Please Note: Reflection
requires StringTheory 3
In August of 2019 a convention for the use of the Name Attribute to store
Extended properties was submitted on
ClarionHub. While that convention has been supported
by a number of CapeSoft, and non-CapeSoft, tools, each tool has had to
write their own parsing library.
CapeSoft Reflection is an attempt to provide a standard library for
parsing extended attributes, and for providing common helper functions
that are required for libraries using Extended Attributes. It is provided
to the wider Clarion Community at no charge. Although free, it needs to be
ordered via the ClarionShop link
It will typically be used in an invisible, or nearly invisible way by
other libraries, and will likely not be used much by individual developers
(unless they are supporting their own custom attributes.)
An introduction to this class, and the way in which it
works, was described in
ClarionLive session #637 , recorded on 12 November
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