regression (4.82) fix %TMPRecordsRead Unknown. Prevents clearing the
builtins.clw file when applying the mod.
Version 4.83 GOLD (Released 31 March,
- DLL fix - GPF when ForceSQLDataType < 6 chars long (with MSSQL driver).
Version 4.82 GOLD (Released 15 March,
- Function Callback - allows trapping of FileUpgrades, and during a file
upgrade, fields can be altered on the fly (see
FAQ34 for details)
- Internal DLL fix - tracks the open status of the wait window.
- C7 rename - backup->FM3backup. DropQ->FM3_DropQ, AddQ->FM3_AddQ, SqlQ->FM3_SQLQ
- Fix for PostGreSQL - Blank strings, was not inserting correctly (the
''). Regression introduced in 4.80
Version 4.81 GOLD (Released 26 January,
- Fixed duplicate dstQueue declaration (internal lib name clash in C7.3).
Version 4.80 GOLD (Released 12 January,
- Fixed regression in C7 for PostgreSQL dbs. Was GPFing on a index out of
Version 4.79 GOLD (Released 11 January,
- Template Tweak for C7.3 - correct file name in the ship file and
Version 4.78 GOLD (Released 30 November,
- Fix for BLOBs - when upgrading a TPS file, was not upgrading all the
BLOBs (when MEMOs also exist in a file).
Version 4.77 GOLD (Released 10 November,
- Fix regression in IPDriver (registering an FM3 enabled IP application
was failing because of use of ASCII driver in 4.72 - switched to using the
DOS driver for the logging file)
- IPDriver fix for "Memory block freed twice" error. Was not able to use
prop:driver in IPServer DLL.
Version 4.76 GOLD (Released 9 November,
- Replace ':' in the filename with '_' for SQL tablenames.
Version 4.75 GOLD (Released 14 October,
- Support for Multi-Proj to add a second oldname attribute (for SQL
conversions where a file already has the oldname file user option).
Version 4.74 GOLD (Released 11 October,
- Allows a callback to be called when newer files are located on the SQL
backend. See FAQ33 for details on implementing
this. includes a template utility to import the correct prototyped callback
procedure into your application for this purpose.
- Fix for when a prefix changes and the driver changes as well (was not
looking at the correct file for upgrading).
- Fix GPF when ds_AlternateFileNameandOwner is called with an omitted FILE
Version 4.72 GOLD (Released 26 August,
- DebugLogFile created for upgraded results. Each duplicate key error
(during upgrade) is added to the logfile. A tally of records in the source
file and records added is added to the DebugLogfile. In order to use the
DebugLogfile - you need to enter a name for the file in the SQL 2 tab of the
FM3 global extension template ('Log Errors To').
- Clarion 7 - does not require SupportABC template utility to be manually
- ds_SetOption function - can be used to set inisection, inifilename,
fm3trnfilename, silentupgrading, thisisipserver, fm3upgradeerrorfilename.
- SQL - search in the FM3SQLfile broadened to include a search for the
prefix and the filelabel (for aliased files). In some cases was "always
upgrading" because the matched entry was not inserted correctly in the db
(duplicate entry on the prefix) - so search by prefix was needed.
Internally, file label is added to the version queue (for tracking
- SQL - on altering null column status, dependancies (indeces,
constraints, etc) must be handled.
- C70FM3L.lib - removed driver libs from the lib file. They are projected
into the app's project now.
- Internal DLL - peek for record handle moved to procedure.
Version 4.71 GOLD (Released 15 July,
- Work around for Clarion 7 txa import problem (when creating the
SQL_Connect window, the import did not like the field assigned to the drop
- DLL Fix (regression in 4.57) - occasional GPF when overshooting looking
for an alternate prefix.
- DLL Fix - occasional GPF when a blank UPG path was checked.
Version 4.70 GOLD (Released June 23,
- Fix hang on startup problem (very unusual circumstances).
- Fix GPF when using a blank filename in ds_AlternateFileName.
Version 4.69 GOLD (Released June 4,
- Show unique External Name Warnings (asserts) - includes key names now as
- Clarion 7.2 compatible release.
Version 4.68 GOLD (Released March 29,
- ds_FMCstringToStringOmitNullChar allows you to overwrite FM3 addition of
the null char in when converting a Cstring to a String (regression in 4.65).
(There's a checkbox on the Options tab of the template to turn this on)
Version 4.67 GOLD (Released March 17,
- internal Variable name change (to avoid clashing in Clarion 7.1)
Version 4.66 GOLD (Released March 15,
- Template change - allows compile switches to be independant of MultiProj
(if necessary). This is a setting on the Global Extension template (SQL 2
- Template change - allow varchars > 256 to be created as text type.
- Template fix - regression in 4.65 for IPServer apps. Was not opening the
files correctly.
- Template fix - FM2: Start of Initialization embed point added when using
VLDS apps.
- DLL fix - if changing from Cstring type to String type, don't add the
null char in.
Version 4.65 GOLD (Released January 28,
- Clarion 5-6 build was not including general bin files.
- Fix for IPDriver. Only open the files that must be managed by FM3.
Version 4.64 GOLD (Released January 13,
- Clarion 7.1 fix - renamed internal Infile to FM3InFile.
- Template fix - support for windows authentication in SQL2008, connecting
via ODBC.
Version 4.63 GOLD (Released January 11,
- Template fix - regression in 4.57 for VLDS support. Was duplicating init
- Template fix (VLDS) - was not generating calls for all the tables in the
VLDS procedures.
Version 4.62 GOLD (Released January 6,
Version 4.61 GOLD (Released December 23, 2009)
Version 4.60 GOLD (Released December 8, 2009)
- AutoNet EXE recompiled with Vista Manifest file. (see
AutoNet and Vista for details)
- DLL change - don't try to connect to remote linked server if remote name
is blank.
Version 4.59 Beta (Released December 8, 2009)
- Template fix - VLDS template was not including and end in some
- Template tweak - include the Glo:gODBCFile_Name with the file
- MaxKeys upped to 180 (per table)
- DLL tweak - SQL error message was not displaying Yes No button text.
- Dll Tweak (for postgres) - Non UTF8 encoding was removed (put in a
command case statement.
Version 4.58 Beta (Released November 9, 2009)
- DLL Change - In come cases was not dropping an index (when a dependant
field was requiring alteration).
Version 4.57 Beta (Released October 26, 2009)
- DLL Change - ds_AlternatePrefix adds the passed info to the internal
queue (for searching later - which now does the search).
- Added additional clarifying debug info when file fails to upgrade.
- FM3Error - you can copy the error info from the message box to the
- gSQLFile{prop:DBMSver} was causing a GPF in SQL 2008 applications
(commented out that as it was not used).
- PostgreSQL - handle escaped chars in binary strings.
- MultiProj applications - uses the compile switch set in Multi-Proj
(rather than requiring the driver switch in both places). Affects the way
code is generated in the connect window, etc. No longer wraps code in
compile/omit sections (except in MultiProj apps).
- Template change - you can override a common dct datatype with a prefered
SQL datatype (rather than then default). This is useful in the case of Dates
(in particular).
- AutoNet support included in VLDS apps.
- C7 template workaround - if some vars already exist, don't redeclare on
the fly.
- RealField and UnRealField check were in the incorrect place in the
template (required identity as well??).
- Connect window - add support for SQL Server 2008.
- ShortenDiskName - Called correctly after the file is opened.
- Diskname - increased from 144 to 255
Version 4.56 Beta (Released June 17, 2009)
- DLL Change - if a SQL blob was null, then was causing a GPF when
assigning to the new file.
- Template Fixes (for C7 support) - BLOB support activated, TPSFIX call,
Project define is added to the project, ds_FMKill is called.
Version 4.55
Beta (Released June 9, 2009)
- Template workaround for regression in Clarion 7 - 5675. Uses %cwversion
instead of %cwtemplateversion when determining which lib to project.
- DLL change - MySQL, when requiring tables to be created as InnoDB
tables, the FM3 table is also created as an InnoDB table.
Version 4.54
Beta (Released May 5, 2009)
- Increase Max Keys to 120 (was 74) per table.
- Fix for multiple element keys (in SQL). Was trying to add a already
existing field (in some cases).
Version 4.53
Beta (Released April 20, 2009)
- C7 workaround. Build requires the files to be closed - so flat file's
keys were not being built after upgrading - because in older version s of
Clarion, the build could be applied when a file is opened in exclusive
access mode.
Version 4.52
Beta (Released April 20, 2009)
- Incorrect DLLs shipped in main install (in 4.51)
Version 4.51
Beta (Released April 16, 2009)
