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Outlook Documentation

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Getting Started with Outlook (Quick Start guide)

Office Inside provides a set of templates and objects that makes interfacing and exchanging data with Microsoft Outlook easy. With Office Inside you can easily: One of the best ways to get acquainted with Office Inside in general, and the Outlook functionality in particular is the main Office Inside example application. This demonstrates the basic functionality that you would typically add to your application, such retrieving, updating, inserting and deleting Mail, Contacts, Tasks and Calendar entries from Outlook.

Outlook functionality falls into four separate sections: Office Inside provides functions to very simply handle each of these categories, all of which is demonstrated in the Quick Start below!

Quick Start Guides

The classes are much less intimidating than they look, a quick useful application can be built in a few minutes, without a huge amount of effort:
  1. Add the global extension
  2. Add an Office Inside object using the local extension
  3. Add a few lines of code to do the work….
Now we will look at how to access the various types of data provided by Outlook in each of the QuickStart Guides below.

Mail Folders and Messages

Fetching the Folders

Fetching a Message

Example Code

MailFolders    queue(oioFolderNameQType)              end
 messageHtml  &string

!--- First Fetch a list of all Mail folders

messageText &=
new string(32000)
messageHtml &=
new string(64000)

!--- Now loop through the queue and fetch the mail items
loop curFolder = 1 to Records (MailFolders)
    Get (MailFolders, curFolder) MyOutlook.GetMailItemsQ(MailMessages, MailFolders.EntryID)
    !--- You can now loop through the MailMessages queue to retrieve each message using
    ! The GetEmailBody() method to get the body of the mail and the
    ! GetMailAttachmentsQ() to get a list of all attachments

    loop curMail = 1 to Records (MailMessages)
Get (MailMessages, curMail)
        retVal = MyOutlook.GetEmailBody(MailMessages.EntryID, messageText,
false )
        if retVal = -1
            ! An error occured, the COM interface failed to fetch the data
elsif retVal > 0
            ! The emailText string was too small, so it was truncated, resize and fetch again
            messageText&= new string(retVal)
            retVal = GetEmailBody(MailMessages.EntryID, messageText, false)
if retVal <> 0
 ! Failed to fetch the message body.

        retVal = MyOutlook.GetEmailBody(MailMessages.EntryID, messageHtml,
! Handle errors and resizing here in the same fashion as above
        myOutlook.GetMailAttachmetsQ(AttachmentsQ, MailMessages.EntryID)
!--- This is where you would store or process the contents of the message, the attachments etc.
        ! for example you can call the SaveAttachment()method to save the attachments to disk.
        ! See the section below for more information on Attachment Handling


Fetching and Saving Attachments

You can fetch a list of all attachments for a particular Mail message using the GetMailFoldersQ() method, which takes a oioAttachmentsQ queue and populates it with a list of all attachments for a particular mail:

AttachmentsQ queue(oioAttachmentsQ)
i            long
savePath     string(File:MaxFileName)

MyOutlook.GetMailAttachmentsQ(AttachmentsQ, MailMessages.EntryID)
savePath =
LongPath() & '\Attachments\'
!--- Save All Attachments
MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailMessages.EntryID, 0, savePath, AttachmentsQ.FileName)

!--- Can also save individual attachments, for example save attachments that are not EXEs:
loop i = 1 to Records(AttachmentsQ)
Get(AttachmentsQ, i)
if not Instring('.exe', Lower(AttachmentQ.FileName), 1, 1)
        MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailMessages.EntryID, AttachmentsQ._Index,
                                  savePath, AttachmentsQ.FileName)

Sending Mail
    There are two ways of sending mail provided by Office Inside:
    1. oi_SendEmail () This is a global function, not a method, it can be called from anywhere and creates and destroys the object each time it is called (not recommended for most scenarios).
    2. The oiOutlook.SendEmail() method, which is used by the above class, can be used to send mail using an oiOutlook object.

      While call oi_SendMail makes sending mail simple, because it creates and destroy the oiOutlook object, and does the initialisation each time that it is called, it should not be used to send multiple messages. Call oi_SendMail where you just need to send a single, occasional message. For sending a number of mail messages, or a batch of mail etc. the SendMail() method is a better alternative.

Contacts, Tasks and Appointments

Contacts, Tasks and Appointments are all managed in a very similar manner. The following methods are used to manage the various entries: As you can see above, for fetching entries there are two approachs:
  1. Fetch a specific entry by calling GetTask(), GetAppointment() or GetContact() and then access the retrieved data using the properties of the class:

    The entries can then be updated or deleted by using the appropriate method: UpdateContact(), UpdateAppointment(), UpdateTask() to update the entry and DeleteContact(), DeleteAppointment(), DeleteTask() to delete the entry.
  2. Fetch all entries by calling GetTasksQ(), GetAppointmentsQ() or GetContactsQ() and use the provided queue types:

    Note: All properties and queues are documented under the relevant methods, see the specific method documentation for more information.
Example Code for Option 1: Fetching (and updating) specific entries using the class properties.


! Get a specific task by EntryID
! Delete the task if it has passed it's due date
if Today() > myOutlook.TaskProperties.StartDate_Date and |
Clock() > myOutlook.TaskProperties.StartDate_Time
! The properties can also be modified and the Task entry updated
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.Subject = '
Soccer Ball Collection'
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.Body = '
Collect new soccer balls from supplier'
! oio:ImportanceHigh or oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:ImportanceLow
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.Importance = oio:ImportanceHigh
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.StartDate_Date = Date(12, 10, 2007)
! Set the time to 15h30, 3:30PM
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.StartDate_Time = (15*60 + 30)*6000
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderSet = true
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderTime_Date =
Date(12, 10, 2007)
! Reminder an hour before the event at 2:30PM (14h30)    
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderTime_Time = (14*60 + 30)*6000
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderPlaySound =
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderSoundFile = '
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.LastModificationTime_Date =
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.LastModificationTime_Time =

Example Code for Option 2: Fetching all entries using the queue types.

MyCalendar         queue(oioCalendarQType1)
MyEvents           queue(oioCalendarQType1)

  code !--- Fill a queue with all Calendar entries
loop i = 1 to Records(MyCalendar)
Get(MyCalendar, i)
! The queue fields contain the information for this
! Appointment (calendar entry):

! Example: All recurring events could be added to another queue
if MyCalendar.IsRecurring
        MyEvents = MyCalendar
! Example: All expired, non recurring entries could be deleted
if Today() > MyCalendar.End_Date and Clock() > MyCalendar.End_Time

See the documentation for the following methods for more examples and information:

Converting an Outlook Macro into your application

Microsoft have developed a scripting language that allows you to automatically perform a sequence of tasks in Outlook. The sequence of commands is called a macro. Unfortunately (as of writing this doc using Outlook2010), you are not able to record Macros, which limits you to either use a downloaded macro, or writing your own in the macro editor in VB script. First thing is to get the macro into Outlook and then we'll work through converting the generated VB script code in the following manner:

In Outlook 2010, the Macro option is by default disabled from the ribbon bar (this may be changed in future versions of Outlook, so you'll need to google this if you have a different version), so you need to enable it first:

From the File tab, select the options item to take you to the Outlook Options window, and on the Customize ribbon, check the "Developer" option in the Customize the Ribbon list.

When you click OK, you'll notice the Developer menu item:

For more details on how to create macros (in Outlook), take a look at or google.

Once you have your Macro in Outlook, you can then follow the steps in  Converting macro code to Clarion code to convert your macro code to Clarion code.

Outlook Security (important)

Outlook 2007

By default, Outlook 2007 relies on the existence and the status of an appropriate antivirus software on the client computer to trust cross-process applications: if Outlook detects that antivirus software is running with an acceptable status, Outlook will disable security warnings for the end user. All cross-process COM callers and add-ins will run without security warnings if all of the following conditions hold:
For more information, see the "Code Security Changes in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007" article on MSDN.

Security Options

Windows Group Policy

Administrators can use the Trust Center in Outlook to change the default behavior. To access the Trust Center, select Tools and then Trust Center. In the Trust Center, click Programmatic Access. The Programmatic Access Security dialog provides options other than the default behavior.

The three settings in the Programmatic Access Security dialog are:
These settings are only available if the current user is an administrator on the computer. Non-administrator users can see the current setting but will not be able to change it. Programmatic Access settings can also be controlled through Group Policy. For more information on configuring Outlook settings with Group Policy, see the 2007 Office Resource Kit Web site.

Security Form in Exchange Public Folder

Just as in Outlook 2003, administrators can configure Outlook 2007 to locate the Outlook security form in a public folder. In this case, Outlook will not leverage the status of antivirus software and will by default only trust add-ins listed in the security form. There will only be three prompt behaviors: prompt user, never prompt and automatically allow, and never prompt and automatically deny.

To take advantage of the new code security behavior based on the status of antivirus software, administrators must use either the default Outlook 2007 security settings or configure Outlook to use Group Policy settings to override this behavior.

Further Reading

See the MSDN article "Code Security Changes in Outlook 2007" for a full description of the security module, different options available, what triggers the various security prompts and so on.

For versions of Outlook prior to 2007, see the MSDN article: "Avoiding Excessive Security Warnings when Sending Automated E-mail Messages"


The examples demonstrate everything used in the QuickStart guide and much, much more. The main example is a great place to get acquainted with the functionality of Office Inside and the Outlook classes. We highly recommend it as a "first stop", a great deal of the code that you need already exists in the example application, and it demonstrates how the objects are most commonly used, as well as provides a good foundation for copying-and-pasting code into your own application to get started.

You can find the examples in your Clarion\3rdparty\Examples\Office\ folder. The main example is the Demo example, which demonstrates all the core functionality of Office Inside. In particular the Clarion 6 version demonstrates all the latest and greatest features and additions, as well as some Clarion 6 specific functionality.


Template : Add_MSOutlook_Object
  • It is a Procedure Extension Template, so you add it to a local procedure in order to use and object in that procedure.
  • Adds an Outlook object to a procedure for you, as well as declares the various Virtual methods of the class for callbacks, embedding code etc.
  • Handles calling the Init() and Kill() methods to start Outlook and close it when done (the template allows you to do this yourself if you prefer).
  • Provides a number of options for how Outlook will be initialised, such as whether the Outlook window will be visible and so on.
  • It is optional, you can hand code adding and Outlook object if you prefer, however the template is the most frequent manner in which you will add an Outlook object to a procedure.
  • Works with procedures that have a Window. For source code procedures you will need to add the object and call the Init() and Kill() methods manually.
What does it do? This template is used to add MS Outlook functionality to a procedure in your app.
Prerequisites You need to have added the Activate_Office_Inside global extension template before you can add this template to a procedure.
How do I implement it?
  1. Select the procedure which you want to add this template to.
  2. Select "Properties..." from the "Edit" menu
  3. Click the "Extensions" button
  4. Click on the "Insert" button to add a new extension template
  5. Select "Add_MSOutlook_Object" ( found under the "Class OfficeInside" group )
  6. Click "Select", then "OK", then "OK" again...
What are my options? General Tab:

Object Name:

This is the name of the Office Inside object that this template will create and implement. Typically this would default to 'MyOutlook1', but you can change it if you would prefer to call the object something else.

Base1 Tab:

Initialise This Object:

This option allows you to select whether the template will generate code to initialise the object and when it will be initialised.

Event Handler:

When the Init() method is called it can optionally turn on event handling. This option allow this to be controlled from the template.

Base2 Tab:

Kill This Object:

The dropdown allows you to choose whether code is generated to Kill() the Outlook object (and close Outlook), as well as when that code should be called.


This section describes the various classes which make up "Office Inside".  Each class contains methods and properties, which are documented below.  Each method is documented by giving the method name, the parameters, an example of how to code the method, a list describing what the method does, and additional comments below.

The oiOutlook Class - Introduction

The oiOutlook class is a "wrapper" class, which is used by the templates and by other classes as the "communication" layer between Office Inside and MS Outlook.  Should you wish to write code which communicates "directly" with MS Outlook, this is the class you're looking for.

The oiOutlook Class - Methods Grouped by Usage

The table below lists methods grouped by usage rather than in alphabetical order. For example all methods for handling mail are grouped together, all methods for handling contacts are groups together and so on. This is a good place to start if you know what you need to do, but aren't sure what to use to do it.

For an alphabetical listing of the class methods, see the next section - The oiOutlook Class - Alphabetical Listing of Methods.
oiOutlook Class Methods - Grouped by Use
GetAppointment Fetches a single, specific appointment.
GetAppointmentsQ Fills a queue with all the Outlook Appointments.
DeleteAppointment Removes an appointment from the Outlook Calendar
InsertAppointment Adds an entry to the Outlook Appointments.
UpdateAppointment Update an Outlook Appointment entry.
GetContact Fetchs a single Contact entry.
GetContactsQ Fills a queue with all the Outlook Contacts.
DeleteContact Removes a Contact from the Address Book
InsertContact Adds an entry to the Outlook Contacts.
UpdateContact Update and Outlook Contact entry.
GetTask Retrieves a specific Outlook Task entry.
GetTasksQ Fills a queue with all Outlook Tasks entries.
DeleteTask Deletes a task from Outlook
InsertTask Adds an entry to the Outlook Tasks.
UpdateTask Update an Outlook Task entry.
GetMailFoldersQ Fills a queue with a list of all mail folders (or all folders).
GetMailItemsQ Fills a queue with a list of all items in a specific folder.
GetEmailBody Retrieves the actual body of a specific email (HTML and Text)
GetMailAttachmentsQ Fills a queue for the attachments for a specific mail message
GetMailRecipientsQ Fills a queue with the email addressees and their addresses for a specific mail message
SaveAttachment Save an attachment from an email in Outlook to a file.
SaveAs Save the Mail Item to disk in a variety of format.s
SendEmail Send an email using Outlook.
Event Callbacks
EventItemSend Event callback when an item (mail) is sent by Outlook.
EventNewMail This event callback is called when a new mail is created.
EventOptionsPagesAdd Event callback when the Options window in Outlook is opened.
EventQuit Event allowing you to trap when Outlook closes.
EventReminder Event for when Outlook triggers a Reminder.
EventStartup Event that Outlook fires on startup.
Object and Errors
Init Initialises the object and sets the event handling on or off.
Kill Kills the object, deallocates memory and closes Outlook.
ErrorTrap Called when an error occurs, provides centralised error handling.
Generic Access to Outlook Items

The following methods allows access to Outlook's folders and the items that they contain. They can access items of all types (Mail, Appointments, Contacts etc.) and provide the ability to filter and query Outlook items for improved performance and flexible access to specific sets of data.
GetNameSpace Retreives the Outlook Namespace. This is the "root" for all the rest of the data sets stored by Outlook.
GetDefaultFolder Retreives the default Inbox folder as well as the root folder (Data Store) which contains the Inbox and all other folders for that store.
WithFolder Selects a specific folder by name
GetItems Retrieves the Items interface which represents items in a folder (Items Collection)
GetItem Retrieves a specific item in the current Items collection
GetItemByID Retrieve an item from any folder based on the unique Outlook ID
GetItemByValue Retrieves an item from the current Items (folder) based on the value of the default field for that item (the default field varies depending on the item type)
NextItem Retrieve the next item from the currently selected folder (Items collection)
PreviousItem Retrieve the previous item from the currently selected folder (Items collection)
LastItem Retrieve the last item from the current Items collection
Restrict Set a record filter for the result set of items being returned by Outlook. This allows specific items to be retrieved based on any of the fields in Outlook.
SetColumns Restrict the columns (fields) being retrieved by Outlook for items. This can improve performance by only retreiving data required, rather than retrieving all fields that Outlook stores for each item. This is effectively a View on a database.
ResetColumns Resets Outlook to fetch all columns (fields)
RemoveItem Removes the item from the Items collection (this does not delete the actual Item from Outlook). This is the equivilent of filtering out unwanted records from a record set.
DeleteAllItems Clears the current Items collection
MoveItem Moves an items from one folder to another in Outlook
MoveItems Moves all items in the current Items collection to the specified folder. Allows optional filtering of the items based on a filter expression.
FindItems Finds an item in the current Items collection (folder) based on a search string. The FindNextItem method can be used to find the next matching item.
FindNextItem Finds the next Item matching the search term use with the FindItems call
CountItems Returns the number of items in the current Items collection
FindChildFolder Retrieves the child folder from a parent Folder that matches the specified name. This performs a recursive search using the specified parent as the root.
SortItems Sort the items in an Items collection in either acending or decending order using the Outlook field specified.

