Property Name | Type | Description/Use |
q | &Queue | A pointer to the Queue containing the data for the Report/File. |
control | long | The ID of the List control containing the Queue. |
Header | string(255) | The text to use for the header of the Report/File. |
TotalWidth | long | The total width factor of the Listbox - to ensure all the columns fit into the Report/File. |
LinesPerDetail | long | Lines required for each record entry for the Report/File |
RecIndex | long | A counter containing the Index number of the record currently 'Got' |
ProgressValue | long | The Progress Percent of the records processed. |
Preview | byte | Set to Preview the Report/File. |
PreviewProgram | string(255) | A name for the program to run to preview the data. If left blank, then use ShellExecute. |
FileName | string(255) | The name of the File containing the exported data. |
GreenBar | byte | If set to 2, then Greenbar is disabled, otherwise, it is used to switch between showing and hiding the background for the Greenbar effect. |
Opened | byte | Indicates whether a file has been opened successfully. |
fontName | string(40) | Contains the Fontname of the ListBox to use as the default (if the cell has no font) |
fontSize | long | Contains the Fontsize of the ListBox to use as the default (if the cell has no font) |
fontStyle | long | Contains the Fontstyle of the ListBox to use as the default (if the cell has no font) |
fontColorFG | long | Contains the TextColor of the ListBox to use as the default (if the cell has no TextColor) |
fontColorBG | long | Contains the BackColor of the ListBox to use as the default (if the cell has no BackTextColor) |
fontCharset | long | Contains the Characterset of the ListBox to use as the default (if the cell has no CharacterSet) |
Styles | Group,pre(Styles),Dim(255) | An array to store the ListBoxes style array during the Report/File formatting. |
FontName | string(40) | Name of the Font for this stylegroup |
FontSize | long | Size of the Font for this stylegroup |
FontStyle | long | Style of the Font for this stylegroup |
CharSet | long | CharacterSet of the Font for this stylegroup |
ColorFG | long | Text color for this stylegroup |
ColorBG | long | Background color for this stylegroup |
Picture | string(32) | Picture used for this stylegroup |
Exists | byte(0) | Set if this propstyle array row is used. |
End | ||
Icons | Group,Dim(255) | An array to store the Icon file names, and whether they exist or not. |
IconName | string(255) | Name of the Font for this stylegroup |
Exists | byte(0) | Set if this propstyle array row is used. |
End | ||
File | string(255) | Used to store the name of the file created (also contains the error code if the file was not created). |
clm | Group,dim(MAXCOLS1),pre(clm) | An array containing formatting for each column. |
Exists | byte | Set if this element of the queue is present in the List box. |
width | long | Contains the width of the column |
RightBorder | byte | Set if there is a border on the right of the column |
LastOnLine | byte | Wraps the next field to the start of the next line |
RunningWidth | long | Used to ensure the width of the column is not too small (for the data) |
Header | string(255) | Contains the text for the heading of the column |
HeaderAlign | string(6) | Contains 'left', 'center' or 'right' dependent on which alignment the header is. |
HeaderLeft | byte | Set if the Header is left justified |
HeaderRight | byte | Set if the Header is right justified |
HeaderCenter | byte | Set if the Header is center justified |
HeaderDecimal | byte | Set if the Header is decimal left justified |
HeaderOffset | long | Offset of the Header text |
HeaderControl | long | Used for the control of the header text in a report |
Align | string(6) | contains 'left', 'center' or 'right' dependent on which alignment the column is |
Underline | byte | True if the column text is underlined |
Picture | string(40) | The picture of the column text |
GroupNo | long | The number of the group that this field is part of. |
FieldNo | long | Contains the field number of the queue that is the first in the list. If blank, than the field number is assumed to be incremented from the previous columns field. |
Left | byte | Set if the column text is left justified. |
Right | byte | Set if the column text is right justified. |
Center | byte | Set if the column text is center justified. |
Decimal | byte | Set if the column text is decimal justified. |
Offset | long | Contains the offset of the text. |
Color | long | Set if there are color settings for this column. |
TextColor | long | Contains the color of the text. |
BackColor | long | Contains the color of the background |
Icon | byte | Set if there is an icon attribute for this column |
IconTrn | byte | Set if the icon is transparent |
CellStyle | byte | Set if the cell can be individually formatted with a style. |