- Template change - Warn if 2 drivers selected on the Connect window (for
non-MProj applications).
- Template change - Can run full upgrade from data dll init (multi-dll
- Template change - when projecting the fm3 dll, using %cwtemplateversion
rather than %cwversion.
- Template change - can force create tables on upgrade at startup.
- DLL fix (for Oracle) - when binary type used, make raw (<2000 chars) or
- DLL fix (for MySQL) - when binary type used, make binary (with length if
Version 4.50
Beta (Released March 19, 2009)
- Template change - 2 embed points allow handcoding for alternative
ForceSQLDataTypes for different backends. (See FAQs
for details)
- Template change - connect window can set a global variable for the odbc
database selected.
- DLL fix - MSSQL. Fixed index search (for added indexes related to
SetIfNew default addition). When upgrading the next time, FM3 was not
detecting the default index created.
Version 4.49
Beta (Released February 27, 2009)
- Template and DLL change - support for the MySQLODBC 5.1 driver.
- Template fix - support for Remote servers fixed (where a non-standard
port is used).
- DLL change - warn if MySQL odbc driver dll cannot be loaded - and avoid
using the driver functions (prevents a GPF).
- DLL fix - if not converting and convert is off, don't create the file on
the SQL backend.
- DLL change - don't select the file by prefix, but rather by table name.
This means that both the file and any aliases use the same table entry in
the FM3 sql table.
Version 4.48
Beta (Released February 3, 2009)
- C7 fix - SupportABC template utility modifies the builtins.clw file
correctly (was looking in the incorrect place).
- template change - Ignore overed groups when checking for unique external
- C7 work-around - Don't error after build() attempt. Build in C7 always
returns an error if the file is open (even in 12h mode).
Version 4.47
Beta (Released January 21, 2009)
- mySQL fix - when 'Prime new fields zero / blank' was checked, was using
a blank string for a default 0 date field.
Version 4.46
Beta (Released November 24, 2008)
- Clarion 7 fix - adds project define (FM2=>1) and the FM3 lib to the
Version 4.45
Beta (Released November 10, 2008)
- Clarion 7 compatible install.
Version 4.44
Beta (Released October 17, 2008)
- DLL fix - doesn't use '\' (the escape key for MySQL strings) in GUID
- DLL Fix - able to use ForceSQLDataType for BLOBs.
- DLL fix - able to use oldname (in SQL) to copy data from an oldfield to
a new one (was previously only supporting rename - and not copy)
Version 4.43 Beta (Released September 23, 2008)
- DLL fix - some fields were not being added (when multiple data/time
groups occurred in the dct file).
Version 4.42 Beta (Released September 18, 2008)
- DLL fix (regression in 4.40 for MySQL) - was adding a space for other
(previously) escaped characters (which were omitted in 4.41).
Version 4.41 Beta (Released September 11, 2008)
- DLL fix (regression in 4.40 for MySQL) - escape character not
functioning for chars in newer versions of MySQL (just escapes on \ now).
Version 4.40 Beta (Released September 9, 2008)
- DLL fix - when increasing the over field dimension - was hanging.
- DLL fix - provision for escaped characters (without requiring the binary
attribute on the converted column).
- DLL change - improved GUID generation for SQL compliant chars (taken
from Replicate guid generator).
- Template change - Checkbox to Hide the yellow upgrade window.
- Template change - Fix ignore alias files (where the main file is fm3ignored).
Version 4.39 Beta (Released August 6, 2008)
- Template change - Options tab reduced to fit on a 1024x720 screen.
- Template change - Assert (when duplicate external key names are
discovered) indicates how to turn this assert off.
- DLL (regression fix) - Display message when an illegal dct change is
attempted. The SQL error message is included in the displayed message.
Version 4.38 Beta (Released July 30, 2008)
- DLL change - New function:
- DLL fix - if a field with ForceSQLDataType field user option is the
first element of a group, then it was not being created on the backend.
- Template fix - auto-disable EasyAutoEntry in the SQL Connect window (if
EasyAutoEntry has been added to the application).
- Template fix - caters for spaces in the external field name (was
attempting to create a field with blank field name on the backend)
Version 4.37 Beta (Released June 9, 2008)
- DLL change - Regression in 4.34. Was not setting the unique index name
correctly in some circumstance (when creating an index in SQL). Resulting in
a failed attempted index creation.
Version 4.36 Beta (Released June 4, 2008)
- DLL change - when upgrading a tps table, does a commit for every 2000
records (rather than a single transaction for the entire file).
- DLL Change - use @d10- for PostgreSQL date entries
- DLL Change - if a sql error occurs > 256 chars, then just show the first
256 chars (otherwise the buttons on the message are off the screen for long
- DLL Change - when doing a field name change in SQL, check if the var
type (and other attributes) have changed, so that all changes can be
implemented on one pass.
- Template Change - save the UseWindowsAuthentication checkbox state (in
the Connect window).
Version 4.35 Beta (Released May 14, 2008)
- Template Change - Remove forced inclusion of the FM3_ODBC.lib into the
- Template Change - AutoFix code was duplicated in the template and the
dll. Removed from the template.
- Template change - use section name to detect whether the
RuntimeFileManager must be run or not.
- Template change - Include a Use Windows Authentication checkbox in the
connect window (requires import of the connect window again).
- DLL Change - If no files are entered into the Upgrade Files queue.
- DLL Change - localmode also uses the runtime loading of the odbc.lib (a
fix for older versions of windows where the ODBC dll is not present - so
runtime loading is necessary).
- DLL Change - fix for PostgreSQL - was not priming a datetime group when
upgrading from TPS (now internally stores the datetime as upper as well as
the normal field name).
- Template fix - fix for Alias files - was incorrectly assigning the name
of the file (in some circumstances).
Version 4.34 Beta (Released April 29, 2008)
- Template fix (regression in 4.34) - Alias name support broke in some
circumstances (meaning the alias name was blank). Alias name support is now
Version 4.33 Beta (Released April 21, 2008)
- Template change - Allow DriverString entry into the FM3 connect table
(enables connectstring switches required at connect time to be set when FM3
connects to the database).
- Template fix - sets the INI file for settings (that is set in the FM3
global extension template).
- Template fix - Alias filename was overwriting the normal file name (in
the Connect window) - when FM3 was setting filenames.
- DLL Fix - if schema is used in SQL Server, then append the schema name
to the index/constraint (required to maintain schema name uniqueness).
- DLL Fix - when primary keys are compared, upper the attributes and
compare case-insensitive. MSSQL does not always return upper case primary
- DLL Fix - when querying SQL Server for the keys list, include the schema
(if the default is not used).
Version 4.32 Beta (Released April 2, 2008)
- DLL fix - work around for a bug in the IPServer - if
a variable name is used, the name returns to the default name temporarily
during the open(File) command. New function: ds_FMSetIPServer to inform the
FM3 dll that this is an IP server DLL. FM3 was not upgrading IpDriver data
files with variable filenames.
- DLL fix - was not correctly assigning NULLs characters to a CString when
converting from String to CString. This meant files after conversion were
- DLL Fix - if path stipulated for the translation file, don't re-assign
the path to the filename.
- DLL Fix - don't use quotes when creating Unique Indexes in PostgreSQL.
- DLL Fix - when adding a owner to a tps table, the table was not upgraded
- DLL Fix - remove the trailing ';' in the index query for PostgreSQL.
Workaround for a bug in the PostgreSQL 8.3.1 Server.
- Template change - Allow the Connect window to set the
filenames for FM3Ignore file (option in the SQL_Connect window template).
Version 4.31 Beta (Released March 4, 2008)
- DLL change - Support for schemas in SQL Server.
- DLL change - Tweak to support PostgreSQL 8.3.
- Template change - Allow the Connect window to set the
filenames for FM3Ignore file (option in the SQL_Connect window template).
Version 4.30 Beta (Released February 25, 2008)
- DLL change - new function: ds_CreateSchema (for MSSQL
driver maintained applications). Creates a non-default schema.
- DLL change - TPS old file fix. If create file fails
(not open) - then replace the old file.
- Template change - default SQL_Connect procedure
