Browse Button Lookup
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ProDomus Browse Button Lookup



A double mouse click, or clicking a look up button, or pressing the AltDown key pops up a selection browse. While the field is selected, the up and down arrows enter the next or previous record. The button is skipped when moving to the next field, avoiding an unnecessary stop in data entry. You may optionally pop up the browse as soon as the user presses a key without a matching record. The lookups utilize views which may use ranges and filters. Related fields may be populated from lookups; assignments can be disabled when a record is being edited. Multiple lookups may be done using the same lookup file without aliasing. Lookups without requiring a matching record in the lookup file. Some additional features of this library are:


Using local data allows multiple lookups into the same file. The lookup browse does not have to be in the procedure tree and can take parameters. The view can be hand coded if desired. The window can be reset upon acceptance or new selection to handle filters on other lookups and browses. Lookups can also be disabled when editing a record.


A free update to version 10.01 is available to all existing owners of PD Lookups.
You will need to order this on ClarionShop.
You can download the most recent SAF file here.
Browse Button Lookup