ColStyle | byte | Contains the default style for the column (if used). |
DetailControl | long | The ID of the control containing the text for the cell. |
IconControl | ulong | The ID of the IconControl to contain the icon for the cell. |
DetailText | string(255) | The formatted text to be placed in the cell to be exported. |
RunningColumn | long | The physical column that this column occurs in (numbered from left to right) |
RunningRow | long | The physical row that this column occurs in (numbered from top to bottom) |
End | ||
grp | group,dim(MaxCols),pre(grp) | This Group contains the settings for Group headers. |
Header | string(255) | Contains the heading text (for the group) |
HeaderAlign | String(6) | Alignment |
HeaderLeft | byte | Left justified (if set) |
HeaderRight | byte | Right justified (if set) |
HeaderCenter | byte | Center justified (if set) |
HeaderDecimal | byte | Decimal justified (if set) |
HeaderOffset | long | Offset for justification |
HeaderControl | long | Control to contain the group header string |
Columns | long | The number of columns in this group. |
Exists | byte | whether the group exists (as a group) or not |
Width | long | The total width of the group. |
Rows | long | The rows that exist in this group (i.e. the amount of cells with the LastOnLine attribute in them). |
End | ||
ProgressText | string(100) | Contains the text for the Progress string on the Progress Window. |
StyleFile | string(255) | The name of the style file (for HTML files) |
NoOfColumns | long | The number of columns wide that the output will contain. |
LastColumn | long | The number of the last column |
RunningColumns | long | The number of physical columns that will be used in the output |
RunningRows | long | The number of physical rows that will be used in the output. |
HeaderRows | long | The number of physical rows that will be used in the output header |
WriteToClipboard | byte | Set in order to write to clipboard (rather than file). |
PreserveDateData | long | Set in order to present date date in true-date format (in Excel exports). |
NoColumnHeadings | long | Set in order to prevent column headings from being generated (into Word, CSV and Xcel) |
MethodName | Parameters | Description |
DisplayProgress | (*Byte ProgressValue, Long ProgressControl' long ProgressText=0) |
Set and Display the value for the progress control on the
progress window. Parameters: ProgressValue - a handle to the Progress thermometer ProgressControl - the ID of the progressbar ProgressText - the ID of the ProgressText string. |
Init | (Queue pQueue, Long pListControl, <SendToOptionsGroup pOptionsGroup>) |
Initialize the object - set queue pointer, and gets the list
properties and styles. Parameters: pQueue - the queue that contains the data pListControl - the ID of the control containing the data pOptionsGroup - a group containing the SendTo options |
Next | (),Long | Populates the queue buffer with the next record in the queue. Returns a 0 if record is OK, otherwise the next failed. |
LoadIcons | () | This procedure loads the list controls icon array into aSendTo icon array. |
LoadListBoxProperties | () | Get the all the listbox's format properties. |
LoadStyles | () | Get the list box's style arrays. |
Run | () | Run the program associated with the file created. |
ErrorTrap | (Long p_Code, String p_Text) | Display an error that occurs. Parameters: p_Code - the errorcode that occurred. p_Text - the message text that must be displayed. |
_FontColor | (long p_Col),Long | Returns the FontColor for this specific cell. Parameters: p_Col - the column number of the cell |
_FontBackGroundColor | (long p_Col),Long | Returns the BackGroundColor for this specific cell. Parameters: p_Col - the column number of the cell |
_FontName | (long p_Col),String | Returns the FontName for this specific cell. Parameters: p_Col - the column number of the cell |
_FontStyle | (long p_Col),Long | Returns the FontStyle for this specific cell. Parameters: p_Col - the column number of the cell |
_FontSize | (long p_Col),Long | Returns the FontSize for this specific cell. Parameters: p_Col - the column number of the cell |
_FontCharset | (long p_Col),Long | Returns the CharacterSet for this specific cell. Parameters: p_Col - the column number of the cell |
Kill | () | Dummy method for classes derived from the base class. |
Open | () | Dummy method for classes derived from the base class. |
CreateHeader | () | Dummy method for classes derived from the base class. |
WriteColumn | (<string pDetails>, <long pColumn>, byte pHeader=0, <string pAlign>, long pSpan=0) |
Writes the Details into the cell/block specified (and sets up
styling and alignment as necessary. If Details is blank, a blank
detail is written. Parameters: pDetails - the content of the string to place in the control pColumn - the column number pHeader - set if this is the header, otherwise cell is in the body. pAlign - an optional alignment string |