The oiOutlook Class - Alphabetical Listing of Methods

The table below list the same class methods as above, but in alphabetical order.
oiOutlook Class Methods
DeleteAppointment Removes an appointment from the Outlook Calendar
DeleteContact Removes a Contact from the Address Book
DeleteTask Deletes a task from Outlook
DisplayContact Displays the Outlook Contact window.
ErrorTrap Called when an error occurs, to provide additional information for your program to trap and handle errors
EventItemSend A callback method, allows you to trap when an item is sent by Outlook and execute code in your program in response to the event.
EventNewMail This event callback is called when a new mail is created.
EventOptionsPagesAdd Event callback for when the Options window in Outlook is opened.
EventQuit Event allowing you to trap when Outlook closes.
EventReminder Event for when Outlook triggers a Reminder.
EventStartup Event that Outlook fires on startup.
GetAppointment Fetches a single, specific appointment.
GetAppointmentsQ Fills a queue with all the Outlook Appointments.
GetContact Fetches a single Contact entry.
GetContactsQ Fills a queue with all the Outlook Contacts.
GetEmailBody Retrieves the actual body of a specific email (used to get the body of a message after calling GetMailItemsQ to get message etc.)
GetMailAttachmentsQ Fills a queue for the attachments for a specific mail message
GetMailFoldersQ Fills a queue with a list of all mail folders. Can also be used to retrieve a list of all Outlook folders, as well as just the mail folders.
GetMailItemsQ Fills a queue with a list of all items in a specific folder.
GetTask Retrieves a specific Outlook Task entry.
GetTasksQ Fills a queue with all Outlook Tasks entries.
Init Called to initialise the oiOutlook function and start Outlook. Sets the default state of Outlook (whether it is shown and the window position) as well as whether event callbacks are on etc.
InsertAppointment Adds an entry to the Outlook Appointments.
InsertContact Adds an entry to the Outlook Contacts.
InsertTask Adds an entry to the Outlook Tasks.
Kill Kills the oiOutlook object, cleans up allocated memory and closes Outlook.
SaveAttachment Save an attachment from an email in Outlook to a file.
SaveAs Save the Mail Item to disk in a variety of format.s
SendEmail Send an email using Outlook.
UpdateAppointment Update an Outlook Appointment entry.
UpdateContact Update and Outlook Contact entry.
UpdateTask Update an Outlook Task entry.
Generic Access to Outlook Items
CountItems Returns the number of items in the current Items collection
DeleteAllItems Clears the current Items collection
FindChildFolder Retrieves the child folder from a parent Folder that matches the specified name. This performs a recursive search using the specified parent as the root.
FindItems Finds an item in the current Items collection (folder) based on a search string. The FindNextItem method can be used to find the next matching item.
FindNextItem Finds the next Item matching the search term use with the FindItems call
GetDefaultFolder Retrieves the default Inbox folder as well as the root folder (Data Store) which contains the Inbox and all other folders for that store.
GetItems Retrieves the Items interface which represents items in a folder
GetItem Retrieves a specific item
GetItemByID Retrieve an item from any folder based on the unique Outlook ID
GetItemByValue Retrieves an item from the current Items (folder) based on the value of the default field for that item (the default field varies depending on the item type)
GetNameSpace Retrieves the Outlook Namespace. This is the "root" for all the rest of the data sets stored by Outlook.
LastItem Retrieve the last item from the current Items collection
MoveItem Moves an items from one folder to another in Outlook
MoveItems Moves all items in the current Items collection to the specified folder. Allows optional filtering of the items based on a filter expression.
NextItem Retrieve the next item from the currently selected folder (Items collection)
PreviousItem Retrieve the previous item from the currently selected folder (Items collection)
RemoveItem Removes the item from the Items collection (this does not delete the actual Item from Outlook). This is the equivalent of filtering out unwanted records from a record set.
Restrict Set a record filter for the result set of items being returned by Outlook. This allows specific items to be retrieved based on any of the fields in Outlook.
ResetColumns Resets Outlook to fetch all columns (fields)
SetColumns Restrict the columns (fields) being retrieved by Outlook for items. This can improve performance by only retrieving data required, rather than retrieving all fields that Outlook stores for each item. This is effectively a View on a database.
SortItems Sort the items in an Items collection in either ascending or descending order using the Outlook field specified.
WithFolder Selects a specific folder by name

oiOutlook Class - Method Documentation

This section describes each method listed above, how it is used, the parameters, return values, date types and related properties of the class that the object uses. In addition each method has an example of using the method, along with a list of related methods in the "See Also" section. Where the method uses specific data types they are listed along with the method, and each field described where applicable.


DeleteAppointment (string pEntryID)


Deletes the appointment identified by the pEntryID parameter from Outlook. Note: This method does not prompt the user with a "are you sure you want to delete this record" message, you need to do that yourself if you want to, this method simply deletes the Appointment from Outlook.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID The unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry. The EntryID is retrieved when calling GetAppointment() or GetAppointmentQ() and is also returned when you add a new entry by calling the InsertAppointment() method.
Return Values

Returns 1 for sucess and zero for failure.

! Example 1: Simply Delete an Appointment using the
! EntryID to identify it.

! Example 2: Fetch all appointments, and delete all
! non-recurring appointments that have expired
! (already occurred)
MyCalendar         queue(oioCalendarQType1)
! Fill a queue with all Calendar entries
    loop i = 1 to Records(MyCalendar)
        Get(MyCalendar, i)
        ! Delete expired, non recurring entries
        if not MyCalendar.IsRecurrings
            if Today() > MyCalendar.End_Date and Clock() > MyCalendar.End_Time
                ! Delete the appointment from Outlook
                ! Delete the appointment from the queue
See Also

DeleteContact, DeleteTask, DeleteAppointment


DeleteContact (string pEntryID)


Deletes a Contact (Address Book Entry) from Outlook when passed the unique EntryID that Outlook uses to identify the specific contact.

Note: This method does not prompt the user with a "are you sure you want to delete this record" message, you need to do that yourself if you want to, this method simply deletes the Contact from Outlook.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID The unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry. The EntryID is retrieved when calling GetContact() or GetContactsQ() and is also returned when you add a new entry by calling the InsertContact() method.
Return Values

Returns 1 for success, or zero for failure.

    ! Delete a selected Contact
See Also

InsertContact, GetContact, GetContactsQ


DeleteTask (string pEntryID)


Deletes the task identified by the pEntryID parameter from Outlook.

Note: This method does not prompt the user with a "are you sure you want to delete this record" message, you need to do that yourself if you want to, this method simply deletes the Task from Outlook.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID The unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry. The EntryID is retrieved when calling GetTask() or GetTasksQ() and is also returned when you add a new entry by calling the InsertTask() method.
Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure

!--- Fetch all Task, and delete all Tasks that are
!    older than the current date and time
TasksQ             queue(oioTaskQType1)
    loop i = 1 to Records(TasksQ)
        Get(TasksQ, i)
        if (Today() > TasksQ.StartDate_Date and Clock() > TasksQ.StartDate_Time)
See Also

GetTask, GetTasksQ, InsertTask


DisplayContact (string pEntryID)


Displays the Contact with the passed EntryID in Outlook. This opens the Outlook Contact dialog, allowing the user to view and modify the Contact using the Outlook dialog itself.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID The unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry. The EntryID is retrieved when calling GetTask() or GetTasksQ() and is also returned when you add a new entry by calling the InsertTask() method.
Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure

 if EditContact_EntryID = ''
    Message('Please select a Contact first...', 'Office Inside')
    if MyOutlook1.DisplayContact(EditContact_EntryID) = false
        Message('Failed to display the Contact!', 'OfficeInside')
See Also

GetTask, GetTasksQ, InsertTask


ErrorTrap (string pErrorString, string pFunctionName)


This method is called when an error occurs. Office Inside provides embed points for this method (before parent call, and after parent call) where you can put code to deal with any errors Office Inside experiences (see the example code below - note that the text on a grey background is what the template generates, and the code after the parent call is an example of custom error handling).

By default any errors that Office Inside encounters will be dealt with as follows: Parameters
Parameter Description
string pErrorString A string containing the error message that the method passed to ErrorTrap. You can use this string to display the error to the user, and also to implement your own error handling based on which error occurred.
string pFunctionName A string that contains the name of the Office Inside method that the error occurred in.
Return Values

None. ErrorTrap is called by the class itself, typically it is only called by the class itself and you would embed code in it, but not call it yourself.

MyOutlook.ErrorTrap PROCEDURE(string pErrorString, string pFunctionName)
    case pErrorString
    of 'Init Failed'
        Message (' Sorry but there was an error using Outlook. Error ' |
              & Clip(pErrorString))
        Post( event:closewindow)
    parent.ErrorTrap (pErrorString, pFunctionName)


EventItemSend ()


This event callback method is fired when Outlook sends an item (a Mail Message). You can use this event callback method to add code to perform some action (such as informing the user) when a send occurs.

This is a virtual method, which will fire automatically when the event occurs. Microsoft Office fires this event, which in turn is picked up inside the Office Inside DLL, which in turn calls this method in your code. Simply embed code in the provided embed point to deal with this event (if you wish to do so).



Return Values


MyOutlook.EventItemSend PROCEDURE()
    MessageStore.Sent = true              ! Update a record's sent status
See Also

EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventOptionsPagesAdd, EventQuit, EventReminder, EventStartup


EventNewMail ()


This event callback method is fired when a new Mail Message is created in Outlook. You can use this event callback method to add code to perform some action (such as informing the user) when a new mail message is added to Outlook.

This is a virtual method, which will fire automatically when the event occurs. Microsoft Office fires this event, which in turn is picked up inside the Office Inside DLL, which in turn calls this method in your code. Simply embed code in the provided embed point to deal with this event (if you wish to do so).



Return Values


MyOutlook.EventItemSend PROCEDURE()
    MessageStore.Sent = true              ! Update a record's sent status
See Also:



EventOptionsPagesAdd ()


This event callback method is called when the Options page (window) in Office is displayed. You can use this (and the other Event methods) to trap when this even occurs are respond to it in your code.

This is a virtual method, which will fire automatically when the event occurs. Microsoft Office fires this event, which in turn is picked up inside the Office Inside DLL, which in turn calls this method in your code. Simply embed code in the provided embed point to deal with this event (if you wish to do so).



Return Values


MyOutlook.EventOptionsPagesAdd PROCEDURE()
    ! An Options page has been added, so take some action here
See Also

EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventOptionsPagesAdd, EventQuit, EventReminder, EventStartup


EventQuit ()


This event callback method is fired when the user exits Outlook that the oiOutlook started.

This is a virtual method, which will fire automatically when the event occurs. Microsoft Office fires this event, which in turn is picked up inside the Office Inside DLL, which in turn calls this method in your code. Simply embed code in the provided embed point to deal with this event (if you wish to do so).



Return Values


MyOutlook.EventQuit PROCEDURE()
    Post(Event:Closewindow) ! The user closed Outlook, so close this window
See Also

EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventOptionsPagesAdd, EventQuit, EventReminder, EventStartup


EventReminder ()


This event callback method is called when Outlook triggers a Reminder for a task. Reminders can display a message to the user, or play a sound to inform the user that their is a pending task.

This is a virtual method, which will fire automatically when the event occurs. Microsoft Office fires this event, which in turn is picked up inside the Office Inside DLL, which in turn calls this method in your code. Simply embed code in the provided embed point to deal with this event (if you wish to do so).



Return Values


MyOutlook.EventReminder PROCEDURE()

    Message('Check your Outlook Tasks!') ! Inform the user
See Also

EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventOptionsPagesAdd, EventQuit, EventReminder, EventStartup


EventStartup ()


This event callback method is called when Outlook starts up. You can use this method to execute any code that you want to happen the Outlook has first started.

This is a virtual method, which will fire automatically when the event occurs. Microsoft Office fires this event, which in turn is picked up inside the Office Inside DLL, which in turn calls this method in your code. Simply embed code in the provided embed point to deal with this event (if you wish to do so).



Return Values


MyOutlook.EventStartup PROCEDURE()

    ! Call a routine to display some controls that relate to using Outlook
    Do ShowOutlookOptions 
See Also

EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventOptionsPagesAdd, EventQuit, EventReminder, EventStartup


GetAppointment (string pEntryID)


Whereas the GetAppointmentsQ method is used to read all appointments from Outlook into a Clarion queue, the GetAppointment method can be used to read a single appointment record, if you know its Outlook ID (which you pass as pEntryID)
Note: Recurring Appointments
Outlook provides a number of options for recurring appointments, not all fields need to be filled in for every recurring appointment, in fact specific fields apply to specific types of appointments and if you insert or update an appointment with invalid values it will fail. See the Object Properties section below for the fields that these values are used in.
Recurring Appointments
RecurrenceType Properties Used Example
oio:RecursDaily Interval 10 (Every 10 days)

DayOfWeekMask oio:Monday + oio:Friday (Mondays and Fridays)
oio:RecursMonthly Interval 2 (Every two months)

DayOfMonth 8 (The 8th day of every month)
oio:RecursMonthNth Interval 2 (Every 2 months)

Instance 1 (The first Tuesday and Wednesday, the days are specified below, this is just used for which instance of the days it will be). This is optional

DayOfWeekMask oio:Tuesday + oio:Wednesday(Tuesday and Wednesday)
oio:RecursWeekly Interval 3 (Every three weeks)

DayOfWeekMask oio:Tuesday + oio:Wednesday (Tuesday and Wednesday)
oio:RecursYearly DayOfMonth 12 (he 12th day of the month)

MonthOfYear 2 (February. MonthOfYear is a number from 1 to 12 for the months January to December)
oio:RecursYearNth Instance 3 (The third time this day occurs in the year, for example the third Tuesday in the year)

DayOfWeekMask oio:Tuesday + oio:Wednesday + oio:Thursday
(Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

MonthOfYear 3 (March. MonthOfYear is a number from 1 to 12 for the months January to December)
Parameter Description
string pEntryID The Unique identifier that Outlook uses for this entry. This value is retrieved when calling InsertAppointment , and the EntryID field in the the queue is populated with this value when calling GetAppointmentsQ.
Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.


