The PD "Universal" Drop Edit Controls are a Drop List or Combo with an “Edit…” choice that you can populate quickly without having to create a file, browse or form. The library can use an INI Manager or database files to save the pick list. Prompts, headers, pictures, and entry mode come from the dictionary or local data. It’s quick to implement because:
- There’s no need for a browse.
- There’s no need for a form.
- There are very few template entries.
- You can use an INI Manager or single “universal” file definition to save pick lists.
- It relies on the dictionary for headers, prompts, pictures, and entry mode.
Class Library Form
It has all that’s needed for most simple lookup lists:
- A Queue with 1 to three fields – for example a value, a description, and one to spare.
- Optional Blank choices.
- An option to add entries without matching items in the list (Combo).
- Conditionally enable Edit choice.
- Individually enabled insert, change, and delete buttons on the edit list.
It comes packaged as an ABC compliant class library and template.
- An All Source Code Class Library.
- Two Control Templates (Drop List and Combo)
- A TXD file for an optional “Universal” lookup file.
Simplicity has it limits:
- There’s a three field limit to the pick list (plus two range limit fields).
- Queues are file loaded.
- Requires the ABC Chain.
- There’s no auto fill (type ahead).