prompt in FM3 template to SQL_Connect
- Template change - don't hide the Schema name for
MSSQL driver applications.
- Template change - new prompt: 'Don't show current
file-check window during full upgrade'. If checked, will not sure any yellow
windows during application startup if there are no files to upgrade.
Version 4.29 Beta (Released February 13, 2008)
- DLL fix - caters for WATCH and CHECKFORNULL field switches.
- DLL fix - PostgreSQL - does not add default '' to the date.
Version 4.28 Beta (Released February 2, 2008)
- DLL fix - caters for NOWHERE and ZERONOTNULL field switches.
- Template fix - regression in 4.27 - was not calling the VLDS procedures.
Version 4.27 Beta (Released January 22, 2008)
- Template Change Template does not generate code into
the FileManager code sections for FM3Ignore files.
- DLL Change - ds_SetFMTrnName replaces
ds_SetFM2IniName function.
- DLL Change - new function ds_SetFMIniName - sets the
ini file name (and section) for FM INI settings (set in the global extension
- Template Change - VLDS support increased to infinite
number of VLDS procedures (was previously limited to 3).
- Template Change - Connect Template checkbox: Only
save if connect succeeds - allows saving of Connect properties, only if the
Connect window connected successfully.
- Template Change - don't setcommand() if respective
commands are not added to the command lines.
- Template change - Mapped functions in fm3map.clw
instead of directly in the template.
- Template change - In template trigger section - only
check the FM_Upgrading flag if there is a trigger written.
Version 4.26 Beta (Released December 7, 2007)
- Dll Change - BLOBs supported in TPS files (from C55 and up)
- Template Change - Ignore Multi_proj. Normally Multi-Proj
will assign the filenames, but this enables FM3 to be king (over filenames).
- Template Change - warn if OldName used in conjunction
with a BLOB (not allowed).
- Template Change - don't hide the Port if ODBC is not
selected (in the Connect window).
- DLL Fix (SQL) - if a Primary Key contains a
decrementing element, then mark the Component for decrementing.
Version 4.25 Beta (Released November 22, 2007)
- DLL change - enhance linked server query (change in
SQL Server Express).
- DLL Change - allows force add of linked server, if
querying the linked server fails.
- DLL fix - if key not found in reference queue, key
being queried was switched to the last key found.
- Template change - merged fmcommon.tpw into the fm3 template.
- Template change - Oracle support: if no server is
specified and a db is, then include the db in the connection string.
Version 4.24 Beta (Released October 22, 2007)
- Template Change - fix clip in template screen view for
RuntimeFileManager control template.
- DLL Change - remove set and clear of the FileUpgrading flag in the
FileOpen. This flag should only be used (set and cleared) in the UpgradeFile
Version 4.23 Beta (Released October 15, 2007)
- DLL Change - Increased ForceDataType length to 252 (was string50 - which
did not allow enough space for default and not null attributes).
- DLL Change - matches uniqueidentifier (in ForceSQLDataType) - with
returned uniqueidentifier from the backend.
- Template Change - If FM3Ignore is set, then don't add the file to the
BuildListQueue in the runtime file manager window.
Version 4.22 Beta (Released October 4, 2007)
- Template Change - Moved array warning checkbox
from advanced tab to AutoUp tab (with the other warning switches).
- Template Change - warn if a dimensioned group is found in a file managed
by FM3. Dimensioned groups are not supported by FM3.
- Template Fix - if FM3 is disabled, don't add project defines (for
various supported SQL drivers).
- Template Fix - if a file is FM3Ignored, then don't attempt to set the
- New DLL function: ds_SetDebugging, allows debug to be set at compile
- DLL - Progress bar expanded to fit the whole window in the upgrade
- DLL fix - If AutoNumber FieldUserOption is not complete (i.e. contains
only 1) - then supplement the missing ,1 (for MSSQL).
- DLL fix - remove exposed owner variables in the debug output.
Version 4.21 Beta (Released September 19, 2007)
- Template Fix - ConnectWindow (if not ODBC - clear UseODBC and hide the checkbox)
- Upgrade Window - fix justification of the wait message, increase the
window size to display enough text to show the path of the file being
- MSSQL - Don't set a default when creating an identity field in MSSQL.
- C7 build - was not exporting the ds_DoFullUpgrade function causing compile errors.
- Template fix - don't declare file variables for ignored files (or try to
export them).
Version 4.20 Beta (Released August 13, 2007)
- Fix - if user cannot obtain exclusive access (to the file requiring
upgrading), then don't allow upgrade to continue. Retry cycles for the
exclusive open, and Abort halts immediately.
- Optimize TPS to TPS conversion (omit string building step required in
TPS to SQL conversion).
Version 4.19 Beta (Released August 6, 2007)
- Connection Timeout adjustment allowed - which prevents an infinite
connection if the details are incorrect. This can be set on the Connect
Window control template.
- Provision for connection checking if connection to the
MSSQL backend hangs
- Fix - Global variable set to prevent Connection window run again.
- Internal - FMCommon template made specific for FM3.
- Enlarged the string containing the name of the file upgrading (was
chopping down to 55 chars).
- Fix - if exclusive access cannot be obtained when upgrading, warn before
continuing to upgrade.
Version 4.18 Beta (Released July 13, 2007)
- Fix - only remove file first (before creating new one) if definitely
superfile - (workaround for regression fix in 4.04 introduced a regressino
in non-superfiles). Otherwise if create fails, the data file will be left in
- Feature - no driver test (disable File Driver test for old file drivers
no longer supported). This is a checkbox in the FM3 global extension
- Fix (MySQL) - was reading a separate key for each field in the key - was
deleting keys (with multiple fields in the key) after upgrading.
- Feature - override for template asserts in the
template (I know BLOBs aren't supported - but I just want to get my app
to compile without those asserts popping up every time).
Version 4.17 Beta (Released June 28, 2007)
- Fix - Was not checking DCTMasterKeys correctly for individual tables.
- Fix - if using a constant name in the filename, don't set the name in
the Connect Window.
Version 4.16 Beta (Released June 25, 2007)
- Fix - regression in 4.13 (only checking for | READONLY - forcing a
single space between VBar and option).
Version 4.15 Beta (Released June 22, 2007)
- Fix - Template switch for fullupgrade was not being cleared when hidden.
- Template Change - DoFullUpgrade on startup moved to it's own embed point
(allowing a condition around the embed)
- Change - DLL halt calls prefixed with FM3.
Version 4.14 Beta (Released June 21, 2007)
- Fix template regression in 4.13.
- Feature - ability to set icon for select (in runtime filemanager).
- Feature - ability to call additional actions in the upgrade on startup
Version 4.13 Beta (Released June 20, 2007)
- Fix - remove owner from debug (reveals passwords).
- Included history for 4.12
- Fix (regression in 4.12) - If SetIfNew(AutoNumber), then don't force
AutoNumber onto backend.
Version 4.12 Beta (Released June 20, 2007)
- Fix - was not including the Vertical bar in the search for BINARY in the
external name (and readonly and checkfornulls).
- Fix - Using file was using different code for debug mode and for non-debugmode
to fetch the previous version of the file from the UPG file.
- Feature - ability to turn off storedprocedure creation at runtime (with
the /nostoredprocedures command line switch).
- Feature - allow FM3 to force a call to the RuntimeFileManager window to
upgrade all tables on application startup from the template (see the
Global Extension Template section for
more details).
- Fix - MultiProj/FM3 relationship where MProj does not create a Filename
for Driver substitution (FM3 does not try and use this filename).
- Fix - FM3 uses the global variable in the dictionary instead of using
it's own filename, where a table has it's own predefined global filename.
- Fix - includes the FM3_ODBC.lib into a local project generated by Multi-Proj
- Fix - If AutoNumber is set as a FieldUserOption in the dictionary, then
FM3 will create this as an AutoNumber 1,1 in SQL (instead of ignoring it).
- Fix - don't assign filenames of alias (uses filename) - if FM3Ignore on
the real file, it must persist to the alias table.
Version 4.11 Beta (Released March 21, 2007)
- Internal Change - from C55 and up no longer uses valueobj function
(replaced with the address() function).
- Please review the support and debug information error changed to reveal