This example gets an appointment and then deletes it if is it older than today's date and time.
    MyOutlook.GetAppointment(appointmentID)    ! Fetch an appointment
    if Today() > MyOutlook.AppointmentProperties.End_Date and |
       Clock() > MyOutlook.AppointmentProperties.End_Time
Object Properties

This method populates the oiOutlook.AppointmentProperties member of the oiOutlook object with the details of the Appointment. AppointmentProperties is a group with the following fields:
oiOutlook.AppointmentProperties fields
Field Name Type Description
Subject string The Subject of the Task.
StartDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when the Task starts
EndDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task
EndDate_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task is due
CreationTime_Date long Standard Clarion date when this Task was created
CreationTime_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date long Standard Clarion date when this Task was last modified
LastModificationTime_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task was last modified
Duration long Duration of this task in minutes
Body string The body text describing this appointment's details
Importance byte The importance of this appointment, can be one of three values:
AllDayEvent byte Set this to 1 for an all day event
BusyStatus byte Can be set to one of the following values indicating the type of appointment:
IsRecurring byte Set to 1 if this is a recurring event (such as birthday, anniversary etc.)
Recurrence_Type long The type of recurrance, once of the following values:
oio:RecursDaily (once a day)
oio:RecursWeekly (once a week)
oio:RecursMonthly (once a month)
oio:RecursMonthNth (every N months*)
oio:RecursYearly (once a year)
oio:RecursYearNth (every N years*)

*Where N is the number of months/years between recurrances

Important: Each recurrance type only supports certain fields, and the field values must be correct, incorrect values will result in updates or insertion of the appoint failing. See the note above on Recurring Appointments for the fields used for each type and their values.
Recurrence_DayOfMonth long The day of the month on which the Appointment recurs, a long value that stores the day, for example 15, for the 15th day of the month.
Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask long The day of the week on which the Appointment recurs, can be one of the following values:

Note that you can add these values together. For example for an appointment every Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask = oio:Monday + oio:Wednesday + oio:Friday
Recurrence_Duration long Duration of the appointment in minutes
Recurrence_Instance long The instance of the day or of the month that this appointment recurs on. For example setting this to 3 could recur on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (dependant on the DayOfWeekMask value)
Recurrence_Interval long The interval with which this appointment recurs. For example this could be set to 2 for an appointment that recurs every 2 days, month or years.
Recurrence_MonthOfYear long The month of the year. A value from 1 to 12 representing January (1) to December (12)
Recurrence_NoEndDate long Set to true (1) of the recurrence pattern has no end date
Recurrence_Occurrences long The number of times this event will happen. For example setting this to 10 means that this event will occur 10 times before it expires.
Recurrence_PatternStartDate long The date at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternStartTime long The time at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternEndDate long The date at which this recurrence pattern will end
Recurrence_PatternEndTime long The time at which this recurrence pattern will end
ReminderSet byte Set to true (1) if Outlook displays a reminder when the appointments occurs
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart long The number of minutes before the appointment that the reminder is displayed
Location string A string describing where the appointment takes place
EntryID string A unique identifier for this Outlook item. Read Only
See Also

InsertAppointment, GetAppointmentsQ, DeleteAppointment, UpdateAppointment


GetAppointmentsQ (*oioCalendarQType1 pQueue, <string pEntryID>)


This method is used to read appointments from Outlook, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code below). The queue filled is a oioCalendarQType1 queue. See Data Types below for a list of all fields in the queue and a description of each field and it's values.

Note: You should declare the queue using the type provided by Office Inside, as these queues may change in structure with additional field in future versions, and using the Type rather than redeclaring the queue ensures you maintain compatibility.
Note: Recurring Appointments
Outlook provides a number of options for recurring appointments, not all fields need to be filled in for every recurring appointment, in fact specific fields apply to specific types of appointments and if you insert or update an appointment with invalid values it will fail.
Recurring Appointments
RecurrenceType Properties Used Example
oio:RecursDaily Interval 10 (Every 10 days)

DayOfWeekMask oio:Monday + oio:Friday(Mondays and Fridays)
oio:RecursMonthly Interval 2 (Every two months)

DayOfMonth 8 (The 8th day of every month)
oio:RecursMonthNth Interval 2 (Every 2 months)

Instance 1 (The first Tuesday and Wednesday, the days are specified below, this is just used for which instance of the days it will be). This is optional

DayOfWeekMask oio:Tuesday + oio:Wednesday(Tuesday and Wednesday)
oio:RecursWeekly Interval 3 (Every three weeks)

DayOfWeekMask oio:Tuesday + oio:Wednesday(Tuesday and Wednesday)
oio:RecursYearly DayOfMonth 12 (he 12th day of the month)

MonthOfYear 2 (February. MonthOfYear is a number from 1 to 12 for the months January to December)
oio:RecursYearNth Instance 3 (The third time this day occurs in the year, for example the third Tuesday in the year)

DayOfWeekMask oio:Tuesday + oio:Wednesday + oio:Thursday
(Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

MonthOfYear 3 (March. MonthOfYear is a number from 1 to 12 for the months January to December)
Parameter Description
*oioCalendarQType1 pQueue A queue that is filled with the Appointments from Outlook. See the Data Types section below for a full description of the oioCalendarQType1 queue type, the fields that it contains and a description of each field and its values.
<string pEntryID> An optional string that fills the queue with a single entry containing the Appointment that matches the passed EntryID. To retrieve a single record we recommend using the GetAppointment method instead.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.

! This example fills a queue with all Appointments, then adds all
! recurring appointments to a new queue (MyEvents). It also deletes
! all appointments that are not recurring and where the appointment end
! date and time are older than today

MyCalendar         queue(oioCalendarQType1)
MyEvents           queue(oioCalendarQType1)

    !--- Fill a queue with all Calendar entries
    loop i = 1 to Records(MyCalendar)
        Get(MyCalendar, i)
        ! The queue fields contain the information for this Appointment (calendar entry)
        ! Example: Add recurring events to another queue
        if MyCalendar.IsRecurring
            MyEvents = MyCalendar
        ! Example: All expired, non recurring entries could be deleted
            if Today() > MyCalendar.End_Date and Clock() > MyCalendar.End_Time
Data Types

The oioCalendarQType1 queue type is provided for storing the data returned by this method. The table below lists the fields contained in the queue and describes each field.
Field Name Type Description
Subject string The Subject of the Task.
StartDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when the Task starts
EndDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task
EndDate_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task is due
CreationTime_Date long Standard Clarion date when this Task was created
CreationTime_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date long Standard Clarion date when this Task was last modified
LastModificationTime_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task was last modified
Duration long Duration of this task in minutes
Body string The body text describing this appointment's details
Importance byte The importance of this appointment, can be one of three values:
AllDayEvent byte Set this to 1 for an all day event
BusyStatus byte Can be set to one of the following values indicating the type of appointment:
IsRecurring byte Set to 1 if this is a recurring event (such as birthday, anniversary etc.)
Recurrence_Type long The type of recurrence, once of the following values:
oio:RecursDaily (once a day)
oio:RecursWeekly (once a week)
oio:RecursMonthly (once a month)
oio:RecursMonthNth (every N months*)
oio:RecursYearly (once a year)
oio:RecursYearNth (every N years*)

*Where N is the number of months/years between recurrances

Important: Each recurrence type only supports certain fields, and the field values must be correct, incorrect values will result in updates or insertion of the appoint failing. See the note above on Recurring Appointments for the fields used for each type and their values.
Recurrence_DayOfMonth long The day of the month on which the Appointment recurs, a long value that stores the day, for example 15, for the 15th day of the month.
Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask long The day of the week on which the Appointment recurs, can be one of the following values:

Note that you can add these values together. For example for an appointment every Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask = oio:Monday + oio:Wednesday + oio:Friday
Recurrence_Duration long Duration of the appointment in minutes
Recurrence_Instance long The instance of the day or of the month that this appointment recurs on. For example setting this to 3 could recur on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (dependent on the DayOfWeekMask value)
Recurrence_Interval long The interval with which this appointment recurs. For example this could be set to 2 for an appointment that recurs every 2 days, month or years.
Recurrence_MonthOfYear long The month of the year. A value from 1 to 12 representing January (1) to December (12)
Recurrence_NoEndDate long Set to true (1) of the recurrence pattern has no end date
Recurrence_Occurrences long The number of times this event will happen. For example setting this to 10 means that this event will occur 10 times before it expires.
Recurrence_PatternStartDate long The date at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternStartTime long The time at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternEndDate long The date at which this recurrence pattern will end
Recurrence_PatternEndTime long The time at which this recurrence pattern will end
ReminderSet byte Set to true (1) if Outlook displays a reminder when the appointments occurs
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart long The number of minutes before the appointment that the reminder is displayed
Location string A string describing where the appointment takes place
EntryID string A unique identifier for this Outlook item. Read Only
See Also

InsertAppointment, GetAppointment, DeleteAppointment, UpdateAppointment


GetContact (string pEntryID)


Retrieves a specific contact using the passed EntryID. Whereas the GetContactsQ method is used to read all contacts from Outlook into a Clarion queue, the GetContact method can be used to read a single contact record, if you know its Outlook ID (which you pass as pEntryID). When you call this method the ContactProperties property is updated, as demonstrated below (this property is a group and contains numerous fields). See the Object Properties section below for a description of each field that the ContactProperties group contains.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID The unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry. For existing Contact entries you can retrieve this value by calling GetContactsQ, which will retrieve all Contacts, along with their EntryIDs. For new entries the EntryID is returned as a string by the InsertContact() method.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.

EditContact_EntryID       string(255)
EditContact_FirstName     string(100)
EditContact_LastName      string(100)
EditContact_CompanyName   string(100)
EditContact_Email1Address string(50)
    ! Fetch an existing Contact that has been selected
    ! (and the EntryID populated into EditContact_EntryID)
    if EditContact_EntryID = ''
        Message('Please select a Contact first...', 'Office Inside')
        if not MyOutlook1.GetContact(EditContact_EntryID)
            Message('Error fetching contact', 'Office Inside', Icon:Exclamation)
        else EditContact_FirstName = MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.FirstName
            EditContact_LastName = MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.LastName
            EditContact_CompanyName = MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.CompanyName
            EditContact_Email1Address = MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.Categories
Object Properties

The oiOutlook.ContactProperties group stores the details for each contact. You can use these fields to get the details for the contact, as well as updating the fields and then calling UpdateContact to update the contact itself. Fields that are read-only have been clearly labelled as such in the description section.
oiOutlook.ContactProperties fields
Field Name Type Description
FirstName string The first name of the contact.
LastName string The last name of the contact.
CompanyName string The company name for the contact.
Gender string Gender, one of:
_Title string The title of this contact.
Suffix string Suffix of this contact - a string that is added after the contact's name. For example: "Bruce Johnson Esq.", the Suffix would be "Esq.".
JobTitle string Title of this contact's job.
Profession string Profession of the contact.
Department string Department that this contact is in.
AssistantName string Name of the contact's assistant.
ManagerName string Name of the contact's manager.
Language string Language of the contact
Spouse string Name of the contact's spouse
Anniversary long Standard Clarion date for the contact's anniversary
Birthday long Standard Clarion date for the contact's date of birth
Children string String containing the names of any children
Hobby string String for a hobby
Initials string Contact's Initials
MiddleName string Middle name of the contact
NickName string Nickname for the contact
FullName string Returns or sets a string specifying the whole, unparsed full name for the contact. Read/write.
CompanyAndFullName string A string representing the concatenated company name and full name for the contact. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstNoSpace string A string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with no space between the last and first names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly string A string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with spaces between the last, first, and middle names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
PrimaryTelephoneNumber string Main telephone number.
CompanyMainTelephoneNumber string Main company telephone number.
BusinessTelephoneNumber string Business telephone number of the contact.
Business2TelephoneNumber string Second business telephone number.
MobileTelephoneNumber string Mobile number of the contact.
HomeTelephoneNumber string Home telephone number.
Home2TelephoneNumber string Home telephone number of the contact.
CarTelephoneNumber string Car telephone number.
CallbackTelephoneNumber string The callback number of the contact
RadioTelephoneNumber string The radio telephone number.
OtherTelephoneNumber string Any other telephone number for the contact.
AssistantTelephoneNumber string Telephone number of the contact's assistance
BusinessFaxNumber string Business fax number.
HomeFaxNumber string Home fax number.
PagerNumber string Page number.
TelexNumber string Telex number.
WebPage string We site address.
BusinessHomePage string Home page of the contact's company web site.
PersonalHomePage string Home page of the contact's personal web site.
FTPSite string Address of the contact's FTP server.
IMAddress string Instant Messaging address. Used for IM clients such as Skype, Google chat, MSN Messenger etc.
SelectedMailingAddress byte Which one of the addresses is the selected one. One of the following values:
BusinessAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressCity string Business address city.
BusinessAddressCountry string Business address country.
BusinessAddressPostalCode string Business address postal code.
BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox string The post office box number portion of the business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressState string Business address state.
BusinessAddressStreet string Business address street.
HomeAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
HomeAddressCity string Home address city.
HomeAddressCountry string Home address country.
HomeAddressPostalCode string Home address postal code.
HomeAddressPostOfficeBox string Home address PO Box.
HomeAddressState string Home address state.
HomeAddressStreet string Home address street.
MailingAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
MailingAddressCity string Mailing address city.
MailingAddressCountry string Mailing address country.
MailingAddressPostalCode string Mailing address postal code.
MailingAddressPostOfficeBox string Mailing address PO Box.
MailingAddressState string Mailing address state.
MailingAddressStreet string Mailing address street.
OtherAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed address for the contact.
OtherAddressCity string Address city.
OtherAddressCountry string Address country.
OtherAddressPostalCode string Address postal code.
OtherAddressPostOfficeBox string Address PO Box.
OtherAddressState string Address state.
Email1Address string Email address for the contact.
Email1AddressType string Returns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the first e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport.
Email1DisplayName string Returns a String representing the display name of the first e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read-only.
Email2Address string A secondary email address for the contact.
Email2AddressType string The type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email2DisplayName string The display name of the second email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Email3Address string A tertiary email address for the contact.
Email3AddressType string The type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email3DisplayName string The display name of the third email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Categories string Returns or sets a String representing the categories assigned to the Microsoft Outlook item.
CreationTime_Date long Returns a Date indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
CreationTime_Time long Returns a Time indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_Date long Returns a Date specifying the date that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_Time long Returns a Time specifying the time that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
EntryID string The unique Entry ID for this contact. Each object in Outlook has a unique EntryID that identifies it.
See Also

GetContactsQ, InsertContact, DeleteContact, UpdateContact, GetAppointment, GetTask


GetContactsQ (*oioContactsQType1 pQueue, <string pEntryID>)


This method is used to read addresses from Outlook, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code below). If you pass an Outlook EntryID in the second (optional) parameter, then a single record is read and populated into the queue, we recommend using the GetContact method instead. See the Outlook_AddressBook procedure in the example application for more info.

Note: You should declare the queue using the type provided by Office Inside, as these queues may change in structure with additional field in future versions, and using the Type rather than redeclaring the queue ensures you maintain compatibility. The oioContactQType1 queue structure and field description is listed below in the Data Types section

Parameter Description
*oioContactsQType1 pQueue A queue of the type oioContactsQType1 which stores the fields for each contact. The queue should be declared using the oioContactsQType1, rather than simply declaring a queue that has the same fields, as the oioContactsQType1 may change between version as new fields are added etc.
<string pEntryID> A optional parameter that limits the method to only fetching the contact with the EntryID that matches the the pEntryID parameter. For fetching a single contact it is recommended that you call the GetContact method instead, which does not require a queue, and simply populates the oiOutlook.ContactProperties group with the contact data.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.