EndHeaderRow | () | Code to run at the end of a Header row (like adding into the file and incrementing the column) |
EndDetailRow | () | Calls the parent EndHeaderRow - but allows for overwriting if other code is required. |
SetDetail | () | Dummy method for classes derived from the base class. |
GetFontStyleName | (long pFontType),string | Return's the name(i.e. string description) of the FontType. Parameter: pFontType - contains the FontType equate |
Debug | (string pDebugStr) | Output debug information for debugging. Parameters: pDebugStr - the debug string to output. |
_CellStyle | (long p_Col),long | Returns the style number for the cell of the column. Parameters: p_Col - the column number. |
_ColorEquate | (long pColor),long | Returns the closest Clarion color equate (for Word and Excel) Parameters: pColor - the color used. |
OldNoOfColumns | (),long | Returns the number of columns that appear in the output (taking into account the LastOnLine columns) |
NoOfRows | (),long | Returns the number of rows that appear in the output (taking into account the LastOnLine columns) |
GetProgress | (),long | Returns the value to display on the progress bar/counter |
Property | Type | Description/Use |
Report | &Report | A pointer to the pre-defined report (in the report procedure) |
ReportHeader | long | The control on the report that contains the Header of the report |
ReportDetail | long | The control on the report that contains the detail |
ReportFooter | long | The control for the report footer |
ReportTitle | long | The control for the title of the report |
HeaderBox | long | The box control around the header |
DetailBox | long | The box around the detail of the report |
FooterBox | long | The box around the footer of the report |
WidthFactor | Real | A property used to factor out the size of the paper with the widths of columns in the list box. |
LineHeight | long | A property used to work out the height of the detail line. |
LineSpacing | long | If required - used to create uniform spaces between the lines |
CellSpacing | long | Ensure uniform spaces between cells of data. |
TotalPages | long | A property containing the amount of pages required for a report. |
LinesPerPage | long | Contains the maximum amount of lines used in a page |
HeaderYPos | long | Contains the position of the header of the list in the report. |
FirstControl | long | Contains the x position of the first cell in the report. |
DetailYPos | long | Contains the starting point of the row of detail cells to print |
PagesWide | long(1) | The amount of pages (across) to use. Set to 0 for automatic. |
PagesWideCount | long | Contains the running count of the amount of pages (across) used. |
LastControl | long | Keeps a track of the last control number used (for the creating of the report controls) |
FirstColumn | long | Contains the FirstColumn that was used for the current page (or last page) printed. |
FirstRunningColumn | long | Contains the First physical Column (from left to right) that was used for the current page (or last page) printed. |
LastRunningColumn | long | Contains the Last physical Column (from left to right) that was used for the current page (or last page) printed. |
StartWidth | long | The first column's width in this page (across). |
PageWidth | long | Total width for this page (across) |
PageCount | &long | Contains a pointer to the variable used to track the pagecount on the report. |
LinesOnThisPages | long | Tracks the lines used on the page (vertically). |
PaperWidth | long | Contains the width of the paper to use |
PaperHeight | long | Contains the height of the paper to use |
TotalLinesPrinted | long | Contains a running tally of the detail bands printed |
Method name | Parameters | Description |
CreateHeader | (byte pFirstTime=0) | It creates the columns with their respective headers. |
CreateDetail | ( ) | This method creates each detail band and the controls in the detail band. |
SetDetail | ( ) | Sets the properties for the cells of the detail band. |
Init | (Queue p_Queue, Long p_ListControl) |
Initializes the object. |
Greenbar | ( ) | Sets the greendbar effect on the report. |
Next | (),long | When all the records are retrieved, redo from start if the PagesWide > 1. |
ArrangePages | (*Queue pQueue) | Once all the pages are printed, arrange into the correct order. |
GetProgress | (),long | Returns the correct progress value (when multiple pages wide is used) |
Kill | () | Used to dispose the Draw object. |
SetPageWidth | (long pPaper) | This method sets the PaperWidth and PaperHeight properties for the paper used in the report. pPaper is an equate containing the Clarion paper ID. |
EndPage | ( ) | This method checks whether an EndPage is required and enforces one if the LinesOnThisPage = LinesperPage. Calculation using the height of the detail bands and the Report height does not match the printed output. |