the SQL Error that was caused.
- All dbs - when adding constraints and/or index, encase the name in
double quotes (for MSS, Oracle, Firebird and PostgreSQL)
- MySQL5 - returns tinyint(5) and int(10) for these types instead of
tinyint and int. Now caters for this incongruity in unsigned variables.
- Firebird - NotNull was being incorrectly interpreted in the database
return (hence fields not allowing nulls were continually attempted to change
the null status on the field).
Version 4.10 Beta (Released February 27, 2007)
- Fix - allow 'Not Null' in ForceSQLDataType for a field in a primary key.
- Fix - if a key is non-unique, then FM3 would try and create on the
backend in some circumstances (and not check an existing key there already
resulting in a key creation error because of the extant index).
- PostgreSQL fix - was not comparing a SERIAL field correctly (between dct
and database).
Version 4.09 Beta (Released February 2, 2007)
- Regression fix (owner not being properly set for SQL files - affects C5
and C55 DSN connections to MySQL databases).
- In debug - prevented owner form being shown (no more passwords shown in
- Template fix - on connect window, if only ODBC is used, then force
UseODBC to 1.
Version 4.08 Beta (Released January 31, 2007)
- Template fix - for legacy Multi-DLL applications, exports the filename
variables to the other DLLs (Note: Your other DLLs will get a compile error,
check the Compile Errors section of the FAQ.)
- PostgreSQL fix - creates non-unique indices in lower case.
- DLL fix - when adding keys to an existing table, add a index (not
constraint) - regression in 3.96.
- Firebird and PostgreSQL fix - Does not allow dates of date type to be
primed with blank string data. Omit for blanks.
Version 4.07 Beta (Released January 26, 2007)
- Template and DLL change - allow OldOwner (to convert encrypted TPS files
to be converted to SQL).
- Template Change - extra embed points to place code within the upgrade
progress window.
Version 4.06 Beta (Released January 18, 2007)
- Fix - ds_UsingFileEx - takes a LONG for the version number (instead of a
short) - allowing more than 32000 versions.
- Fix - compare cased name against the case required in the database. If
Case-Insensitive then skip this test (for field present in backend).
- Fix - if create is turned off and doing SQL to TPS conversion, does
convert the file and export and import the data into the SQL tables.
Version 4.05 Beta (Released January 15, 2007)
- Fix - Check for AutoNumber was returning SetIfNew(AutoNumber).
- Defined variables in the Connect window (for those using the old connect
- Fix - debugging was showing password in one instance.
- Checks for valid field names (Firebird is restricted to 32 characters).
- Force initial fieldname creation (in Firebird) to uppercase (even if
lower case exists in the external field name).
- Alter Fieldnames with lower case to upper case (in Firebird) as lower
case is not permitted.
- Don't include tablespace (or schema) when dropping an index from
Version 4.04 Beta (Released December 20, 2006)
- Fix - regression in 4.03 where SuperFiles are used. The alternate method
for SuperFiles produces an Access Denied when multiple files are accessed
within the SuperFile. If conversion fails, then the dstmp file is renamed
back to the original file (that was attempted to being converted).
- Oracle Fix - FM3 was attempting to create constraints with decrementing
elements in them. If there is a decrementing element, then FM3 will create a
Unique index instead.
Version 4.03 Beta (Released December 12, 2006)
- TPS Fix - use temp file to convert data to new file (rather than the
actual file). If conversion fails, then the previous data file (with data)
is still extant. The file is copied after successful conversion.
Version 4.02 Beta (Released December 6, 2006)
- PostGreSQL Fix - was not removing the BINARY suffix (in the external
field name) when adding a field to a key.
- PostGreSQL Fix - lowered key fields (when a field is created with upper
case chars manually on the backend) so that Clarion recognizes them correctly.
- Include checkbox in template to exclude ODBC.LIB file (for conflicting
templates like Fomin Report Builder).
- Template Fix - For ODBC applications, AutoLogon was not correctly
obtaining the driver string.
Version 4.01 Beta (Released November 27, 2006)
- Superfiles workaround for CREATE() (not removing the deprecated table).
This was causing a GPF in the program.
Version 4.00 Beta (Released November 24, 2006)
- Fix - Regression in 3.99 for FRB support (causing unresolved externals
in all the ODBC functions used in the FM3 lib file).
Version 3.99 Beta (Released November 23, 2006)
- Fix - FM3 was creating lower cased BLOBs on the Firebird backend (which
were permitted, but illegal and unusable). BLOBs now created in uppercase
(like the other fields).
- Fix - maximum string length in Firebird is 32762, not 32000.
- Fix - does not error when creating a Firebird generator fails (in case
it's there already, don't crash on error).
- Fix - does not error when dropping a Key or column fails (if the
key/column is not there).
- Fix - Firebird renaming error, when renaming to the same name, Firebird
was generating an error - ignore this error.
- Fix - Firebird - recognise Blob sub_type 1 as a Blob.
- Fix - for Fomin Report Builder compatibility - was causing duplicate
function errors in local mode applications, where FRB and FM3 co-exist and
the FRB lib was loaded after the FM3 lib. (This will affect MySQL apps -
please test conversions before shipping)
Version 3.98 Beta (Released November 8, 2006)
- Don't warn if more than one AutoNumbered field exists on a backend that
supports multiple AutoNumbered fields in a single table (like Topspeed).
- Fix - for more than one BLOB field in a table - was getting confused
between the BLOB fields (bug in the Alternate Field Name queue search for BLOBs).
Version 3.97 Beta (Released November 3, 2006)
- Check for valid Key names at template level (The list of reserved key
names will be appended to from time to time, in the meantime: Key, Index,
Constraint, Add, Alter, Update, Table are all reserved MSSQL words that
cannot be used for key labelling). Also checks for valid key name at runtime
(for ODBC - because different backends have different reserved words).
- Check for correct length dbOwner variable (must be able to contain the
complete connect string).
- Fix - halt on error level:fatal was immediately exiting the program
(without displaying a message).
- Fix - supports ForceSQLDataType feature in blobs.
- Optimized matching BLOBs on the backend.
- Warn if attempted illegal change in a BLOB (one cannot change in IMAGE
based datatype to a TEXT typed datatype and visa-versa).
Version 3.96 Beta (Released October 24, 2006)
- Feature - supports translation of the FM3 windows text and error
messages (ds_FM3TranslateText). See Translating
FM3 Error Messages for more details.
- New function - CheckValidFieldsForUniqueKey - ensures that a unique key
created on the backend contains valid fields (for a unique key component) -
otherwise warning is issued.
- Fix - Support for BTrieve files >2Gig (older versions of BTrieve split
>2G over multiple files - was not deleting the temp files after use).
- Fix - was including spurious characters in the password (for the
SQLConnect api command).
- Fix - does not reset owner (of FM3 SQL file) if owner string is clear.
- Fix - MySQL: unique key was not checking components (when finding a
match) - erroneous reporting that a key existed on the backend (when it may
not have).
- Fix - decimals with 0 scale (points to the right) were not being
reported correctly.
- Feature - checks for unique auto-names (for Topspeed files) and warns
accordingly (if 2 different tables will both be issued the same file name).
- New Connect window control template (easier interface) for ABC
- Support for Oracle Express (via ODBC).
- Check for a multiple Identity fields in SQL tables in the dictionary
(Template warning).
Version 3.95 Beta (Released October 9, 2006)
- Fix - Support for BTrieve files >2Gig (older versions of BTrieve split
>2G over multiple files).
Version 3.94 Beta (Released October 5, 2006)
- Fix (regression in 3.90) - Non-SQL files were requiring a login.
- Disable BUILD button on RuntimeFileManager (for SQL files). From Clarion
6 9051, BUILD builds all keys on the SQL backends. BUILD is not a necessary
function for SQL backends (new fmcommon.tpw template).
- Support for Oracle Express (ODBC) does not support the username in the
filename prefix (which is required by some older versions of Oracle).
- Support for BTrieve files >2Gig (older versions of BTrieve split >2G
over multiple files).
- Fix (regression in 3.90) was forcing LogonScreen when not necessary.
- Fix - CheckCreateKey was including the Prefix in the table name, forcing