ContactsQ          queue(oioContactsQType1)
startTime          long
    ! Fetch all contacts
    startTime = Clock()

    Window{prop:text} = 'Please wait, reading addresses...'
    Sort(ContactsQ, +ContactsQ.FirstName, +ContactsQ.LastName)
    Window{prop:text} = 'Outlook Address Book'

    Message('Read ' & Records(ContactsQ) & ' addresses in ' |
           & ((Clock() - startTime)/100) & ' seconds.', 'Office Inside')

    ! If the queue is used to populate a list. select the first
    ! entry now that it has been filled
    Select(?List1, 1)
    Post(Event:Newselection, ?List1)
Data Types

The oioContactsQType1 queue type is provided for storing the details of Contacts. The table below describes each field in the queue, as well as it's type and values.
Field Name Type Description
FirstName string The first name of the contact.
LastName string The last name of the contact.
CompanyName string The company name for the contact.
Gender string Gender, one of:
_Title string The title of this contact.
Suffix string Suffix of this contact - a string that is added after the contact's name. For example: "Bruce Johnson Esq.", the Suffix would be "Esq.".
JobTitle string Title of this contact's job.
Profession string Profession of the contact.
Department string Department that this contact is in.
AssistantName string Name of the contact's assistant.
ManagerName string Name of the contact's manager.
Language string Language of the contact
Spouse string Name of the contact's spouse
Anniversary long Standard Clarion date for the contact's anniversary
Birthday long Standard Clarion date for the contact's date of birth
Children string String containing the names of any children
Hobby string String for a hobby
Initials string Contact's Initials
MiddleName string Middle name of the contact
NickName string Nickname for the contact
FullName string Returns or sets a string specifying the whole, unparsed full name for the contact. Read/write.
CompanyAndFullName string A string representing the concatenated company name and full name for the contact. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstNoSpace string A string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with no space between the last and first names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly string A string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with spaces between the last, first, and middle names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
PrimaryTelephoneNumber string Main telephone number.
CompanyMainTelephoneNumber string Main company telephone number.
BusinessTelephoneNumber string Business telephone number of the contact.
Business2TelephoneNumber string Second business telephone number.
MobileTelephoneNumber string Mobile number of the contact.
HomeTelephoneNumber string The contacts home telephone number.
Home2TelephoneNumber string Home telephone number of the contact.
CarTelephoneNumber string Car telephone number.
CallbackTelephoneNumber string The callback number of the contact
RadioTelephoneNumber string The radio telephone number.
OtherTelephoneNumber string Any other telephone number for the contact.
AssistantTelephoneNumber string Telephone number of the contact's assistance
BusinessFaxNumber string Business fax number.
HomeFaxNumber string Home fax number.
PagerNumber string Page number.
TelexNumber string Telex number.
WebPage string We site address.
BusinessHomePage string Home page of the contact's company web site.
PersonalHomePage string Home page of the contact's personal web site.
FTPSite string Address of the contact's FTP server.
IMAddress string Instant Messaging address. Used for IM clients such as Skype, Google chat, MSN Messenger etc.
SelectedMailingAddress byte Which one of the addresses is the selected one. One of the following values:
BusinessAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressCity string Business address city.
BusinessAddressCountry string Business address country.
BusinessAddressPostalCode string Business address postal code.
BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox string The post office box number portion of the business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressState string Business address state.
BusinessAddressStreet string Business address street.
HomeAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
HomeAddressCity string Home address city.
HomeAddressCountry string Home address country.
HomeAddressPostalCode string Home address postal code.
HomeAddressPostOfficeBox string Home address PO Box.
HomeAddressState string Home address state.
HomeAddressStreet string Home address street.
MailingAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
MailingAddressCity string Mailing address city.
MailingAddressCountry string Mailing address country.
MailingAddressPostalCode string Mailing address postal code.
MailingAddressPostOfficeBox string Mailing address PO Box.
MailingAddressState string Mailing address state.
MailingAddressStreet string Mailing address street.
OtherAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed address for the contact.
OtherAddressCity string Address city.
OtherAddressCountry string Address country.
OtherAddressPostalCode string Address postal code.
OtherAddressPostOfficeBox string Address PO Box.
OtherAddressState string Address state.
Email1Address string Email address for the contact.
Email1AddressType string Returns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the first e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport.
Email1DisplayName string Returns a String representing the display name of the first e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read-only.
Email2Address string A secondary email address for the contact.
Email2AddressType string The type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email2DisplayName string The display name of the second email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Email3Address string A tertiary email address for the contact.
Email3AddressType string The type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email3DisplayName string The display name of the third email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Categories string Returns or sets a String representing the categories assigned to the Microsoft Outlook item.
CreationTime_Date long Returns a Date indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
CreationTime_Time long Returns a Time indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_Date long Returns a Date specifying the date that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_Time long Returns a Time specifying the time that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
EntryID string The unique Entry ID for this contact. Each object in Outlook has a unique EntryID that identifies it.
See Also

GetContact, InsertContact, DeleteContact, GetAppointmentsQ, GetTasksQ


GetEmailBody (string pEntryID, *string emailBody, long pHtml)


Returns the body (either the text or html version) for the email identified by pEntryID. Use the GetMailItemsQ method to get a list of emails and their EntryID's and the GetFolderQ method to get a list of all email folders.

The retrieved message body is stored in the passed emailBody string. If the emailBody string is too small to store the entire body the then body contents are truncated to fit the string and the method returns the required size to allow the application to allocate more memory are call the method again using a larger string.

This method is used in the Outlook_ReadEmailFolders procedure in the example application.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID A string containing the unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry (mail message). Each item in Outlook has a unique identifier that is returned when retrieving items from Outlook. This property is always created by Outlook as is read only.
*string emailBody The string that will contain the contents of the email body. If the passed string is too small then the body contents are truncated to fit into the string and the method returns the required size to store the entire body. This string will contain either the HTML version, or the text only version, depending on the value of the last parameter - pHtml.
long pHtml If set to true (1) then the HTML content of the email is fetched, if set to false (0) then the Text only version is retrieved.
Return Value

Returns zero if successful and -1 if an error occurs. If the passed string is too short to store the message body the function stores a truncated version in the passed string and returns the required length (allowing the caller to allocate additional memory and call the method again).

emailText     &string
emailHtml     &string
retVal        long
    emailText &= new string(32768)                  ! 32KB string - the base size
    retVal = GetEmailBody(MailID, emailText, false) ! Fetch the text body
    if retVal = -1
        ! An error occured, the COM interface failed to fetch the data
    elsif retVal > 0 ! The emailText string was too small, so it was truncated, resize and fetch again
        emailText &= new string(retVal)
        ! Call GetEmailBody again, this time with a large enough string
        retVal = GetEmailBody(MailID, emailText, false) ! Fetch the text body
        if retVal <> 0
            Message('Sorry, but the email body could not be retrieved')
        ! Successfully retrieved the Text body

    ! Fetching the HTML version is indentical, except that you set the last parameter to true:
    retVal = GetEmailBody(MailID, emailHtml, true) ! Fetch the HTML body

    ! You can use Capesoft FileExplorer to display the HTML
    ! version of the email in your Clarion application
See Also

GetMailItemsQ, GetMailAttachmentsQ, GetMailRecipientsQ, SaveAttachment


GetEmailBody (string pEntryID, byte pHtml=false)


This method is limited to 20,000 characters and is deprecated. Please use the new GetEmailBody method listed above. This method is included for backward compatibility only.

Returns the body (in text, or html) for the email identified by pEntryID. Use the GetMailItemsQ method to get a list of emails and their EntryID's and the GetFolderQ method to get a list of all email folders.

See the Outlook_ReadEmailFolders procedure in the example application for more info.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID A string containing the unique identifier used by Outlook for this entry (mail message). Each item in Outlook has a unique identifier that is returned when retrieving items from Outlook. This property is always created by Outlook as is read only.
byte pHtml If set to true (1) then the HTML content of the email is fetched, if set to false (0) then the Text only version is retrieved.
Return Value

The method returns a string that contains the contents of the email, either as text, or as HTML, depending on the value of the pHtml parameter

mailText          string(08000h)      ! 512K
mailHtml          string(010000h)     ! 1MB
    mailText = MyOutlook.GetEmailBody (EntryID)       ! plain text
    mailHtml = MyOutlook.GetEmailBody (EntryID, true) ! html

    ! You can use Capesoft FileExplorer to display the HTML
    ! version of the email in your Clarion application
See Also

GetMailItemsQ, GetMailAttachmentsQ, GetMailRecipientsQ, SaveAttachment


GetMailAttachmentsQ (*oioAttachmentsQ pQueue, string pEntryID)


This method is used to read the list of email attachments from an email, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code below).
Note: You should declare the queue using the type provided by Office Inside, as these queues may change in structure with additional field in future versions, and using the Type rather than redeclaring the queue ensures you maintain compatibility.

Parameter Description
*oioAttachmentsQ pQueue A queue that contains the list of all attachments for a particular mail message. The oioAttachmentsQ queue type is provided for declaring this queue, and the fields are listed below under Data Type.
string pEntryID The Outlook unique identifier for this item. Every item in Outlook has a unique identifier that is created by Outlook. This unique identifier is return by the Insert methods such as InsertTask, InsertAppointment and InsertContact, as well as when calling the methods to fill a queue with items of a particular type, such as GetMailItemsQ, which retrieve a list of all mail messages in a particular folder.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.

! This example loops through a queue that would contain mail items
! which would be retrieved using the GetMailItemsQ method, and for
! each mail items shows two ways of saving attachments. Firstly how
! to save a single specific attachment, and secondly how to just save
! all attachments for an email.
AttachmentsQ    queue(oioAttachmentsQ)
MailQ           queue(oioFolderItemsQType)
i               long
a               long
    loop i = 1 to Records(MailQ)
        Get(MailQ, i)

        ! Option 1: Save all attachments
        MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailQ.EntryID, 0, '.\Attachments', '')

        MyOutlook.GetMailAttachmentsQ(AttachmentsQ, MailQ.EntryID)

        ! Option 2: Save specific attachments (for example all .zip files)
        loop a = 1  to Records(AttachmentsQ)
            Get(AttachmentsQ, a)
            if Instring('.zip', Lower(AttachmentsQ.FileName), 1, 1)
                MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailQ.EntryID, AttachmentsQ._Index, |
                                         '.\Attachments', AttachmentsQ.FileName)
Data Types

oioAttachmentsQ Type
Field Name Type Description
_Index string The index of this entry, used for passing to the SaveAttachment function
ParentFolderName string The name of the Folder that is the parent of this folder
EntryID string The unique identifier assigned by Outlook to this item
See Also

GetMailFolderQ, GetMailItemsQ, SaveAttachments


GetMailFoldersQ (*oioFolderNamesQType pQueue, long allFolders = 0)


This method is used to read the names / structures of the email folders from Outlook, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code below).

Note: You should declare the queue using the type provided by Office Inside, as these queues may change in structure with additional field in future versions, and using the Type rather than redeclaring the queue ensures you maintain compatibility.

Parameter Description
oioFolderNamesQType pQueue Stores the folder information, you should declare the queue using the provided Type to ensure changes to the types to not cause compiled errors in future versions (see below for an example of declaring a queue based on the provided type).
Field Name Type Description
FolderName string The name of the Folder
ParentFolderName string The name of the Folder that is the parent of this folder
EntryID string The unique identifier assigned by Outlook to this item
long AllFolders: Allows you to list all Outlook folders, include the root folder and non mail folders such as Contacts, Tasks, Journal etc. By default this is set to zero to only retrieve Mail folders, setting this to 1 will retrieve all folders in the Folders tree, including those that store appointments, contacts etc. You can then manually choose which entries you need from the queue and delete those that are not needed.

Return Values

Returns 1 if successful, zero if an error occurred.

foldersQ       queue(oioFolderNamesQType)

    Message('Found ' & Records(foldersQ) & ' mail folders')
See Also

GetMailItemsQ, GetTasksQ, GetAppointmentsQ, GetContactsQ, SaveAttachment

See the Outlook_ReadEmailFolders procedure in the example application for more info.


GetMailRecipientsQ (*oioRecipientsQ pQueue, string pEntryID)


This method is used to read the list of email addresses from an email, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code below).
Note: You should declare the queue using the type provided by Office Inside, as these queues may change in structure with additional field in future versions, and using the Type rather than redeclaring the queue ensures you maintain compatibility.

Parameter Description
*oioRecipientsQ pQueue A queue that contains the list of all attachments for a particular mail message. The oioRecipientsQ queue type is provided for declaring this queue, and the fields are listed below under Data Type.
string pEntryID The Outlook unique identifier for this item. Every item in Outlook has a unique identifier that is created by Outlook. This unique identifier is return by the Insert methods such as InsertTask, InsertAppointment and InsertContact, as well as when calling the methods to fill a queue with items of a particular type, such as GetMailItemsQ, which retrieve a list of all mail messages in a particular folder.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.

! This example loops through a queue that would contain mail items
! which would be retrieved using the GetMailItemsQ method, and for
! each mail items shows two ways of saving attachments. Firstly how
! to save a single specific attachment, and secondly how to just save
! all attachments for an email.
RecipientsQ    queue(oioRecipientsQ)
MailQ           queue(oioFolderItemsQType)
i               long
a               long
    loop i = 1 to Records(MailQ)
        Get(MailQ, i)

        ! Option 1: Save all attachments
        MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailQ.EntryID, 0, '.\Attachments', '')

        MyOutlook.GetMailRecipientsQ(RecipientsQ, MailQ.EntryID)

        ! Option 2: Save specific attachments (for example all .zip files)
        loop a = 1  to Records(RecipientsQ)
            Get(RecipientsQ, a)
Data Types

oioRecipientsQ Type
Field Name Type Description
Recipient string The name of the recipient
RecipientEmailAddress string The Recipient's email address
RecipientType long Contains 1 for To, 2 for CC and 3 for BCC
See Also

GetMailFolderQ, GetMailItemsQ, SaveAttachments


GetMailFoldersQ (*oioFolderNamesQType pQueue, long allFolders = 0)


This method is used to read the names / structures of the email folders from Outlook, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code below).

Note: You should declare the queue using the type provided by Office Inside, as these queues may change in structure with additional field in future versions, and using the Type rather than redeclaring the queue ensures you maintain compatibility.

Parameter Description
oioFolderNamesQType pQueue Stores the folder information, you should declare the queue using the provided Type to ensure changes to the types to not cause compiled errors in future versions (see below for an example of declaring a queue based on the provided type).
Field Name Type Description
FolderName string The name of the Folder
ParentFolderName string The name of the Folder that is the parent of this folder
EntryID string The unique identifier assigned by Outlook to this item
long AllFolders: Allows you to list all Outlook folders, include the root folder and non mail folders such as Contacts, Tasks, Journal etc. By default this is set to zero to only retrieve Mail folders, setting this to 1 will retrieve all folders in the Folders tree, including those that store appointments, contacts etc. You can then manually choose which entries you need from the queue and delete those that are not needed.

Return Values

Returns 1 if successful, zero if an error occurred.

foldersQ       queue(oioFolderNamesQType)

    Message('Found ' & Records(foldersQ) & ' mail folders')
See Also

GetMailItemsQ, GetTasksQ, GetAppointmentsQ, GetContactsQ, SaveAttachment

See the Outlook_ReadEmailFolders procedure in the example application for more info.


GetMailItemsQ (*oioFolderItemsQType pQueue, <string pFolderID>)


This method is used to read emails from Outlook, by filling a Clarion queue (as in the example code above). The queue type is described below in the Data Type section, along with the fields of the queue. Typically you would call GetMailFolderQ to retrieve a list of folders, and then call GetMailItemsQ to retrieve a list of all mail in a specific folder.

If the pFolderID parameter is omitted then the contents of the Inbox are fetched, otherwise if you pass the EntryID of the desired folder, the list of mail in that folder is retrieved.

Note: See the Outlook_ReadEmailFolders procedure in the example application for more info.

Parameter Description
*oioFolderItemsQType pQueue A queue of the type oioFolderItemsQType (see the Data Types section below for the queue fields and description). This queue will be filled with the details of all mail message in the passed folder. Use the pFolderID parameter to specify which folder to enumerate.
<string pFolderID> An optional parameter that specific which folder the mail list should be retrieved for. If this parameter is not passed then the queue is filled with the list of mail in the Inbox. If you pass an EntryID identifying a specific folder, then all mail in that folder is enumerated and the details placed in the passed queue. The EntryID for the folder is typically retrieved using the GetMailFoldersQ method to retrieve a list of all mail folders.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.