OpenReport | (long pPaper=0 ) | This method creates the report outline and sets the various report properties. |
Property | Type | Description/Use |
detail | string(65535) | The complete datastring of all the columns to be added to the file. |
clipboardstring | any | Contains a string that will be sent to the clipboard. |
clipboardstringlen | long | Contains the length of the string that will be sent to the clipboard. |
delimiter | string(',') | Contains the delimiter that will be used in a CSV export. |
Method name | Parameters | Description |
Kill | ( ) | Close the file and kill the object |
CreateHeader | ( ) | Creates the header of the file (column headers to match the columns) |
WriteColumn | (<string pDetails>, <long pColumn>, byte pHeader=0, <string pAlign>, long pSpan=0) |
Writes the Details into the block specified. If Details is
blank, a blank detail is written. Parameters: pDetails - the content of the string to place in the control pColumn - the column number pHeader - set if this is the header, otherwise cell is in the body. pAlign - an optional alignment string |
EndHeaderRow | () | Writes the record to the file and clears the detail string. |
Open | ( ) | Opens the file to store the export. |
SetDetail | ( ) | Creates the text to be entered into the file. |
Init | (Queue pQueue, Long pListControl, <SendToOptionsGroup pOptionsGroup>) |
Calls the parent Init method and sets the name of the
PreviewProgram to run. |
WriteToFile | (*string pStringToWrite, ulong pBytesToWrite) |
A method that writes the string passed to the file (or the clipboard if the output is the clipboard). |
Property | Type | Description/Use |
meta | string(1024) | A property which allows you to write stuff into the meta tag section at the beginning of the HTML doc. |
Method name | Parameters | Description |
CreateFooter | ( ) | Ends off the doc. |
CreateHeader | ( ) | Creates the doc, sets the styles and creates the columns' heading text and the title text. |
WriteColumn | (<string pDetails>, <long pColumn>, byte pHeader=0, <string pAlign>, long pSpan=0) |
Writes the Details into the cell specified (and sets up styling
and alignment as necessary). If Details is blank, a blank detail
is written. Parameters: pDetails - the content of the string to place in the control pColumn - the column number pHeader - set if this is the header, otherwise cell is in the body. pAlign - an optional alignment string |
EndHeaderRow | () | Code to run at the end of a Header row (like adding into the file and incrementing the column) |
EndDetailRow | () | Code to run at the end of a Detail row (like adding into the file and incrementing the column) |
Init | (Queue pQueue, Long pListControl, <SendToOptionsGroup pOptionsGroup>) |
Calls the parent.init method and suppresses the Greenbar property (if not required). |
SetDetail | ( ) | Sets the greenbar effect and the styles of the cell text. |
_Color | (long p_Color) | This method returns the hex RGB value of a Clarion RGB color
long format. Parameters: p_Color - a long containing the RGB Clarion color. |
_DecToHex | (Byte p_Decimal) | Converts a byte to a Hex string. Parameters: p_Decimal - a byte containing the number to convert to hex. |
Kill | ( ) | Creates the footer and then kills the object. |
_ReadCSSFile | (byte pAddInFont=1),string | This method returns the contents of the Style file, optionally
modified to contain the FontName of the browse. Parameters: pAddInFont - If set, adds the Font name in, where required. |
Property | Type | Description/Use |
Excel | &oiExcel | A pointer to the OfficeInside Excel object. |
StartColumn | string(2) | The column to start the first cell to export |
StartRow | long | The Row to start the first cell to export |
RowNumber | long | Used for storing the row where the object is writing to. |
ColumnNumber | string(2) | Used for storing the column where the object is writing to. |
ColumnNumberB | byte,dim(2),over(ColumnNumber) | Used for incrementing the column where the object is writing to. |
TemplateFile | string(255) | Contains the name of the template file to use. |
WidthFactor | Real | A property used to factor out the size of the spreadhsheet with the widths of columns in the list box. |
NumColors | long | Number of colors used in the custom excel palette |
ColorPalette | long, dim(40) | Colors in the excel palette, allows existing colors to the fetched |
CurColor | long | The current color in the excel palette |
PalettePos | long | The position of the current color in the palette |
Method name | Parameters | Description |
Open | ( ) | Opens the excel spreadsheet. |
Close | ( ) | Closes the spreadsheet. |
CreateHeader | ( ) | Creates the header of the spreadsheet |
WriteColumn | (<string pDetails>, <long pColumn>, byte pHeader=0, <string pAlign>, long pSpan=0) |
Writes the Details into the cell specified (and sets up styling