key creation.
- Fix (PostgreSQL) - invalid formula for decrementing indices (PostgreSQL
does not support decrementing indices).
- Fix (regression in 3.90) - Key lookup was not using cased name for file
Version 3.93 Beta (Released September 13, 2006)
- Fix (regression in 3.90) - SetIfNew for SQL was not being implemented.
- PostgreSQL - support for decrementing elements in indexes.
- PostgreSQL - support for adding auto-incrementing keys, and removing
auto-increment from a key.
- PostgreSQL - support for altering or dropping an index in a schema (not
- PostgreSQL - support for adding indexes in a schema (not public)
- PostgreSQL - support for multiple elements in indexes.
Version 3.92 Beta (Released September 5, 2006)
- Variables used to insert values into tables are created (and disposed on
exit) instead of a predefined size (New Functions - ds_SQLHexEx encodes
binary using the created string; SaveToxFerString, SetFieldValue,
AppendFieldValues, AppendFieldNames, SetInsertString).
- Postgres - CharRequiresEncoding function is used to determine if a
character in a binary string must be encoded or not. All strings aren't
encoded - only binary ones. '\' character is doubled for insertion into
- FieldValues were not being cleared correctly before entering the values
into the database.
- Postgres - WarnOnIllegalFieldChange - includes a change from a text
based field (char, varchar, text) to a binary based field (bytea).
- Template fix - if including both MSS and ODBC support, Connect window
was always trying MSS first (if ODBC was selected).
- Template fix - attempted open after problem creating FM3 SQL work table.
Version 3.91 Beta (August 30, 2006)
- Fix for overed fields (when doing a freshen).
Version 3.90 Beta (August 28, 2006) - please thoroughly test
this version on sample data before rolling out a release.
- New feature PostgreSQL support (you must re-create the Connect window
using the Template Utility). Furthermore, check out the note on
PostgreSQL - Binary Strings.
Limited to Clarion6 and up (because of the case-sensitivity of fieldnames in
previous versions of Clarion).
- Fix - not generate all code when FM3 is disabled.
- Feature - enable 1,1 or '1,1' in Identity user option.
- Feature - default to add the necessary project equates to the project
defines (in the Connect window) where Multi-Proj is not present.
- Connect window - Moved Port to normal options (instead of Advanced
- Renamed 'Advanced' to 'Options'. Included 'Schema' field in Connect
window for postgres schema support.
- Feature - MakeGUIDsBinary - for Replicate support. Make GUID strings
binary strings (bytea for Postgres) instead of chars.
- New Functions (Exported Functions):
ds_MakeIdentityFieldEx (takes a file parameter so that at entry point, only
one Identity field per file is checked),
ds_SetMakeGUIDsBinary - a function to set the MakeGUIDsBinary property.
Internal functions:
ds_GetSQLTableName - a function to return the SQL compliant table name
(depending on the driver) (replaced duplicate code).
ds_DropKey - a function to drop a key from a SQL table (replaced duplicate
ds_BuildKey - a function to add a key to a SQL table (replaced duplicate
CasedName - returns a correctly cased name (depending on the backend driver)
(replaced duplicate code)
IsFieldTypeABlobType - returns whether the field is a BLOB type or not
(replaced duplicate code)
SetCaseSensitivity - a function to set case sensitivity of the backend
(replaced duplicate code)
GetBlobType - get field type to use as a blob (depending on the backend
driver) (replaced duplicate code)
ds_SetMSSDatePicture - a function to set the DatePicture for MSS to use in
the ds_ConvertClarionDate stored procedure.
ds_OracleTableSpaces - creates an Oracle tablespace (replaced duplicate
PostgreSQL functions: ds_PostGresStructure, ds_PostgresLoadFieldQ,
ds_PostgresLoadKeyQ, CreatePOSTGRESFM3Table,
ds_PostgresWarnForIllegalFieldChanges, ds_PostgresParseBinaryString,
- For Binary field checking, use CasedName function (rather than upper).
- Check SQL BLOB types correctly (Binary or non-binary).
- In SQL execute scripts Queue - errorlevel string (ignore, notify, warn,
- MSS - ListServer call return error codes were language dependant.
- MSS - uses the set date picture to format dates when using the
ds_ConvertClarionDate stored procedure.
Version 3.88 Beta (Released July 14 2006)
- Ability to suppress external field names and/or key name checking.
Version 3.87 Beta (Released July 13 2006)
- New function - ds_SetAutoDowngradeEx(pNoWarnings) which allows
programmatic auto file downgrading - use with caution only use unless you
really know what you're doing!!
Version 3.86 Beta (Released July 6 2006)
- Fix for data structures where TPS contains an owner (password) - and
connecting to a SQL backend (using an owner). The internal FM3 SQL file was
using the incorrect owner. Two new internal functions - ds_ReturnDriverOwner
and ds_ReturnDriverIsSQL to make this easier internally.
Version 3.85 Beta (Released June 28 2006)
- Fix for overed fields - was not interpretting fields (not groups) that
were overed.
Version 3.84 Beta (Released June 13 2006)
- RuntimeFileManager (by default) takes the status of the 'Generate all
file declarations in this App' checkbox for the UseFiles template prompt
(previously was defaulting to 'Files used in this App') (New fmcommon.tpw
which affects FM2 as well)
Version 3.83 Beta (Released June 13 2006)
- Template utility was being created with FM2 Runtime FileManager for ABC
applications (instead of using the FM3 RuntimeFileManager control template)
Version 3.82 Beta (Released May 31 2006)
- Fix for BLOBs created on a SQL backend - was not creating the BLOB with
an external name. Note: FM3 will rename existing BLOBs created with the
field name to the external name (this could potentially break other programs
using the old field name - but will mean that your existing Clarion programs
work correctly).
- Allows multiple field renaming
(previously only one was permitted).
- FM3 Template embeds grouped into one embed tree.
- Fix - renamed fields were created with upper case (in MSSQL, MySQL,
Oracle, SQLAnyWhere and BTrieve), but were created in entered case in
Firebird. This should have been the other way around. Firebird now has
renamed fields in upper case and the other backends without case adjustment.
- Fix for Clarion6.1 and Clarion6.0 - could not assign a file handle to a
queue in these versions of Clarion (new feature regression in 3.79)
- Fix for regression in 3.80 - assert was warning on duplicate keys in
alias files as well as normal files.
Version 3.81 Beta (Released May 26 2006)
- Fix for Regression in 3.80 Compiler Assert warning was checking every
key (even the ones that aren't created on the backend). Now only checks the
external names of the keys created on the backend.
Version 3.80 Beta (Released May 25 2006)
- Bug fix - ROWGUID (uniqueidentifier) is now supported in FM3. Previously
FM3 was trying to modify the uniqueidentifier to a varchar(36)
- Compiler Assert warning - checks for database unique key names in MSSQL
(required in MSSQL).
- Runtime Warning - warns if FM3 is attempting to change an IMAGE type (in
MSSQL) which is not permitted.
- Overridable template assert - checks if the backend supports arrays, and
generates a template assert if there are arrays in the table declaration,
but the backend doesn't support them. This assert is overridable in the
Global Extension
Version 3.79 Beta (Released May 12 2006)
- (Update to fmcommon.tpw) - warns when there's a BLOB added to a Topspeed
table (as BLOBs are unsupported in FM3 at this stage). FM2 requires
upgrading as well. (Moved %CheckFieldTypes to fmcommon.tpw for use in FM2 as
- Template fix - regression in 3.78, &= file in a queue is not legal in
Clarion5 and c5.5 (for feature in xFiles to export data to XML from the
RuntimeFileManager). This feature will only be available for Clarion6 users.
Version 3.78 Beta (Released May 2 2006)
- Fix:Changed WorkFile and WorkFileName template variables to
LocFMx:WorkFile and LocFMx:WorkFileName.
Version 3.77 Beta (Released April 28 2006)
- Fix: MySQL upgrading using a DSN connection was not working
Version 3.76 Beta (Released April 27 2006)
- Fix: Regression in 3.73 (with Driver substitution
implementation). FM3 Template reads Multi-Proj settings, rather than
detecting at runtime.
Version 3.75 Beta (Released April 26 2006)
- Fix: Support for MySQL 5.0 - was not converting
DateTime, Byte, ushort, and ulong data correctly.
Version 3.74 Beta (Released April 26 2006)
- Template: Assert for unsupported File driver options
(specifically /TURBOSQL).
- Fix: Increased data to convert to string from 20 to
1024. This is to handle ForceSQLDataType useroption.
Version 3.73 Beta (Released April 21 2006)