FolderItemsQ       queue(FolderItemsQType)
    MyOutlook.GetMailItemsQ(FolderItemsQ)                       ! Read the Inbox
    ! Do something with the contents of the queue here ...

    MyOutlook.GetMailItemsQ(FolderItemsQ, FolderQ.EntryID)      ! Read a specific folder
    ! Do something with the contents of the queue here ...
Data Types
oioFolderItemsQType Type
Field Name Type Description
SenderName string The name of the sender of the email.
SenderEmailAddress string The email address of the sender.
ToList string The list of people that the mail was sent to
CCList string The list of addresses that the email was CC'd to (Carbon Copied).
BCCList string The list of addresses that the email was BCC'd to (Blind Carbon Copied). Note that this only applies to Sent items. For received email that was sent with a BCC, the server creates one email for each person in the BBC list, and the email is received with the specific address in the TO field. Hence the carbon copy is "blind", as each recipient only sees their own address and not who else the mail was sent to.
Subject string The subject of the email.
MessageSize long The size of the message in bytes.
EntryID string The unique identifier that Outlook assigns to this mail message.
Categories string Categories assigned to the Outlook item.
Companies string Names of the companies associated with the Outlook item.
FlagRequest string Requested action for a mail item.
Importance long Relative importance level for the Outlook item.
IsMarkedAsTask long Whether the MailItem is marked as a task.
LastModificationTime long Time that the Outlook item was last modified.
LastModificationDate long Date that the Outlook item was last modified.
ReceivedByName string Display name of the true recipient for the mail message.
ReceivedDate long The date on which the item was received.
ReceivedTime long The time at which the item was received.
SentDate long The date on which the item was sent.
SentTime long The time at which the item was sent.
ReplyRecipientNames string Semicolon-delimited String list of reply recipients for the mail message.
SentOnBehalfOfName string Display name for the intended sender of the mail message.
UnRead long If True, the item has not been opened (read)
See Also

GetMailFoldersQ, GetMailAttachmentsQ, GetEmailBody, SaveAttachment


GetTask (string pEntryID)


The GetTask method retrieves a Task entry using the EntryID that Outlook uses to uniquely identify each entry.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID The unique Entry ID that Outlook uses to identify this entry. This is a string and is return by Outlook when using the "Get" methods to fetch entries (GetTask, GetAppointment and GetContact) as well as when using the Get Queue methods to fill a queue with all entries (GetTasksQ, GetAppointmentsQ and GetContactsQ). The EntryID is also return by each of the Insert methods (InsertContact, InsertTask and InsertAppointment). EntryIDs are created by Outlook and should be treated as read only.
Return Values

The method returns 1 for success and zero for failure.


The GetTasksQ method can also be used to read all tasks from Outlook into a Clarion queue, rather than retrieving a single task. When you call this method the TaskProperties property is updated, as demonstrated above (this property is a group and contains the fields that store the Task values).

The information for the Task is stored in the oiOutlook.TaskProperties property of the Outlook class:
Outlook.TaskProperties fields
Name Type Description
EntryID string Outlook's unique identifier for this Task
Subject string The Subject of the Task.
Body string The body contents of the Task, text that describes what the task is.
Importance byte The importance of the task, one of three values for High, Normal and Low: oio:ImportanceHigh, oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:ImportanceLow
StartDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when the Task starts
DueDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task (optional)
DueDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when this Task is due
ReminderSet long Set to true to turn the reminder on and false to turn it off.
ReminderTime_Date long If the reminder is enabled this is the date that the reminder will trigger
ReminderTime_Time byte If the reminder is enabled this is the time that the reminder will trigger
ReminderPlaySound byte If set to true (or 1) then a sound will be played when the reminder triggers
ReminderSoundFile string Specifies a particular sound file to play when the reminder triggers
CreationTime_Date long The date that this Task was created
CreationTime_Time long The time that this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date long The last date that this Task was modified
LastModificationTime_Time long The last time that this Task was modified
Categories string The categories for the Task
Companies string Companies for the task
Complete long Whether the task is complete or not
IsConflict long Read Only. Whether a conflict is detected by Outlook
DateCompleted long Date the Task was completed
TimeCompleted long Time the Task was completed
IsRecurring long Read Only. Whether this is a recurring Task
NoAging long A non aging Task
Owner string The name of the owner for the Task
PercentComplete long Percentage complete at the current date/time
Size long The size (in bytes) of the Outlook item
Status long The status of the Task (one of the TaskStatus equates)
StatusOnCompletionRecipients string Recipients informed when the Task is completed
StatusUpdateRecipients string Recipients informed when the Task is updated
TeamTask long Boolean that indicates True if the task is a team task
TotalWork long Long indicating the total work for the task
UnRead long Boolean value that is True if the Outlook item has not been opened (read)
! Fetch a Task, update some of its properties, and update the task:
MyOutlook.TaskProperties.Subject = 'Important Bug Fix'
MyOutlook.TaskProperties.Priority = oio:ImportanceHigh
See Also

InsertTask, UpdateTask, DeleteTask, GetTasksQ

For further examples of usage see the Outlook_Tasks procedure in the or example application.


GetTasksQ ( *oioTasksQType1 pQueue, <string pEntryID> )


This method is used to read Tasks from Outlook, filling a Clarion queue with all the Outlook Tasks. Office Inside provides a queue type to store the tasks, and allows you to synchronise tasks between Outlook and your application. You can also retrieve a single specific task by calling GetTask.

If you pass an Outlook EntryID in the second (optional) parameter, then a single record is read and populated into the queue, we recommend using the GetTask method instead to read single entries.

Parameter Description
*oioTasksQType1 pQueue A queue to be filled with the Outlook Tasks. The queue must be of the oioTasksQType1 type, or have exactly the same fields. We strongly recommend that you use the provided types rather than declaring the entire queue structure, as they may change between versions.
string pEntryID Optionally allows a specific Task to be retrieved by passing the EntryID of the Task to be fetched. To retrieve a single Task a better approach is to use the GetTask method.
oioTaskQType1 Fields
Name Type Description
EntryID string Outlook's unique identifier for this Task
Subject string The Subject of the Task.
Body string The body contents of the Task, text that describes what the task is.
Importance byte The importance of the task, one of three values for High, Normal and Low: oio:ImportanceHigh, oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:ImportanceLow
StartDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when the Task starts
DueDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task (optional)
DueDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when this Task is due
ReminderSet long Set to true to turn the reminder on and false to turn it off.
ReminderTime_Date long If the reminder is enabled this is the date that the reminder will trigger
ReminderTime_Time byte If the reminder is enabled this is the time that the reminder will trigger
ReminderPlaySound byte If set to true (or 1) then a sound will be played when the reminder triggers
ReminderSoundFile string Specifies a particular sound file to play when the reminder triggers
CreationTime_Date long The date that this Task was created
CreationTime_Time long The time that this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date long The last date that this Task was modified
LastModificationTime_Time long The last time that this Task was modified
Categories string The catagories for the Task
Companies string Companies for the task
Complete long Whether the task is complete or not
IsConflict long Read Only. Whether a conflict is detected by Outlook
DateCompleted long Date the Task was completed
TimeCompleted long Time the Task was completed
IsRecurring long Read Only. Whether this is a recurring Task
NoAging long A non aging Task
Owner string The name of the owner for the Task
PercentComplete long Percentage complete at the current date/time
Size long The size (in bytes) of the Outlook item
Status long The status of the Task (one of the TaskStatus equates)
StatusOnCompletionRecipients string Recipients informed when the Task is completed
StatusUpdateRecipients string Recipients informed when the Task is updated
TeamTask long Boolean that indicates True if the task is a team task
TotalWork long Long indicating the total work for the task
UnRead long Boolean value that is True if the Outlook item has not been opened (read)
Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure (failure generally indicates an error when calling the COM interface).


This example gets all the Tasks from Outlook and fills a queue. It then loops through the queue and adds all tasks that are marked as High importance to a queue called ImportantTasks. It then deletes entries that that are not High importance and have passed their Due date and time. These entries are placed in a DoneTasks queue before being deleted.
MyTasks        queue(oioTasksQType1)
ImportantTasks queue(oioTasksQType1)
DoneTasks      queue(oioTasksQType1)
    !--- Fill a queue with all Tasks
    loop i = 1 to Records(MyTasks)
        Get(MyTasks, i)     ! The queue fields contain the information for this Tasks
        !--- Example: Add Important tasks to a new queue
        if MyTasks.Importance = oio:ImportanceHigh
            ImporantTasks = MyTasks
        else                ! Example: Delete all tasks that are past the due date
            if Today() > MyTasks.DueDate_Date and Clock() > MyTasks.DueDate_Time ! Delete the Task from Outlook            �
                DoneTasks = MyTasks
                Add(DoneTasks)    ! Add to the Done queue
                Delete(MyTasks)   ! Delete from the Tasks queue
See Also

InsertTask, UpdateTask, GetTask, GetAppointmentsQ, GetContactsQ, GetMailItemsQ, GetMailFoldersQ

See the Outlook_Tasks procedure in the example application for more info.


Init pStartVisible=0, byte pEnableEvents=0) ,byte,proc


This method initializes the oiOutlook object, and must be called before you call any other methods in this class. The pStartVisible parameter currently has no effect whatsoever, and should be passed as 0 (zero / false). The pVisible parameter can be used for other Office Inside classes, however for Outlook it is not used.

Note: Compatibility with other (non Office Inside) COM Objects:
If you are using other COM objects on the same thread then the COM interface must only get initialised once and destroyed once. The Office Inside template provides a "File Explorer Compatibility" option that allows File Explorer (or another COM object) to do this initialisation and destruction. This is done by setting the oiOffice.noComInit property to 1, so that Office Inside does not handle the COM interface. See Kill for more information.

Parameter Description
byte pStartVisible Not used by Outlook. For other Office Inside object this parameter determines whether the application is visible or hidden when started by the COM object.
byte pEnableEvents Set this to one to enable the event callbacks such as EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventReminder, EventQuit etc.
Return Value

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.


MyOutlook.Init(false, true)  ! Start Outlook with events turned on

MyOutlook.Init(false, false) ! Start Outlook with events turned off
See Also

Kill, EventItemSend, EventNewMail, EventReminder, EventQuit


InsertAppointment ( ) , string, proc


Inserts a new appointment into Outlook. Prime whatever values you want to use in the new appointment before calling this method, by setting the AppointmentProperties property (See below for an example as well as the fields in the AppointmentProperties group).

Note: See the Recurring Appointments section under GetAppointment for a full description of the Recurring fields, and which values need to be set for each type of recurring appointment.



Return Value

Every item in Outlook has a unique ID (called an EntryID in Office Inside), this ID is returned as a string when you call this method.

subject             string(100)
startDate           long
startTime           long
endDate             long
endTime             long
body                string(1024)
importance          byte
allDayEvent         byte
busyStatus          byte
reminderOn          byte
reminderMins        long
entryID             long
    ! The variables declared above typically would be displayed on
    ! a window for user input, below are simply example values:
    Subject      = 'PTA Meeting'
    StartDate    = Date(12, 10, 2007)
    StartTime    = (16*60 + 30)*6000   ! 16:03
    EndDate      = Date(12, 10, 2007)
    EndTime      = (19*60 + 30)*6000   ! 19:03
    Body         = 'PTA Meeting and Timmy''s school.'
    Importance   = oio:ImportanceHigh
    AllDayEvent  = false
    BusyStatus   = oio:OutOfOffice
    ReminderOn   = true              ! Turn on the Reminder
    ReminderMins = 120               ! Reminder 2 hours before the event (120 minutes)

    if subject and startDate and startTime and endDate and endTime
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Subject    = subject
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Start_Date = startDate
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Start_Time = startTime
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.End_Date   = endDate
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.End_Time   = endTime
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Body       = body
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Importance = importance
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.AllDayEvent = allDayEvent
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.BusyStatus = busyStatus
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.ReminderSet = reminderOn
        MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = reminderMins

        entryID = MyOutlook1.InsertAppointment()
        Message('Please complete all required fields first.', 'Error')
Objects Properties
oiOutlook.AppointmentProperties group
Field Name Type Description
Subject string The Subject of the Task.
StartDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when the Task starts
EndDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task
EndDate_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task is due
CreationTime_Date long Standard Clarion date when this Task was created
CreationTime_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date long Standard Clarion date when this Task was last modified
LastModificationTime_Time long Standard Clarion time when this Task was last modified
Duration long Duration of this task in minutes
Body string The body text describing this appointment's details
Importance byte The importance of this appointment, can be one of three values:
AllDayEvent byte Set this to 1 for an all day event
BusyStatus byte Can be set to one of the following values indicating the type of appointment:
IsRecurring byte Set to 1 if this is a recurring event (such as birthday, anniversary etc.)

Note: See the Recurring Appointments section under GetAppointment for a full decription of the Recurring fields, and which values need to be set for each type of recurring appointment.
Recurrence_Type long The type of recurrence, once of the following values:
oio:RecursDaily (once a day)
oio:RecursWeekly (once a week)
oio:RecursMonthly (once a month)
oio:RecursMonthNth (every N months*)
oio:RecursYearly (once a year)
oio:RecursYearNth (every N years*)

*Where N is the number of months/years between recurrances

Important: Each recurrance type only supports certain fields, and the field values must be correct, incorrect values will result in updates or insertion of the appoint failing. See the note above on Recurring Appointments for the fields used for each type and their values.
Recurrence_DayOfMonth long The day of the month on which the Appointment recurs, a long value that stores the day, for example 15, for the 15th day of the month.
Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask long The day of the week on which the Appointment recurs, can be one of the following values:

Note that you can add these values together. For example for an appointment every Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask = oio:Monday + oio:Wednesday + oio:Friday
Recurrence_Duration long Duration of the appointment in minutes
Recurrence_Instance long The instance of the day or of the month that this appointment recurs on. For example setting this to 3 could recur on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (depenant on the DayOfWeekMask value)
Recurrence_Interval long The interval with which this appointment recurs. For example this could be set to 2 for an appointment that recurs every 2 days, month or years.
Recurrence_MonthOfYear long The month of the year. A value from 1 to 12 representing January (1) to December (12)
Recurrence_NoEndDate long Set to true (1) of the recurrence pattern has no end date
Recurrence_Occurrences long The number of times this event will happen. For example setting this to 10 means that this event will occur 10 times before it expires.
Recurrence_PatternStartDate long The date at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternStartTime long The time at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternEndDate long The date at which this recurrence pattern will end
Recurrence_PatternEndTime long The time at which this recurrence pattern will end
ReminderSet byte Set to true (1) if Outlook displays a reminder when the appointments occurs
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart long The number of minutes before the appointment that the reminder is displayed
Location string A string describing where the appointment takes place
EntryID string A unique identifier for this Outlook item. Read Only
See Also

GetAppointment, GetAppointmentsQ, DeleteAppointment, UpdateAppointment, InsertContact, InsertTask


InsertContact () , string, proc

Inserts a new Contact into the Outlook Address Book. Prime whatever values you want to use in the new contact before calling this method, by setting the ContactProperties property fields, as show in the example below. The ContactProperties group fields and a description of each field and its values is show below in the Object Properties section.