and alignment as necessary). Parameters: pDetails - the content of the string to place in the control pColumn - the column number pHeader - set if this is the header, otherwise cell is in the body. pAlign - an optional alignment string |
EndHeaderRow | () | Code to run at the end of a Header row (like adding into the file and incrementing the column) |
Init | (Queue pQueue, Long pListControl, <SendToOptionsGroup pOptionsGroup>) |
Calls the parent.init and sets up some of the initial settings. |
SetDetail | ( ) | Formats the cells and writes the data to the cells. |
_IncrementColumn | ( ) | An internal method used to increment the column letter. |
Kill | ( ) | Closes the doc and kills the excel object. |
_CheckForFormula | (string pDataString),long | Returns True if the string contains formula characters Parameters: pDataString - The string to pass to Excel. |
_ColumnName | (string pColumn), string | |
_HasFormulaChars | (string pCheckString, long startPos=1),long |
GetPaletteColor | (long pColor), long | Returns zero if the color is not in the palette, or the position if it is |
AddPaletteColor | (long pColor) |
Property | Type | Description/Use |
Word | &oiWord | A handle to the Office Inside Word object required. |
RowNumber | long | Used for storing the row where the object is writing to. |
ColumnNumber | long | Used for storing the column where the object is writing to. |
TemplateFile | string(255) | Contains the name of the template file to use. |
TableNumber | long | The number of the table created. |
Method name | Parameters | Description |
Open | ( ) | Creates the word document |
Close | ( ) | Saves and closes the word document |
CreateHeader | ( ) | Creates the header of the document and the table for the text. |
Init | (Queue pQueue, Long pListControl, <SendToOptionsGroup pOptionsGroup>) |
Inits the object and the Office Inside word object. |
SetDetail | ( ) | Write the necessary to text to the cell and format the style of the cell. |
WriteColumn | (<string pDetails>, <long pColumn>, byte pHeader=0, <string pAlign>, long pSpan=0) |
Writes the Details into the cell/block specified (and sets up
styling and alignment as necessary. If Details is blank, a blank
detail is written. Parameters: pDetails - the content of the string to place in the control pColumn - the column number pHeader - set if this is the header, otherwise cell is in the body. pAlign - an optional alignment string |
EndHeaderRow | () | Code to run at the end of a Header row (like adding into the file and incrementing the column) |
Kill | ( ) | Close the document and kill the objects. |
Property | Type | Description/Use |
SendToFile | &SendToBase | The handle of the object to use to create the file. |
Method name | Parameters | Description |
Init | (SendToBase pSendToClass, queue pQueue, long pListControl, string pFilename, byte pPreview=0, SendToOptionsGroup pOptionsGroup), long |
Inits the SendToObject, sets up the required options and opens
the document, as well as creating the header. Returns 0 if
successful. Parameters: pSendToBase - a handle to the SendTo object. pQueue - the queue containing the data for the output. pListcontrol - the list control displaying the pQueue. pFileName - the file to export the data to. pPreview - set if the file must be previewed. pOptionsGroup - a group containing the various options (class type dependent). |
Next | (*long pRecordsProcessed, *byte pThermometer, long pThermometerCtrl, long pProgressText=0),long |
Calls the SendTo object's next method and handles the update of
the Progress bar. Parameters: pRecordsProcessed - a handle to the variable containing the records processed. pThermometer - a percentile incrementor for the Progress bar. pThermometerCtrl - the ID of the progress bar. pProgressText - the ID of the progress text string on the Progress window. |
Kill | ( ) | Kills the SendTo class and runs the file preview (if required) |
Demo\ | This demonstrates the use of SendTo in a simple single-EXE stand-alone ABC application. It shows the use of all the SendTo templates. (Clarion6 demonstrates the use of PDF generation) |
multi DLL\ and | This demonstrates the use of SendTo in a multi-DLL application (ABC) where the SendTo procedures reside in the DataDLL (, while the procedures from which SendTo is used resides in the mainexe. |
SendTo with wPDFControls\ | These two applications (one for legacy and one for ABC) demonstrate the use of SendTo using wPDFControls for PDF file export. |
SendTo with PDFTools\ |
This ABC application demonstrates the use of SendTo using PDFXChange to generate PDF files. |
SendTo with xFiles\ |
This ABC application demonstrates the use of SendTo with XML output. |
SendTo with FTP\ |
This ABC application demonstrates the use of SendTo with export to FTP (requires NetTalk). |
Check out general product CompilerErrors.
CapeSoft Support | |
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