- Template: Driver substitution (using Multi-Proj)
was using the name of the file (not the label) - which was causing problems
in databases not supporting points in them (like firebird). Now uses the
label for .tps, .dat and superfiles - otherwise the name is used.
Version 3.72 Beta (Released April 20 2006)
- Template: Template utility to create a Conversion
- DLL: MySQL fix - was not always opening the table
correctly, sometimes indicating a file was not found when it is on the
backend, but in a different form.
Version 3.71 Beta (Released April 11 2006)
- Template: Updated FMCommon.tpw.
Version 3.70 Beta (Released April 4 2006)
- Template: Merged more common FM2 functionality and FM3
functionality into the FMCommon.tpw.
- Template Fix: FM3 was generating an assert for using a
newer version of FMCommon.tpw. Now only makes sure that the tpw is not older
(i.e. tpw will be backward compatible in future)
- Template: New Template utility to import the RuntimeFileManager window
into your application.
Version 3.68 Beta (Released February 21 2006)
- Template: Fixed DET/DEF support for global data.
- Template: Fixed inability to place RunTimeFileManager control
template on a window.
- DLL: Fixed Create Table script for FireBird where it requires
that the Default be set before the Not Null.
Version 3.67 Beta (Released January 30 2006)
- Template: Split template into 2, moving common code
between fm2.tpl and fm3.tpl to fmcommon.tpw.
- Template: Fixed VLDS support.
- Template: Changed DET/DEF related code to allow for
non-DET/DEF user options to use the word 'DATA'.
- Template: Other tweaks and fixes.
Version 3.66 Beta (Released December 22 2005)
- Template: Work around for invalid external field
names assertion. Clarion sometimes marks blank external field names as ''.
Version 3.65 Beta (Released December 16 2005)
- Template: Introduced 2 new asserts to warn of FM3
incompatibilities in the dictionary.
Version 3.64 Beta (Released December 15 2005)
- Template: Fixed Multi-DLL VLDS Support.
- Template: Minor changes.
Version 3.63 Beta (Released December 12 2005)
- DLL: Fixed MySQL Unique Constraint detection.
- DLL: Added support for Clarion's CHECKFORNULL.
- DLL & Template: Added support for SoftVelocity
In-Memory Database Driver v2.0.
- Template: Fixed calls to AutoNET when using the VLDS
- Template: Minor changes.
- Docs: Completed Dictionary User
Option Reference Guide.
- Docs: Minor updates / tweaks.
Version 3.62 Beta (Released August 31 2005)
- DLL: Fixed FireBird AutoNumber detection.
- DLL: Added support for Clarion 6.2 9047 internal data structures.
- Docs: Minor updates / tweaks.
Version 3.61 Beta (Released August 05 2005)
- DLL: Fixed FireBird Not Null alteration.
- DLL: Fixed PrimeBlankZero User Option.
- DLL: Fixed creation of a "0" file in the application
- New Feature: You can now default new fields to SQL
functions - e.g.: SetIfNew SQLFUNC_getDate()
- Template: Fixed VLDS AutoFIX placement.
- Other: Minor updates / fixes.
Version 3.60 Beta (Released June 03 2005)
- DLL: Fixed errors creating SQL table when certain
SetIfNew values were used.
- Template: Fixed resizing of Connect Control Template
after an error occurred.
- DLL / Template: Other minor updates.
- Clarion6.2: First release supporting Clarion 6.2.
Version 3.59 Beta (Released April 29 2005)
- DLL: Minor Tweaks and Fixes, including SQL errors
relating to Nullable fields and AutoNumber.
- Template: Added support for specifying the PORT number
on the Connect Control Template. (Note: You'll need to re-add the controls.)
- Template: Added support for managing a Microsoft SQL
Server over the internet.
- Template: Fixed compile errors in the SQL Connect
Extension Template for undefined global variables.
- Template: Other minor Tweaks.
- Examples: Added support for backing up old examples at
install time.
- Docs: Added Google Search functionality.
Version 3.58 Beta (Released April 19 2005)
- DLL: Fixed detection of not null fields in SQL.
- Template: Fixed compile errors in the SQL Connect
Template for undefined global variables.
- Template: Fixed RuntimeFileManager including Alias
Version 3.57 Beta (Released April 15 2005)
- DLL: Fixed FM_Upgrading switch to be turned on during
a Freshen.
- DLL: Fixed problem where FM3 would try to run all
upgrade scripts again if 1 had failed. i.e., not just the failed one(s).
- DLL: Fixed FM3 create statement with conflicting
Default and Identity attributes on a field.
- DLL: Fixed MSSQL Blob support.
- DLL: Fixed upgrading file when adding an External Name
to a field.
- DLL: Fixed occasional problem where files would be
"upgraded" every time the program is run.
- DLL: Added workaround for Access Denied Error
on SuperFiles during upgrade if 1 or more subtables were open on another
- Tested: MySQL v4.1.10a and MyODBC 3.51.11 have been
tested, and show no problems with FM3.
- Template: Minor tweaks to the RuntimeFileManager.
- Template: Changed Global File Name declarations to
only be declared for SQL Files.
- Examples: New 'WashGuids' example added. This
demonstrates adding your own functionality to the RuntimeFileManager, and in
this example, cleans existing guid fields of NULLs.
- Docs: Minor updates.
Version 3.56 Beta (Released February 25 2005)
- DLL: Fixed decimal to string conversions - now strips
off leading zeros.
- DLL: Fixed Multi-Proj support.
- DLL: Fixed Altering SQL Primary keys to ensure fields
not null.
- DLL: Tweaked Downgrade messages.
- DLL: New Feature: SetIfNew now works in SQL!
- DLL: New Feature: New SQL Columns can be primed blank
or zero instead of NULL.
- Template: Fixed RuntimeFileManager List selection.
- AutoNET: Fixed Error handling for running AutoNET.exe.
- Translation: Updated French Translation file.
- Docs: Minor updates.
Version 3.55 Beta (Released February 7 2005)
- UPGView: Previous release had a bad UPGView included
that GPF'd.
Version 3.54 Beta (Released February 4 2005)
- DLL: Fixed upgrades re-occurring each time the program
is run.
Version 3.53 Beta (Released January 31 2005)
- DLL: Fix to workaround for possible Clarion 6 bug
(currently investigating).
Version 3.52 Beta (Released January 28 2005)
- DLL: Workaround for possible Clarion 6 bug (currently
- DLL: Fixed Mssql Identity field problem.
- DLL: Fixed Changing file names when fullpath is set in
the OldName user option.
- Template: Added Support for local and IPDriver files
to co-exist and be managed by FM3.
- AutoNET: New version available!
- Examples: New FM3 / Multi-Proj example demonstrating
Multi-Proj's Driver Substitution features! Must use Multi-Proj v2.64 or
- Docs: Minor changes and improvements.
Version 3.51 Beta (Released November 23 2004)
- DLL: Fixed Sybase table Upgrading and Comparison.
Version 3.50 Beta (Released November 23 2004)
- NEW: First Release of SYBASE Support!!
Please note, this is a very early release... all feedback and bug reports
are welcome!
- Template: Fixed template errors in Multi-DLL
applications using the VLDS code template.
- Examples: Updated Examples.
- Examples: New SYBASE Example.
Version 3.49 Beta (Released November 17 2004)
- Template: Fixed template variable errors.
- Template: Fixed generating of sql-like file names for
non-sql drivers.
- Examples: Updated ODBC Examples.
- Examples: New MSSQL and ORACLE Examples.
Version 3.48 Beta (Released November 16 2004)
- Template: Fixed unknown template variable errors.
Version 3.47 Beta (Released November 16 2004)
- DLL: Fixed Auto new GUID field priming for SQL
- Docs: Added fuller documentation for the new
ConnectToSQLBackend Control Template. (See the
SQL Docs for details.)
Version 3.46 Beta (Released November 15 2004)
- DLL: Minor tweaks and fixes.
- Template: Added support for IPDriver. (See the
AutoUP Implementation section for details.)
- Template: Added new ConnectToSQLBackend CONTROL
Template. (See the
SQL Docs for details.)
- Examples: Added new ODBC examples - ABC and Legacy.
(More to come later this week.)
Version 3.45 Beta (Released October 27 2004)
- DLL: Added support for creating Blob fields in SQL for
Clarion 6. (Note: Does not transfer data from TPS.)
- DLL: Fixed Oracle TableSpace Creation.
- DLL: Fixed Handling Dependant SQL objects.
- DLL: Fixed Table Name displayed on upgrade window.
- DLL: Fixed Case-sensitivity during field and key
- DLL: Now handles DateTime Group Over String structures
in TPS.
- DLL / Template: Now handles upgrades for files
containing triggers (C6).
- Template: Now conforms to the new CapeSoft Template
Version 3.44 Beta (Released September 10 2004)
- DLL: Fixed case-insensitive field comparison in sql.
- DLL: Fixed TPS OldName feature.
- DLL: Fixed dropping of fields when DCTMasterFields is
- Docs: Updated FAQs.
Version 3.43 Beta (Released September 03 2004)
- DLL: Fixed FireBird TIME datatype support.
- Docs: Added FAQs.
Version 3.42 Beta (Released August 25 2004)