Note: Every item in Outlook has a unique ID, called an EntryID. This ID is returned when you call this method (as a string)



Return Value

A string containing the EntryID for this contact. Every item in Outlook has a unique ID, called an EntryID in Office Inside. This is the ID that is returned when you call this method.

contactID       string(_oit:EntryIDSize)
      MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.FirstName = 'Patrick'
      MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.LastName = 'O''Grady'
      MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.CompanyName = 'Three Leaves'
      MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.Email1Address = ''
      MyOutlook1.ContactProperties.BusinessAddress = |
                        '12 Throthworpe Lane, Blingshire, Farthington, 7922'

      ! Set any other properties here as desired
      ContactID = MyOutlook1.InsertContact()
Object Properties

The oiOutlook.ContactProperties group stores the details for a contact. You can use these fields to prime the values for inserting a new contact, get the details for the contact when calling GetContact, as well as updating the fields and then calling UpdateContact to update the contact. Fields that are read-only have been clearly labelled as such in the description section, these fields cannot be set when inserting a new contact, the values will be populated by Outlook.

oiOutlook.ContactProperties fields
Field Name Type Description
FirstName string The first name of the contact.
LastName string The last name of the contact.
CompanyName string The company name for the contact.
Gender string Gender, one of:
_Title string The title of this contact.
SuffixSuffix string Suffix of this contact - a string that is added after the contact's name. For example: "Bruce Johnson Esq.", the Suffix would be "Esq.".
JobTitle string Title of this contact's job.
Profession string Profession of the contact.
Department string Department that this contact is in.
AssistantName string Name of the contact's assistant.
ManagerName string Name of the contact's manager.
Language string Language of the contact
Spouse string Name of the contact's spouse
Anniversary long Standard Clarion date for the contact's anniversary
Birthday long Standard Clarion date for the contact's date of birth
Children string String containing the names of any children
Hobby string String for a hobby
Initials string Contact's Initials
MiddleName string Middle name of the contact
NickName string Nickname for the contact
FullName string Returns or sets a string specifying the whole, unparsed full name for the contact. Read/write.
CompanyAndFullName string A string representing the concatenated company name and full name for the contact. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstNoSpace string A string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with no space between the last and first names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly string A string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with spaces between the last, first, and middle names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
PrimaryTelephoneNumber string Main telephone number.
CompanyMainTelephoneNumber string Main company telephone number.
BusinessTelephoneNumber string Business telephone number of the contact.
Business2TelephoneNumber string Second business telephone number.
MobileTelephoneNumber string Mobile number of the contact.
HomeTelephoneNumber string Home telephone number.
Home2TelephoneNumber string Home telephone number of the contact.
CarTelephoneNumber string Car telephone number.
CallbackTelephoneNumber string The callback number of the contact
RadioTelephoneNumber string The radio telephone number.
OtherTelephoneNumber string Any other telephone number for the contact.
AssistantTelephoneNumber string Telephone number of the contact's assistance
BusinessFaxNumber string Business fax number.
HomeFaxNumber string Home fax number.
PagerNumber string Page number.
TelexNumber string Telex number.
WebPage string We site address.
BusinessHomePage string Home page of the contact's company web site.
PersonalHomePage string Home page of the contact's personal web site.
FTPSite string Address of the contact's FTP server.
IMAddress string Instant Messaging address. Used for IM clients such as Skype, Google chat, MSN Messenger etc.
SelectedMailingAddress byte Which one of the addresses is the selected one. One of the following values:
BusinessAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressCity string Business address city.
BusinessAddressCountry string Business address country.
BusinessAddressPostalCode string Business address postal code.
BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox string The post office box number portion of the business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressState string Business address state.
BusinessAddressStreet string Business address street.
HomeAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
HomeAddressCity string Home address city.
HomeAddressCountry string Home address country.
HomeAddressPostalCode string Home address postal code.
HomeAddressPostOfficeBox string Home address PO Box.
HomeAddressState string Home address state.
HomeAddressStreet string Home address street.
MailingAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
MailingAddressCity string Mailing address city.
MailingAddressCountry string Mailing address country.
MailingAddressPostalCode string Mailing address postal code.
MailingAddressPostOfficeBox string Mailing address PO Box.
MailingAddressState string Mailing address state.
MailingAddressStreet string Mailing address street.
OtherAddress string Returns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed address for the contact.
OtherAddressCity string Address city.
OtherAddressCountry string Address country.
OtherAddressPostalCode string Address postal code.
OtherAddressPostOfficeBox string Address PO Box.
OtherAddressStateOtherAddressState string Address state.
Email1Address string Email address for the contact.
Email1AddressType string Returns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the first e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport.
Email1DisplayName string Returns a String representing the display name of the first e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read-only.
Email2Address string A secondary email address for the contact.
Email2AddressType string The type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email2DisplayName string The display name of the second email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Email3Address string A tertiary email address for the contact.
Email3AddressType string The type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email3DisplayName string The display name of the third email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Categories string Returns or sets a String representing the categories assigned to the Microsoft Outlook item.
CreationTime_Date long Returns a Date indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
CreationTime_Time long Returns a Time indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_Date long Returns a Date specifying the date that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_Time long Returns a Time specifying the time that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
EntryID string The unique Entry ID for this contact. Each object in Outlook has a unique EntryID that identifies it.
See Also

GetContact, GetContactsQ, DeleteContact, InsertAppointment, InsertTask


InsertTask ( ) ,string,proc


Inserts a new task into Outlook. Prime whatever values you want to use in the new task before calling this method, by setting the TaskProperties property See below for the TaskProperties fields).


To add a new task you should first populate the oiOutlook.TaskProperties group with the fields that you would like to add for the task.
oiOutlook.TaskProperties Fields
Name Type Description
Subject string The Subject of the Task.
Body string The body contents of the Task, text that describes what the task is.
Importance byte The importance of the task, one of three values for High, Normal and Low: oio:ImportanceHigh, oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:ImportanceLow
StartDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when the Task starts
DueDate_Date long Standard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task (optional)
DueDate_Time long Standard Clarion time for when this Task is due
ReminderSet long Set to true to turn the reminder on and false to turn it off.
ReminderTime_Date long If the reminder is enabled this is the date that the reminder will trigger
ReminderTime_Time byte If the reminder is enabled this is the time that the reminder will trigger
ReminderPlaySound byte If set to true (or 1) then a sound will be played when the reminder triggers
ReminderSoundFile string Specifies a particular sound file to play when the reminder triggers
CreationTime_Date long The date that this Task was created
CreationTime_Time long The time that this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date long The last date that this Task was modified
LastModificationTime_Time long The last time that this Task was modified
EntryID string Outlook's unique identifier for this Task


Return Value

Every item in Outlook has a unique ID (see the demo), this ID is returned when you call this method (as a string)

curTaskID     string(_oit:EntryIDSize)
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.Subject = 'Soccer Ball Collection'
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.Body = 'Collect new soccer balls from supplier'

    ! Importance: oio:ImportanceHigh or oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:ImportanceLow
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.Importance = oio:ImportanceHigh

    ! Set the time to 15h30, 3:30PM:
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.StartDate_Date = Date(12, 10, 2007)
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.StartDate_Time = (15*60 + 30)*6000
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderSet = true

    ! Set a Reminder an hour before the event at 2:30PM (14h30):
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderTime_Date = Date(12, 10, 2007)
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderTime_Time = (14*60 + 30)*6000
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderPlaySound = true
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.ReminderSoundFile = '.\Reminder.wav'
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.LastModificationTime_Date = Today()
    myOutlook.TaskProperties.LastModificationTime_Time = Clock()

    curTaskID = myOutlook.InsertTask()
See Also

UpdateTask, GetTask, GetTasksQ, InsertAppointment, InsertContact


Kill (byte pUnloadCOM=1) , byte, proc


Closes the Outlook object and cleans up.

Parameter Description
byte pUnloadCOM parameter must always be passed as 1 (true), or simply omitted (in which case it will be passed as 1 anyway), as in the example code above.
Note on compatibility with other COM objects: The only exception is if you are using this object on the same window or thread as non Office Inside COM object (such as FileExplorer) that handles the COM initialisation and destruction. The template provides this options for FE compatibility for you, so this is only applicable if you are calling Kill() yourself. If you do use this option for compatibility with FE (or any other COM object) then you must call Init after the other object has initialised the COM interface, and kill before the other object disposes of it. Also note that you will need to set the .noComInit property of the class to true before calling the Init method.

Return Values

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced. Returns zero for failure.

See Also



SaveAs (string entryID, string fileName, long fileType = oio:olMSGUnicode), long


Saves the Microsoft Outlook item to the specified path and in the format of the specified file type. If the file type is not specified, the MSG format (.msg) is used.

Parameter Description
string entryID The Entry ID that identifies the Mail Item that you want to save (see the GetMailItemsQ method for more info).
string fileName The file name and path to save the Mail item to.
long  fileType The type of file to save the Mail Item as. The following values are supported (see table below):
fileType value Description
oio:olTXT Text format (.txt)
oio:olRTF Rich Text format (.rtf)
oio:olTemplate Microsoft Office Outlook template (.oft)
oio:olMSG Outlook message format (.msg)
oio:olDoc Microsoft Office Word format (.doc)
oio:olHTML HTML format (.html)
oio:olVCard VCard format (.vcf)
oio:olVCal VCal format (.vcs)
oio:olICal iCal format (.ics)
oio:olMSGUnicode Outlook Unicode message format (.msg)
oio:olMHTML MIME HTML format (.mht)
Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure. In the event of a failure the ErrorTrap() method is called with the error information.

fileName     string(File:MaxFileName) !! The file name to save a mail as
fileType     long                     ! The type to save the mail item as
    if FileDialog('Save Mail Item As...', fileName, |
                  'Outlook message|*.msg|HTML|*.html|MIME HTML|.mht|Rich Text|' |
                  & '*.rtf|Plain Text|.txt|', |
                  File:Save + File:Keepdir + File:LongName + File:AddExtension)

    if Instring('.msg', fileName, 1, 1)
        if Message('Save this message as Unicode? Choose No to save it ' |
                   & 'as a standard message and Yes to save it as a Unicode message', |
                   'Save as Unicode?', Icon:Question, Button:Yes + BButton:No)
            fileType = oio:olMSGUnicode
            fileType = oio:olMSG
    elsif Instring('.html', fileName, 1, 1)
        fileType = oio:olHTML
    elsif Instring('.mht', fileName, 1, 1)
        fileType = oio:olMHTML
    elsif Instring('.rtf', fileName, 1, 1)
        fileType = oio:olRTF
    elsif Instring('.txt', fileName, 1, 1)
        fileType = oio:olTXT
        fileType = oio:olMSG

    if Exists(fileName)
        if Message('The file already exists, would you like to replace ' |
                   & Clip(fileName) & ' with this Mail Item?', |
                   'Replace Existing File?', Icon:Question, Button:Yes + Button:No)
            ! cycle if in an event loop, exit for a routine,
            ! return for a procedure etc.
    if not MyOutlook1.SaveAs(FolderItemsQ.EntryID, fileName, fileType)
        Message('Outlook could not save the selected Mail Item.')
See Also

GetMailAttachmentsQ, GetMailFolderQ, GetMailItemsQ


SaveAttachment (string pEntryID, long pAttachmentID, string pPath, string pFileName) ,string


Use this method to save an attachment from an email message stored in Outlook. See the Outlook_ReadEmailFolders procedure in the example application for more info.

Parameter Description
string pEntryID parameter identifies which email you want to work with (see the GetMailItemsQ method for more info).
long pAttachmentID parameter identifies which attachment you want to save (as one email can have multiple attachments).  See the GetMailAttachmentsQ method for more info.  If you pass 0 for this parameter then all the attachments in the email identified by pEntryID will be saved.
string pPath parameter specifies the path where you want to save the attachment(s).  If you do not pass a value it will default to the exe path.
string pFileName parameter lets you specify the filename you want to save the attachment as.  If you do not pass a value in this parameter ('') then the attachment will be saved using it's original filename.
Return Values

If the method saves the attachment successfully, it will return the name of the newly saved file. If the method fails it returns a blank string.

! Example 1: Save first attachment to exe folder,
! using its original filename
MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(EmailID, 1, '', '')
! Example 2: Save first attachment to an 'Attachments' folder, ! inside the current folder, using its original filename
MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(EmailID, 1, '
.\Attachments', '') ! Example 3: ! This example loops through a queue that would contain mail items ! which would be retrieved using the GetMailItemsQ method, and for ! each mail items shows two ways of saving attachments. Firstly how ! to save a single specific attachment, and secondly how to just save ! all attachments for an email. Attachments are saved into an ! 'Attachments' folder in the current path. AttachmentsQ queue(oioAttachmentsQ) end MailQ queue(oioFolderItemsQType) end i long a long code loop i = 1 to Records(MailQ) Get(MailQ, i) ! Option 1: Save all attachments MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailQ.EntryID, 0, '.\Attachments', '') MyOutlook.GetMailAttachmentsQ(AttachmentsQ, MailQ.EntryID) ! Option 2: Save specific attachments (for example all .zip files) loop a = 1 to Records(AttachmentsQ) Get(AttachmentsQ, a) if Instring('.zip', Lower(AttachmentsQ.FileName), 1, 1) MyOutlook.SaveAttachment(MailQ.EntryID, AttachmentsQ._Index, | '.\Attachments', AttachmentsQ.FileName) end Free(AttachmentsQ) end
See Also

GetMailAttachmentsQ, GetMailFolderQ, GetMailItemsQ


SendEmail (string pToAddress, string pCCAddress, string pBCCAddress, string pSubject, string pAttachments, string pBody, byte pPlainText, byte pOpen=false) ,byte,proc


Sends an email from your app, using Outlook. The email is add to the Outlook "Outbox" folder.

Parameter Description
string pToAddressThe address to send the email to. Can l take multiple email addresses, just separate each addresses with a semi-colon between each address. For example: '; "Phil Widget" <>; "Spider Man" <>'.
string pCCAddressThe list of email addresses to CC (Carbon). Can l take multiple email addresses, just separate each addresses with a semi-colon. A copy of the mail will be sent to each addres in the CC field.
string pBCCAddressThe list of address to BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). Can l take multiple email addresses, just separate each addresses with a semi-colon. When a mail is send with addresses in the BBC field the server receiving the mail creates a copy of the mail for each person in the BCC field. When the person receives the mail their address is in the TO field, and none of the BCC addresses are listed in the mail. This allows a message to be sent to multiple recipients, and each recipient receives an email addressed to them, and the mail does not contain any other addresses that it was sent to.
string pSubjectThe subject of the email.
string pAttachmentsA list of attachments to include in the email. Each attachment is simply the path and name of the file that should be attached. For multiple attachments separate each file name with with a semi colon. Example: 'c:\temp\instructions.doc; data.xls; c:\Documents and Settings\Bob\My Documents\RetirementPlan.ppt'
string pBodyThe body of the message, if the pPlainText parameter is set to true (1) then this contains plain text, otherwise it contain HTML. If you want to embed images in the HTML text, then you need to use the shortname of the image (no path) in the HTML, and add the image(s) as attachments (including the path) as well.
byte pPlainTextIf this is set to true (1) then the mail is plain text only. If it it set to false (0) then the body contains HTML. You can use Capesoft File Explorer to provide a WSIWYG HTML editor in your Clarion application for allowing users to create an edit HTML emails.
byte pOpenIf this is set to true (1) then once the mail has been created then it is displayed by Outlook, and the user can modify it before pressing the Send button to send it. By default this is set to false (0) and the message is added to the Outbox without ever being displayed.
Return Values

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced, and zero for failure.

MyOutlook.SendEmail('', '', '', 'Test', '', '
              Test Email', false)
MyOutlook.SendEmail('', '; "Phil Widget" <>', |
                    '', 'Test', '
                    c:\test.txt; c:\myfile.doc', '
                    This is a test',
See Also

oi_SendEmail, GetMailFoldersQ, GetMailItemsQ, GetEmailBody, SaveAttachment


UpdateAppointment (string pEntryID, long pProperty, string pValue)


The UpdateAppointment method updates an appointment (calendar) entry in Outlook. There are two approaches provided for performing an update:
Note: See the Recurring Appointments section under GetAppointment for a full description of the Recurring fields, and which values need to be set for each type of recurring appointment.

