Clarion Accessories
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CapeSoft RunScreen

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Please Note: RunScreen requires StringTheory


RunScreen allows the user to control certain elements of your program at runtime. Specifically;


Column Management

Clarion already has browse column management in ABC. (Don't know how to use it, see here). So why use a different one? It comes down to a matter of taste really, but these are the reasons we created a different one;  One really interesting effect of having Runtime Column Management has been that, as developers, we are more likely to add more fields to a browse, even if those fields are hidden (ie have a width of zero) by default. There is less need to exclude columns that have minimal usage, or which clutter up the screen. We've found in our own apps that we're able to cater for a wider variety of users, adding the columns that are only applicable to a few users, while not cluttering up the browse for the others.

Compatible With

Clarion 8 Yes
Clarion 9 / 9.1 Yes
Clarion 10 Yes
Clarion 11 / 11.1
Clarion Templates Yes
ABC Templates Yes
Local Mode Yes
DLL Mode Yes
Multi DLL Yes
Browse Template Yes
List Control Yes

Documentation & Support

Documentation for the product is available here.

Go here for further support.


Please Note: RunScreen requires StringTheory

The price of RunScreen is $129. It is available for purchase from ClarionShop.
For other payment options please contact us here

Refund Policy

CapeSoft believes that if you aren't satisfied with our products, we would like them back - and we will refund you the money. This allows you to purchase our products with confidence. You can read our full refund policy here.
Clarion Accessories