- NEW: First release of FireBird support!
All feedback welcome.
- DLL: Added ds_UPGOpen function.
- DLL: Various improvements and fixes.
- DLL: Further optimisations - Clarion DAT file
conversion now runs faster.
- Examples: New FireBird example:
- AutoNET: New version of AutoNET available. Added
support for multiple command line parameters.
Version 3.41 Beta (Released August 02 2004)
- DLL: Fixed DateTime Group Over String upgrade bug.
- DLL: Fixed Unique Constraint Comparison.
Version 3.40 Beta (Released July 30 2004)
- DLL: Major code restructure and cleanup.
- DLL: Numerous bug fixes.
- DLL: Major TPS to SQL Optimizations
- DLL: Fixed Slow TPS conversions when Logout failed.
- DLL: Fixed bug where SQL time fields were being
- DLL: Fixed AutoNumber to work with External Field
- Template: Improvements and changes.
- Docs: Newly written and revamped (Work
in progress!)
Version 3.30 beta (Released February 27 2004)
- DLL: Bug fixes to Field structure comparisons in SQL.
- DLL: Bug fixes to Key structure comparisons in SQL.
- DLL: Bug fix to | READONLY fields in SQL.
- BDE: New BDE version
- Coming soon: Brand new, much improved, long awaited,
documentation! (Unfortunately not ready for this release!)
Version 3.29 beta (Released December 12 2003)
- DLL: Fixed GPF on SQL upgrades.
Version 3.28 beta (Released December 11 2003)
- DLL: Fixed FM3 enabled Clarion 6 programs from running
it's process at 100% CPU on close.
- DLL: Fixed MySQL multi-component AutoNumber feature.
- DLL: Fixed Clarion 5 compile errors.
- DLL: Added support for Replicate to know when FM3 is
- BDE: New version of BDE
Version 3.27 beta (Released November 14 2003)
- FIX: fmXXcwrt.dll errors on IDE Loading Template
Version 3.26 beta (Released November 13 2003)
- Template: Fixed %OldPrefix Template error in Legacy
- Template: Fixed automatic running of Support ABC
Template Utility which copied builtins.clw into the app source directory.
- DLL: Changed default SQL Date format to YYYYMMDD.
Version 3.25 beta (Released October 31 2003)
- Template: Now automatically adds the FM2=>1 Project
Define for C55 and above.
NB: C5 users still need to do this manually!
- Template: Now automatically runs the Support ABC
Template Utility. NB: If you get an error 47,
run this manually and retry before contacting Support.
- Template: Added support for
changing your file prefix. New File Level String User Option: OldPrefix
- DLL: Fixed MySQL Drop Index syntax.
- DLL: Fixed MySQL initial gODBCFile creation.
- DLL: Added support for marking a field READONLY for
AutoNumbered fields. e.g.: MyFieldName | READONLY
- BDE: New version of BDE
Version 3.24 beta (Released September 10 2003)
- Template: Fixed GPF in AutoNET when calling
- Docs: Minor fixes and updates to docs.
Version 3.23 beta (Released September 05 2003)
- Template: Improved Very Large Dictionary Support
(VLDS:FM3 Init Code).
- Template: Changed AutoFIX to use Long Path Names in
Clarion 6 (TPSFix v6.0).
- DLL: Fixed Multi-table TPS file conversion.
- DLL: Fixed occasional connection errors on converting
SQL drivers ("phantom" files).
- DLL: Fixed HALT on FM3 system table creation.
- DLL: Fixed SQL conversion errors where string fields
contained NULLs (<0>).
- DLL: Changed Oracle Tablespaces check to support
Oracle Light (user_tablespaces).
- DLL: Extended ZeroNull support to all levels -
Template / Dictionary level, File level, and Field level.
- Runtime File Manager: Fixed Freshen emptying files.
- Runtime File Manager: Added Build Error checks.
- BDE: New version of Bulk Dictionary editor.
Version 3.22 beta (Released August 06 2003)
- DLL: Fixed the upgrading of Btrieve(DAT) files
containing MEMOs where the FM2/3 "Keep old versions of files" switch is ON.
- DLL: Fixed the conversion of multi-table TPS files
(DiskFile.tps\!Table1) to SQL.
- DLL: Fixed SQL upgrading of 1 file structure for many
physical files.
Version 3.21 beta (Released July 31 2003)
- Template: Added embed points in FM3:Connect To SQL Backend
Extension template.
- Template: Added "/A" switch to TPSFIX.exe command line so that it runs
visibly, but silently.
- DLL: Fixed occasional decimal conversion problem.
- DLL: Minor fixes and changes to messages and debugging.
- DLL: AutoNET default ini file has changed to AutoNET.log in the
operating systems user temporary directory.
- Docs: Fixes and updates to docs.
- CSCAN: Fixed.
- UpgView: Fixed displaying of non Topspeed data file structures.
Version 3.20 beta (Released July 08 2003)
- Template: Minor template changes.
- DLL: Fixed errors on overed fields.
- DLL: Fixed Date Time inserts for conversion of more than 1 table in a
session, and for Null date time data.
- DLL: Fixed multiple conversions of the same file during 1 session.
- DLL: Fixed and improved date time key creation.
- DLL: Fixed Oracle table creation where no tablespace is specified.
- Examples: Minor updates to examples.
- Docs: Updated Docs.
- BDE: New version of BDE
Version 3.0 beta 19 (Released June 24 2003)
- Template: Added CreateKey Option to Global extension Advanced SQL tab.
- DLL: Fixed Create Table statements executing twice, and therefore
causing "Object already exists" errors.
- DLL: Fixed blank statements.
- DLL: Error messages and debugging improved.
- DLL: Fixed Oracle constraint management.
- Docs: Updated Docs.
- C6: Fixed CapeSoft Accessories Menu to File Manager 3 from File Manager 2.
- BDE: New version of BDEavailable.
Version 3.0 beta 18 (Released May 27 2003)
- Template: Better DET/DEF support.
- Template: Fixed SQL Server Name function call.
- DLL: Improved Date Time Group over String handling during conversion,
including handling "NULL" data.
- DLL: Fixed SetIfNew for a new date or time field when converting to the
group over string structure.
- DLL: Support for Oracle Tablespaces. Please see
Oracle TableSpaces for details.
- DLL: Support for MySQL MyISAM and InnoDB file systems.
- DLL: Changed default behaviour to create Unique constraints.
- DLL: Checks and warns if more than 1 Identity / AutoNumber Field is
declared for the backend.
- DLL: Added Logout and Commit to data conversion for Clarion 5.5 and up.
- DLL: Fixed Data corruption in TPS file upgrades where an Over exists.
- Docs: Updated, and additional documentation. e.g. How to
set up an ODBC Data Source Name.
- BDE: New version of BDE
Version 3.0 beta 17 (Released April 11 2003)
- DLL: Fixed Primary Key creation on Creation of SQL tables where an
external key name exists.
- DLL: Fixed field comparison on identity fields.
- DLL: Fixed hanging on file upgrades in Clarion 5.
- DLL: Fixed MsSQL Float datatype comparison.
- DLL: Added support for blank = null in TPS to SQL data conversion.
Please note: This is activated with the Zero = Null Advanced SQL switch.
Version 3.0 beta 16 (Released April 01 2003)
- Template: Fixed "Unknown variable '%odbDB'" compile error.
- DLL: Fixed broken Field Names if using External Names in building the
SQL Insert Statement for TPS to SQL conversions.
- DLL: Fixed broken CSTRING Field Values in building SQL Insert Statement
where the null terminator was not being stripped off.
- DLL: Changed default Case-sensitivity to Case-sensitive for MYSQL
backends. This should not affect case-insensitive databases.
- DLL: Fixed Case sensitive Field Comparison case-insensitive backends
where FM3 was not original table creator.
- Clarion 6: Fixed Installer.
Version 3.0 beta 15 (Released March 28 2003)
- Template: Fixed Multi-dll Legacy support for SQL drivers.
- DLL: All new Debugging functionality.
- DLL: Major change to default Key management in SQL engines. Please read
the SQL Key Management section carefully.
- DLL: Improved structure comparison routines.
- DLL: Fixed error occurring on opening files not declared in the
- DLL: Fixed Alias files causing complete structure comparison on every
access of the alias / file.
- Docs: Updated docs.
- CScan: Fixed some outstanding bugs.
- BDE: New version released.
- Clarion 6 build released.
Version 3.0 beta 14 (Released March 11 2003)
- DLL: Major bug fix: Beta 13 caused loss of data in
file upgrades with non-SQL drivers.
Version 3.0 beta 13 (Released March 07 2003)
- Template: Added SQL Advanced tab for SQL specific advanced settings.
- Template: Added Advanced Option: Create Utility Stored Procedures
(default on).
- Template: Added Advanced Option: SQL Conversion - Zero = NULL (default
- DLL: Fixed adding multiple descending columns to a key.
- DLL: Fixed error in MySQL Connection when FM3 table is not created.
- DLL: Added support for DSN-less connections in ODBC against a MSSQL
backend. (Please note Oracle and MySQL already supported).
- DLL: Added new MSSQL Stored Procedure: ds_ConvertClarionDateTime.
Please click here for more info. -
- DLL: Added support for inserting NULL values to your backend during TPS
to SQL conversion.