Parameter Description
string pEntryIDThe unique ID of the entry that is to be updated. This value is returned by InsertAppointment and also retrieved by GetAppointment and GetAppointmentsQ.
long pPropertyThis parameter is only used when updating a specific property of the Appointment rather than using the AppointmentProperties group. This contains an equate identifying which field is to be updated. If this field is passed then the pValue parameter must contain the value to set the selected Appointment property to. For a list of equates see the equates section below.
string pValueThe value to set the field to. This is only used in the second form of the method call, where an equate for which field is to be modified is passed, along with the value to set the field to
Return Values

Returns true (1) for success and false (0) for failure.

Example 1: Updating an appointment using the oiOutlook.AppointmentProperties group.
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Subject    = 'PTA Meeting'
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Start_Date =  Date(12, 10, 2007)
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Start_Time = (16*60 + 30)*6000   ! 16:03
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.End_Date   = Date(12, 10, 2007)
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.End_Time   = (19*60 + 30)*6000   ! 19:03
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Body       = 'PTA Meeting and Timmy''s school.'
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.Importance = oio:ImportanceHigh
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.AllDayEvent = false
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.BusyStatus = oio:OutOfOffice
    ! Turn on the Reminder:
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.ReminderSet = true
    ! Reminder 2 hours before the event (120 minutes):
    MyOutlook1.AppointmentProperties.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 120

Example 2: Use the second approach to clear the Recurrence type, and then
           set it to a new value, along with the various fields needed
           for setting the recurrence properties
    ! Remove any existing occurrence
  MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentIsRecurring, false)   ! Set the new occurrence for every 2nd week on Mon and Wed, ending 31 July 2008   MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentIsRecurring, true)   MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentRecurrence_Type, oio:RecursWeekly)   MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentRecurrence_DayOfWeekMask, | oio:Monday + oio:Wednesday) ! Mon and Wed   MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentRecurrence_Interval, 2) ! Every 2nd week   MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentRecurrence_PatternStartDate, Today())   MyOutlook.UpdateAppointment(MyEntryID, oio:AppointmentRecurrence_PatternEndDate, Date(7,31,2008)

These equates are used when calling the second form of the method, where individual properties are updated. The equates are passed using the pProperty parameter and are used to define which property is being updated. For a description of each field, the values that it takes, and its usage see the AppointmentProperties group below under Object Properties.

"Update Appointment" Equates

Object Properties

The ouOutlook.Appointment properties group contains a field for each Appointment property that can be read from Outlook, most of these properties can also be updated. The table below describes each property, the values that it takes, and which ones are read-only (those that are set by Outlook and cannot be modified).
oiOutlook.AppointmentProperties Group
Field NameType Description
Subject stringThe Subject of the Task.
StartDate_DatelongStandard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_TimelongStandard Clarion time for when the Task starts
EndDate_DatelongStandard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task
EndDate_TimelongStandard Clarion time when this Task is due
CreationTime_DatelongStandard Clarion date when this Task was created
CreationTime_TimelongStandard Clarion time when this Task was created
LastModificationTime_DatelongStandard Clarion date when this Task was last modified
LastModificationTime_TimelongStandard Clarion time when this Task was last modified
DurationlongDuration of this task in minutes
BodystringThe body text describing this appointment's details
ImportancebyteThe importance of this appointment, can be one of three values:
AllDayEventbyteSet this to 1 for an all day event
BusyStatusbyteCan be set to one of the following values indicating the type of appointment:
IsRecurringbyte Set to 1 if this is a recurring event (such as birthday, anniversary etc.)

Note: See the Recurring Appointments section under GetAppointment for a full description of the Recurring fields, and which values need to be set for each type of recurring appointment.
Recurrence_Typelong The type of recurrence, once of the following values:
oio:RecursDaily (once a day)
oio:RecursWeekly (once a week)
oio:RecursMonthly (once a month)
oio:RecursMonthNth (every N months*)
oio:RecursYearly (once a year)
oio:RecursYearNth (every N years*)

*Where N is the number of months/years between recurrences

Important: Each recurrence type only supports certain fields, and the field values must be correct, incorrect values will result in updates or insertion of the appoint failing. See the note above on Recurring Appointments for the fields used for each type and their values.
Recurrence_DayOfMonthlongThe day of the month on which the Appointment recurs, a long value that stores the day, for example 15, for the 15th day of the month.
The day of the week on which the Appointment recurs, can be one of the following values:

Note that you can add these values together. For example for an appointment every Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Recurrence_DayOfWeekMask = oio:Monday + oio:Wednesday + oio:Friday
Recurrence_DurationlongDuration of the appointment in minutes
Recurrence_InstancelongThe instance of the day or of the month that this appointment recurs on. For example setting this to 3 could recur on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (depenant on the DayOfWeekMask value)
Recurrence_IntervallongThe interval with which this appointment recurs. For example this could be set to 2 for an appointment that recurs every 2 days, month or years.
Recurrence_MonthOfYearlongThe month of the year. A value from 1 to 12 representing January (1) to December (12)
Recurrence_NoEndDatelongSet to true (1) of the recurrence pattern has no end date
Recurrence_OccurrenceslongThe number of times this event will happen. For example setting this to 10 means that this event will occur 10 times before it expires.
Recurrence_PatternStartDatelongThe date at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternStartTimelongThe time at which this recurrence pattern will start
Recurrence_PatternEndDatelongThe date at which this recurrence pattern will end
Recurrence_PatternEndTimelongThe time at which this recurrence pattern will end
ReminderSetbyteSet to true (1) if Outlook displays a reminder when the appointments occurs
ReminderMinutesBeforeStartlongThe number of minutes before the appointment that the reminder is displayed
LocationstringA string describing where the appointment takes place
EntryIDstringA unique identifier for this Outlook item. Read Only
See Also

InsertAppointment, GetAppointment, GetAppointmentsQ, UpdateTask, UpdateContact


UpdateContact (string pEntryID, long pProperty, string pValue)


Updates the contact entry in Outlook (identified by the pEntryID parameter).

There are two ways you can use this method:
Parameter Description
string pEntryIDA string containing the EntryID that identifies which contact to update. Every item in Outlok has a unique EntryID. This value is returned when inserting a new item (for example when calling InsertContact) and can also be retrieved by calling GetContactsQ to fill a queue with all Outlook contact entries.
long pPropertyOptional parameter only passed when using the second approach to update a specific field. This value is an equate that identifies which field should be updated. See the Equates section below for a list of equates that this value can be set to.
string pValueOptional parameter only passed when using the second approach to update a specific field. This string contains the value to set the specific field to.
Return Value

Returns true (1) or sucess and zero (0) for failure.

Example 1: Using the ContactProperties group to update a contact
MyOutlook.ContactProperties.FirstName = 'Spider'
MyOutlook.ContactProperties.LastName = 'Man'
! Set other properties here using the fields in the ContactProperties group
MyOutlook.UpdateContact(MyEntryID) Example 2: Using the second approach to update individual fields MyOutlook.UpdateContact(MyEntryID, oio:ContactFirstName, 'Spider') MyOutlook.UpdateContact(MyEntryID, oio:ContactLastName, 'Man')
Object Properties

The oiOutlook.ContactProperties group stores the details for each contact. You can use these fields to get the details for the contact, as well as updating the fields and then calling UpdateContact to update the contact itself. Fields that are read-only have been clearly labeled as such in the description section.

oiOutlook.ContactProperties fields
Field NameType Description
FirstNamestringThe first name of the contact.
LastNamestringThe last name of the contact.
CompanyNamestringThe company name for the contact.
GenderstringGender, one of:
_TitlestringThe title of this contact.
SuffixstringSuffix of this contact - a string that is added after the contact's name. For example: "Bruce Johnson Esq.", the Suffix would be "Esq.".
JobTitlestringTitle of this contact's job.
ProfessionstringProfession of the contact.
DepartmentstringDepartment that this contact is in.
AssistantNamestringName of the contact's assistant.
ManagerNamestringName of the contact's manager.
LanguagestringLanguage of the contact
SpousestringName of the contact's spouse
AnniversarylongStandard Clarion date for the contact's anniversary
BirthdaylongStandard Clarion date for the contact's date of birth
ChildrenstringString containing the names of any children
HobbystringString for a hobby
InitialsstringContact's Initials
MiddleNamestringMiddle name of the contact
NickNamestringNickname for the contact
FullNamestringReturns or sets a string specifying the whole, unparsed full name for the contact. Read/write.
CompanyAndFullNamestringA string representing the concatenated company name and full name for the contact. Read-only
CompanyLastFirstNoSpacestringA string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with no space between the last and first names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnlystringA string representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with spaces between the last, first, and middle names. This property is parsed from the CompanyName , LastName , FirstName and MiddleName properties. Read-only.
PrimaryTelephoneNumberstringMain telephone number.
CompanyMainTelephoneNumberstringMain company telephone number.
BusinessTelephoneNumberstringBusiness telephone number of the contact.
Business2TelephoneNumberstringSecond business telephone number.
MobileTelephoneNumberstringMobile number of the contact.
HomeTelephoneNumberstringHome telephone number.
Home2TelephoneNumberstringHome telephone number of the contact.
CarTelephoneNumberstringCar telephone number.
CallbackTelephoneNumberstringThe callback number of the contact
RadioTelephoneNumberstringThe radio telephone number.
OtherTelephoneNumberstringAny other telephone number for the contact.
AssistantTelephoneNumberstringTelephone number of the contact's assistance
BusinessFaxNumberstringBusiness fax number.
HomeFaxNumberstringHome fax number.
PagerNumberstringPage number.
TelexNumberstringTelex number.
WebPagestringWe site address.
BusinessHomePagestringHome page of the contact's company web site.
PersonalHomePagestringHome page of the contact's personal web site.
FTPSitestringAddress of the contact's FTP server.
IMAddressstringInstant Messaging address. Used for IM clients such as Skype, Google chat, MSN Messenger etc.
SelectedMailingAddressbyteWhich one of the addresses is the selected one. One of the following values:
BusinessAddressstringReturns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressCitystringBusiness address city.
BusinessAddressCountrystringBusiness address country.
BusinessAddressPostalCodestringBusiness address postal code.
BusinessAddressPostOfficeBoxstringThe post office box number portion of the business address for the contact.
BusinessAddressStatestringBusiness address state.
BusinessAddressStreetstringBusiness address street.
HomeAddressstringReturns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
HomeAddressCitystringHome address city.
HomeAddressCountrystringHome address country.
HomeAddressPostalCodestringHome address postal code.
HomeAddressPostOfficeBoxstringHome address PO Box.
HomeAddressStatestringHome address state.
HomeAddressStreetstringHome address street.
MailingAddressstringReturns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed home address for the contact.
MailingAddressCitystringMailing address city.
MailingAddressCountrystringMailing address country.
MailingAddressPostalCodestringMailing address postal code.
MailingAddressPostOfficeBoxstringMailing address PO Box.
MailingAddressStatestringMailing address state.
MailingAddressStreetstringMailing address street.
OtherAddressstringReturns or sets a string representing the whole, unparsed address for the contact.
OtherAddressCitystringAddress city.
OtherAddressCountrystringAddress country.
OtherAddressPostalCodestringAddress postal code.
OtherAddressPostOfficeBoxstringAddress PO Box.
OtherAddressStatestringAddress state.
Email1AddressstringEmail address for the contact.
Email1AddressTypestringReturns or sets a String representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the first e-mail entry for the contact. This is a free-form text field, but it must match the actual type of an existing e-mail transport.
Email1DisplayNamestringReturns a String representing the display name of the first e-mail address for the contact. This property is set to the value of the FullName property by default. Read-only.
Email2AddressstringA secondary email address for the contact.
Email2AddressTypestringThe type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email2DisplayNamestringThe display name of the second email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
Email3AddressstringA tertiary email address for the contact.
Email3AddressTypestringThe type of address (see Email1AddressType above)
Email3DisplayNamestringThe display name of the third email address (see Email1DisplayName above)
CategoriesstringReturns or sets a String representing the categories assigned to the Microsoft Outlook item.
CreationTime_DatelongReturns a Date indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
CreationTime_TimelongReturns a Time indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_DatelongReturns a Date specifying the date that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
LastModificationTime_TimelongReturns a Time specifying the time that the Microsoft Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.
EntryIDstringThe unique Entry ID for this contact. Each object in Outlook has a unique EntryID that identifies it.

These equates are used to update specific fields using the second form of the method, where the pProperty and pValue parameters are passed to update a specific field, rather than populating the ContactProperties group and then updating the entire contact. Each equate relates to the properties of the same name as listed in the ContactProperties table below.
Contact Update Equates
oio:ContactFirstNameThe first name of the contact.
oio:ContactLastNameThe last name of the contact.
oio:ContactCompanyNameThe company name for the contact.
oio:ContactGenderGender of the contact (see ContactProperties)
oio:Contact_TitleThe title of this contact.
oio:ContactSuffixA string that is added after the contact's name.
oio:ContactJobTitleTitle of this contact's job.
oio:ContactProfessionProfession of the contact.
oio:ContactDepartmentDepartment that this contact is in.
oio:ContactAssistantNameName of the contact's assistant.
oio:ContactManagerNameName of the contact's manager.
oio:ContactLanguageLanguage of the contact
oio:ContactSpouseName of the contact's spouse
oio:ContactAnniversaryStandard Clarion date for the contact's anniversary
oio:ContactBirthdayStandard Clarion date for the contact's date of birth
oio:ContactChildrenString containing the names of any children
oio:ContactHobbyString for a hobby
oio:ContactInitialsContact's Initials
oio:ContactMiddleNameMiddle name of the contact
oio:ContactNickNameNickname for the contact
oio:ContactFullNameFull Name (see ContactProperties)
oio:ContactPrimaryTelephoneNumberMain telephone number.
oio:ContactCompanyMainTelephoneNumberMain company telephone number.
oio:ContactBusinessTelephoneNumberBusiness telephone number of the contact.
oio:ContactBusiness2TelephoneNumberSecond business telephone number.
oio:ContactMobileTelephoneNumberMobile number of the contact.
oio:ContactHomeTelephoneNumberHome telephone number of the contact.
oio:ContactCarTelephoneNumberCar telephone number.
oio:ContactCallbackTelephoneNumberThe callback number of the contact
oio:ContactRadioTelephoneNumberThe radio telephone number.
oio:ContactOtherTelephoneNumberAny other telephone number for the contact.
oio:ContactAssistantTelephoneNumberTelephone number of the contact's assistance
oio:ContactBusinessFaxNumberBusiness fax number.
oio:ContactHomeFaxNumberHome fax number.
oio:ContactPagerNumberPage number.
oio:ContactTelexNumberTelex number.
oio:ContactWebPageWe site address.
oio:ContactBusinessHomePageHome page of the contact's company web site.
oio:ContactPersonalHomePageHome page of the contact's personal web site.
oio:ContactFTPSiteAddress of the contact's FTP server.
oio:ContactIMAddressInstant Messaging address.
oio:ContactSelectedMailingAddressSelected. (see ContactProperties)
oio:ContactBusinessAddressWhole, unparsed business address for the contact.
oio:ContactBusinessAddressCityBusiness address city.
oio:ContactBusinessAddressCountryBusiness address country.
oio:ContactBusinessAddressPostalCodeBusiness address postal code.
oio:ContactBusinessAddressPostOfficeBoxThe post office box number portion of the business address for the contact.
oio:ContactBusinessAddressStateBusiness address state.
oio:ContactBusinessAddressStreetBusiness address street.
oio:ContactHomeAddressWhole, unparsed home address for the contact.
oio:ContactHomeAddressCityHome address city.
oio:ContactHomeAddressCountryHome address country.
oio:ContactHomeAddressPostalCodeHome address postal code.
oio:ContactHomeAddressPostOfficeBoxHome address PO Box.
oio:ContactHomeAddressStateHome address state.
oio:ContactHomeAddressStreetHome address street.
oio:ContactMailingAddressWhole, unparsed home address for the contact.
oio:ContactMailingAddressCityMailing address city.
oio:ContactMailingAddressCountryMailing address country.
oio:ContactMailingAddressPostalCodeMailing address postal code.
oio:ContactMailingAddressPostOfficeBoxMailing address PO Box.
oio:ContactMailingAddressStateMailing address state.
oio:ContactMailingAddressStreetMailing address street.
oio:ContactOtherAddressWhole, unparsed address for the contact.
oio:ContactOtherAddressCityAddress city.
oio:ContactOtherAddressCountryAddress country.
oio:ContactOtherAddressPostalCodeAddress postal code.
oio:ContactOtherAddressPostOfficeBoxAddress PO Box.
oio:ContactOtherAddressStateAddress state.
oio:ContactEmail1AddressEmail address for the contact.
oio:ContactEmail1AddressTypeAddress type (see ContactProperties)
oio:ContactEmail2AddressA secondary email address for the contact.
oio:ContactEmail2AddressTypeThe type of address (see ContactProperties)
oio:ContactEmail2DisplayNameThe display name of the second email address (see ContactProperties)
oio:ContactEmail3AddressA tertiary email address for the contact.
oio:ContactEmail3AddressTypeThe type of address (see ContactProperties)
oio:ContactEmail3DisplayName The display name of the third email address (see ContactProperties)
See Also