- DLL: Added support for converting pre-existing TPS autonumbers to SQL
(IDENTITY columns etc).
- Docs: New documentation: SQL Specific Features
Explored - check back regularly for updates.
- BDE: Brand new version of BDE released. LOTS of new
FM3 features, be sure to
check this out!
Version 3.0 beta 12a (Released February 14 2003)
- Template: Minor correction.
- DLL: Fixed ODBC engine GPF on startup.
- DLL: Fixed FM3 SQL System table updates - case-sensitivity caused
failed get - now case-insensitive.
- Docs: New Look documentation!
Version 3.0 beta 12 (Released February 13 2003)
- Template: FM3IGNORE would override FM2IGNORE - Fixed.
- Template: ConnectToSQLBackend local extension template would hang if
creating FM3 table for the first time - Fixed.
- DLL: Multi SQL Driver support - Fixed.
- DLL: Dependant Column handling conflicted with ExactMatch dropping -
- DLL: Automatic GUID entry if new field now Replicate compatible.
- Discontinued support for 16bit applications.
Version 3.0 beta 11 (Released January 24 2003)
- Template: Fixed Pragma Link ODBC template bugs.
- Template: Fixed multiple calls to the FM3 Connect() procedure.
- Template: Moved Connection parameters to local Connection Extension
- Template: Made Connect To SQL Backend Extension template more user
- Template: Enabled Autolan enabling on dlls.
- Template: Added Field User Option AutoNumber for setting AutoIncrement
on the backend (MSSQL, MySQL). (Note: Identity is still valid. They're
- Template: Updated RuntimeFileManager template for SQL.
- DLL: Fixed duplicate column name errors.
- DLL: Fixed ExactMatch Column and Key dropping.
- DLL: Increased OLDNAME attribute length to support long file names.
- DLL: Fixed problem with Alias files where FM3 would try to alter column
- DLL: Fixed errors on altering Index dependant columns. - This
is a very good thing!!
- Docs: Additions and changes to docs.
- Examples: New Multi dll SQL example:
- Examples: Updated SQL examples: fm3mss, fm3ora, msodbfm3, myodbfm3, and
orodbfm3 - Check them out!!!
- BDE: Please note: As BDE was primarily designed as a utility for
CapeSoft's Replicate, additional FM3 features are on a waiting list. Please
email "support at capesoft dot com" to add your FM3 feature wishes! They
will be attended to as soon as we are able. Thanks.
Version 3.0 beta 10 (Released December 24 2002)
- Template: Fixed RuntimeFileManager generated code for SQL drivers.
- DLL: Fixed MySQL Flush error.
- DLL: Fixed big string support in MySQL.
- DLL: Added support for DSN-less connections in MySQL.
- DLL: Fixed Version number errors when only owner has changed.
Version 3.0 beta 9a (Released December 17 2002)
- Template: Fixed conditional Connect() procedure call.
Version 3.0 beta 9 (Released December 12 2002)
- Template: Fixed missing END from ODBC file declaration.
- Template: Runtime File Manager Procedure template mysteriously
disappeared - Fixed.
- Template: NEW:
local level extension template. Replaces old Connect code example.
- DLL: Fixed ORACLE detection of Primary Key.
- DLL: Fixed error detection for non-English windows settings.
- DLL: Fixed ODBC for MSSQL support - Please note, the MSSQL ServerName
is required on the template for FM3.
- DLL: Added ODBC for Oracle support.
Added Support for MYSQL -
Please note: First release - Please send feedback to "support at capesoft
dot com".
- Docs: Updated and added documentation: Driver
and DataBase Specific Recommendations.
- Bulk
Dictionary Editor: Updated.
Version 3.0 beta 8 (Released November 22nd 2002)
- Template: Removed gORACLEFile primary key.
- Template: Added support for priming
Replicate's Site Field.
- DLL: Removed hidden stop() accidently left in beta 7.
- DLL: Fixed occasional link errors on compile (ds_AlternateFileNameEx
and ds_SetFM2ININame).
- DLL: Improved big string support where strings greater than 8192bytes
may not have worked.
- DLL: Improved MSSQL Primary key recognition for auto-named primary
- DLL: Improved case-sense on OldName.
- DLL: Made MSSQL Server case check once per program run instead of once
per file open.
- Docs: Minor updates to docs and SQL Tips And
- Bulk
Dictionary Editor: Updated, and improved, enhanced FM3 features!!!
Version 3.0 beta 7 (Released November 11th 2002)
- Template: Added Support for pending MultiProj release (actually since
beta 6).
- Template: FM2 Backward compatibility fixed (ds_AlternateFileNameEx).
- Template: Fixed AlternateFileName with Alias files.
- Oracle: Fixed group date structure trying to use MSSQL datatype.
- Oracle: Fixed Key comparison of Constraints and Indexes.
- Oracle: Improved datatype matching - NB: Please see the
SQL TIPS AND TRICKS for Oracle Datatype
- DLL: Fixed detection of version change for ALL files.
- DLL: Fixed use of SuperFiles in the OLDNAME attribute.
- Other minor changes.
- NEW: Free CapeSoft
Bulk Dictionary Editor included!!! - This will help
make your TPS to SQL conversion a breeze!
Version 3.0 beta 6 (Released October 28th 2002)
- Fixed key creation where various columns appear in more than 1 key.
- Added a primary key to the FM3 sql table (e.g.: PK_GMSSSQLFILE).
- New handling of DIM fields - Please see the
Sql Tips and Tricks section for info.
- Oracle field comparison improved.
- Oracle key comparison fixed.
- Oracle syntax improved.
- NB: You will need to DROP
the FM3 sql table (e.g.: gMSSQLfile) before running your FM3 enabled app
Version 3.0 beta 5 (Released October 17th 2002)
- Fixed multiple column Primary Key creation.
- Fixed multiple column descending key creation.
- Fixed OldName data conversion where data has a different path from the
- Fixed Null field creation on Primary key fields.
- Improved faster detection of file structure change - no more
- DATE and TIME handling improved.
- REAL handling improved.
- ORACLE key syntax fixed.
- First release ODBC for MsSql. (Please send feedback to "support at
capesoft dot com") (New example included!)
Version 3.0 beta 4 (Released September 10th 2002)
- Fixed creation of Not Null fields on FM3 file creation bug.
- Fixed External Name check in Case-insensitive MSSQL Server field
managing bug.
- Fixed String / Cstring to create Text / Clob datatypes in the backend
when the servers respective char / varchar byte limits are reached.
- Improved detection of Primary Keys.
- Improved detection of ExactMatch User option.
- Added new field user option called Identity. This option declares an
Identity field on the MSSQL Server with a Seed and Increment parameter. (For
server-side Auto-Incrementing field values in Microsoft SQL.)
Version 3.0 beta 3a (Released September 2nd 2002)
- Improved detection of invalid data structures in the pre-comparison.
- Now supports ORACLE! Please note:
This is in early test stages - feedback welcome!
- Fixed limited length of SQL statement bug.
- Added support for table owners other than "dbo".
Version 3.0 beta 3 (Released August 29th 2002 - Private Oracle Test Release)
- Improved detection of invalid data structures in the pre-comparison.
- Now supports ORACLE! Please note:
This is in early test stages - feedback welcome!
Version 3.0 beta 2 (Released August 28th 2002)
- Added support and documentation for handling multiple MSSQL databases
in one application.
- Taken care of DATA ACCESS errors by checking and configuring linked
servers for DATA ACCESS.
- Improved function of the FM3IGNORE switch for ignoring certain files in
- FM3 now creates the SQL tables instead of leaving it to the driver.
This allows support for the REAL datatype previously causing an error 75
with the MSSQL driver.
- Fixed the datatype mismatch error which seemed to occur due to
inconsistent datatype structures of system tables in MSSQL versions.
- FM3 now supports DESCENDING keys.
Version 3.0 beta 1a (Released August 14th 2002)
Minor change in template.
Version 3.0 beta 1 (Released August 12th 2002)
First public release. Includes all current File Manager 2 functionality and
extends the power of
AutoUP to Microsoft SQL databases.
Licence, Copyright, & Disclaimer

product, and all the files contained therein, are Copyrighted © 2009 by CapeSoft Software (Pty) Ltd.

Developer needs his own licence to use File Manager 3.

are licensed to distribute only the following files:

DLLs contained in this package.

(cs.exe in your Clarion\3rdParty\bin)

(upgview.exe in your Clarion\3rdParty\bin)

(autonet.exe in your Clarion\3rdParty\bin)

are not allowed to copy, reproduce, or distribute any of the other files shipped
with FM3, including but not limited to:

files (.tpl)

files (.lib)

files (.rsc)

files (.htm, .chm, .hlp)

Software, employees of CapeSoft Software, and Dealers of CapeSoft
Software products, explicitly accept no liability for any loss or damages which
occur from using this package.

product is used entirely at your own risk.

of this package constitutes agreement with the above licence.