InsertContact, GetContact, GetContactsQ, DeleteContact, UpdateAppointment, UpdateTask


UpdateTask (string pEntryID, long pProperty, string pValue)


Updates the task entry in Outlook (identified by the pEntryID parameter). Parameters
Parameter Description
string pEntryIDThe EntryID that identifies the Task to update. Every entry in Outlook has a unique EntryID that is assigned by Outlook. This EntryID is returned as a string when the Insert methods are called (InsertTask, InsertAppointment and InsertContact) and also retrieved when using GetTask, GetTaskQ etc.
long pPropertyOptional parameter, only used with the second approach described above. This parameter should be set to the equate identifying which field should be updated. The equates are listed below in the equates section. Each equate corresponds to the property of the same name as described in the TaskProperties table below.
string pValueOptional parameter, only used with the second approach described above. This string should be set to the value to update the Contact property to. The pProperty parameter determines which property of the Task must be updated, the pValue parameter determines the value that it is set to.
Return Values

Returns true (1) for success and false (zero) for failure.

Example 1: Updating the contact using the oiOutlook.ContactProperties group
MyOutlook.TaskProperties.Subject = 'Hello world'
! set other properties here...
MyOutlook.UpdateTask(MyEntryID) ! Example 2: Updating the contact using the second approach, by updating a ! specific field, specified by passing the pProperty parameter to specify the ! field and pValue to specify the new value MyOutlook.UpdateTask(MyEntryID, oio:TaskSubject, 'Hello world')
Object Properties

Outlook.TaskProperties fields
NameType Description
Subject stringThe Subject of the Task.
BodystringThe body contents of the Task, text that describes what the task is.
ImportancebyteThe importance of the task, one of three values for High, Normal and Low: oio:ImportanceHigh, oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:ImportanceLow
StartDate_DatelongStandard Clarion date for when the Task starts (optional)
StartDate_TimelongStandard Clarion time for when the Task starts
DueDate_DatelongStandard Clarion date for the Due Date for the Task (optional)
DueDate_TimelongStandard Clarion time for when this Task is due
ReminderSetlongSet to true to turn the reminder on and false to turn it off.
ReminderTime_DatelongIf the reminder is enabled this is the date that the reminder will trigger
ReminderTime_TimebyteIf the reminder is enabled this is the time that the reminder will trigger
ReminderPlaySoundbyteIf set to true (or 1) then a sound will be played when the reminder triggers
ReminderSoundFilestringSpecifies a particular sound file to play when the reminder triggers
CreationTime_DatelongThe date that this Task was created
CreationTime_TimelongThe time that this Task was created
LastModificationTime_Date longThe last date that this Task was modified
LastModificationTime_Time longThe last time that this Task was modified
EntryIDstringOutlook's unique identifier for this Task

The following equates are provided to allow specific fields to be updated using the second approach described above - passing pPropery and pValue. The equates match the fields described in the oiOutlook.TaskProperties table above.


See Also

GetTask, GetTasksQ, InsertTask, DeleteTask, UpdateContact, UpdateAppointment

Generic Access to Outlook Items

The following methods allows access to Outlook's folders and the items that they contain. They can access items of all types (Mail, Appointments, Contacts etc.) and provide the ability to filter and query Outlook items for improved performance and flexible access to specific sets of data.

The methods use the OfficeInside oiObject class to represent Outlook Object such as Folders, Items (Mail, Appointments, Contects etc.), Inspectors and so on.

As well as objects that represent a specific item such as a MailItem, Outlook also provides objects that represent a collection of items, such as the Folders collection and Items collection. These are referred to as Items and Collections throughout the documentation. Both are oiObjects and both provide access to a variety of properties and methods, which are extensively documented in the MSDN Microsoft Office Developer Reference.

The oiOutlook class stores the following oiObject properties:


The Root MAPI namespace. This is used to retrieve all other objects such as Folders.


The Folders collection that contains the default inbox. This contains all of the folders in the current data store. The GetChildFolder method can be used to locate a folder by name.


Default Inbox (the default folder for Mail).


The default Contacts folder.


The default Calendar (Appointments and Tasks) folder.


The currently selected Folder. The WithFolder method can be called to select a folder by name.


The current Items collection. This represents all items in a Folder or other Collection.


The currently selected item. This can be a Mail message, an Appointment, a Contact etc.
CountItemsReturns the number of items in the current Items collection
DeleteAllItemsClears the current Items collection
FindChildFolderRetrieves the child folder from a parent Folder that matches the specified name. This performs a recursive search using the specified parent as the root.
FindItemsFinds an item in the current Items collection (folder) based on a search string. The FindNextItem method can be used to find the next matching item.
FindNextItemFinds the next Item matching the search term use with the FindItems call
GetDefaultFolderRetreives the default Inbox folder as well as the root folder (Data Store) which contains the Inbox and all other folders for that store.
GetItemsRetrieves the Items interface which represents items in a folder
GetItemRetrieves a specific item
GetItemByIDRetrieve an item from any folder based on the unique Outlook ID
GetItemByValueRetrieves an item from the current Items (folder) based on the value of the default field for that item (the default field varies depending on the item type)
GetNameSpaceRetreives the Outlook Namespace. This is the "root" for all the rest of the data sets stored by Outlook.
LastItemRetrieve the last item from the current Items collection
MoveItemMoves an items from one folder to another in Outlook
MoveItemsMoves all items in the current Items collection to the specified folder. Allows optional filtering of the items based on a filter expression.
NextItemRetrieve the next item from the currently selected folder (Items collection)
PreviousItemRetrieve the previous item from the currently selected folder (Items collection)
RemoveItemRemoves the item from the Items collection (this does not delete the actual Item from Outlook). This is the equivalent of filtering out unwanted records from a record set.
RestrictSet a record filter for the result set of items being returned by Outlook. This allows specific items to be retrieved based on any of the fields in Outlook.
ResetColumnsResets Outlook to fetch all columns (fields)
SetColumnsRestrict the columns (fields) being retrieved by Outlook for items. This can improve performance by only retrieving data required, rather than retrieving all fields that Outlook stores for each item. This is effectively a View on a database.
SortItemsSort the items in an Items collection in either acending or decending order using the Outlook field specified.
WithFolderSelects a specific folder by name


CountItems ()


Returns the number of items in the current Items collection (generally the currently selected folder). The current Items collection is stored in the oiOutlook.pItems property, which is an oiObject and can be used to access all members of the collection.



Return Values

Returns the number of items in the current Items collection, or -1 if an error occurs.

folderItems = Outlook.CountItems()
if folderItems > 0
    if not Outlook.GetFirstItem()
        return   ! No items to process
        ! Access the current item
        Outlook.pItem.Get('Subject', subject)

        ! Conditionally move the items to a folder called "Sales"
        if Instring('sales', subject, 1, 1)

        ! Fetch the next item
        if not Outlook.NextItem()


DeleteAllItems ()


Removes all items in the current collection. This does not affect items in Outlook or delete actual Outlook items, it just empties the current Items collection. The Items collection is essentially a View on the Outlook data set. The current Items collection is stored in the oiOutlook.pItems property, which is an oiObject and can be used to access all members of the collection.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



FindChildFolder *oiObject pParent, *oiObject pChild, string pFolderName)


Retrieves the child folder from the passed parent folder that matches the passed pFolderName. Performs a recursive search to retrieve the folder. The defaut Inbox and root folder can be retrieved by calling the GetDefaultFolder method, which stores the root folder in the oiOutlook.pRootFolder property and the default inbox in the oiOutlook.pMailFolder property, both of which are oiObjects.

Parameter Description
pParentAn oiObject which stores the Parent folder to use as the root of the search
pChildFolderAn oiObject which will be used to stored the child folder if it is found
pFolderNameA string containing the name of the folder to search for
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.

pFolder       oiObject
folderName    string(200)
    if not Outlook.GetDefaultFolder()
        return False

    folderName = 'Drafts'

    ! Search using the default root folder
    if not Outlook.FindChildFolder(Outlook.pRootFolder, pFolder, pFolderName)
        ! Not child folder found
        ! Child folder found and stored in pFolder


FindItems string searchString)


Search for items in the current Items collection (typically the currently selected Folder) that match the expression. This performs the same function as a filter on a result set when accessing a database. The FindNextItem method can then be used to retrieve the next Item that matches the filter (if there is more than one Item).

The Restrict method is an alternative to using the Find method or FindNext method to iterate over specific items within a collection. The Find or FindNext methods are faster than filtering if there are a small number of items. The Restrict method is significantly faster if there is a large number of items in the collection, especially if only a few items in a large collection are expected to be found.

Parameter Description
searchStringA string that contains an expression that is used to perform a search for an Item. This search term can match multiple items in the current Items collection (oiOutlook.pItems) and the FindNextItem method can be used to fetch the next Item that matches if there are multiple matching items. See the Notes section below for how to construct filter expressions.
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.


Creating Filters for the Find and Restrict Methods

The syntax for the filter varies depending on the type of field you are filtering on.

String (for Text fields)

When searching Text fields, you can use either an apostrophe (') or double quotation marks ("") to delimit the values that are part of the filter. For example, all of the following lines function correctly when the field is of type String:

sFilter = "[CompanyName] = 'Microsoft'"

sFilter = "[CompanyName] = ""Microsoft"""

sFilter = "[CompanyName] = " & Chr(34) & "Microsoft" & Chr(34)


If the search string contains a single quote character, escape the single quote character in the string with another single quote character. For example, sFilter = "[Subject] = 'Can''t'".

Similarly, if the search string contains a double quote character, escape the double quote character in the string with another double quote character.


Although dates and times are typically stored with a Date format, the Find and Restrict methods require that the date and time be converted to a string representation. To make sure that the date is formatted as Microsoft Outlook expects, use the Format function. The following example creates a filter to find all contacts that have been modified after January 15, 1999 at 3:30 P.M.
sFilter = "[LastModificationTime] > '" & Format("1/15/99 3:30pm", "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "'"

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators, TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, ON/OFF, and so on, should not be converted to a string. For example, to determine whether journaling is enabled for contacts, you can use this filter:

sFilter = "[Journal] = True"


If you use quotation marks as delimiters with Boolean fields, then an empty string will find items whose fields are False and all non-empty strings will find items whose fields are True.

Keywords (or Categories)

The Categories field is of type keywords, which is designed to hold multiple values. When accessing it programmatically, the Categories field behaves like a Text field, and the string must match exactly. Values in the text string are separated by a comma and a space. This typically means that you cannot use the Find and Restrict methods on a keywords field if it contains more than one value. For example, if you have one contact in the Business category and one contact in the Business and Social categories, you cannot easily use the Find and Restrict methods to retrieve all items that are in the Business category. Instead, you can loop through all contacts in the folder and use the Instr function to test whether the string "Business" is contained within the entire keywords field.


A possible exception is if you limit the Categories field to two, or a low number of values. Then you can use the Find and Restrict methods with the OR logical operator to retrieve all Business contacts. For example (in pseudocode): "Business" OR "Business, Personal" OR "Personal, Business." Category strings are not case sensitive.


You can search for Integer fields with or without quotation marks as delimiters. The following filters will find contacts that were created with Outlook 2000:

sFilter = "[OutlookInternalVersion] = 92711"

sFilter = "[OutlookInternalVersion] = '92711'"

Using Variables as Part of the Filter

As the Restrict method example illustrates, you can use values from variables as part of the filter. The following Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) code sample illustrates syntax that uses variables as part of the filter.

sFullName = "Dan Wilson"

This approach uses Chr(34) to delimit the value: sFilter = "[FullName] = " & Chr(34) & sFullName & Chr(34)

This approach uses double quotation marks to delimit the value: sFilter = "[FullName] = """ & sFullName & """"

Using Logical Operators as Part of the Filter

Logical operators that are allowed are AND, OR, and NOT. The following are variations of the clause for the Restrict method, so you can specify multiple criteria.

OR: The following code returns all contact items that have either Business or Personal as their category.

sFilter = "[Categories] = 'Personal' Or [Categories] = 'Business'"

AND: The following code retrieves all personal contacts who work at Microsoft.

sFilter = "[Categories] = 'Personal' And [CompanyName] = 'Microsoft'"

NOT: The following code retrieves all personal contacts who don't work at Microsoft.
sFilter = "[Categories] = 'Personal' And Not([CompanyName] = 'Microsoft')"

Additional Notes

If you are trying to use the Find or Restrict methods with user-defined fields, the fields must be defined in the folder, otherwise an error will occur. There is no way to perform a "contains" operation. For example, you cannot use Find or Restrict to search for items that have a particular word in the Subject field. Instead, you can use the AdvancedSearch method, or you can loop through all of the items in the folder and use the InStr function to perform a search within a field. You can use the Restrict method to search for items that begin within a certain range of characters. For example, to search for all contacts with a last name beginning with the letter M, use this filter:

sFilter = "[LastName] > 'LZZZ' And [LastName] < 'N'"


FindNextItem ()


After the FindItems method runs, this method finds and returns the next Outlook item in the current Items collection (oiOutlook.pItems). The Item is stored in the oiOutlook.pItem property once it has been retrieved.



Return Values

Returns True if successful and an Item is found, or False if an error occurs or there are no more Items.

if Outlook.FindNextItem()
    Outlook.pItem.Get('Subject', subject) ! Get the subject
    Outlook.pItem.Call('Display') ! Call the Display method to show the item inspector


GetDefaultFolder ()


Retrieves the default Inbox folder as well as the Root folder (Data Store) which contains the Inbox and all other folders for that store. The root folder is stored in the Outlook.pRootFolder preoprty and the default inbox is stored in the Outlook.pMailFolder property.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



GetItems ()


Retrieves the Items collection, which typically represents Items in a folder or a subset thereof. Calling GetItems retrieves the Items collection for the folder selected by calling WithFolder. This is not typically called directly, as the object will call it as needed.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



GetItem ( long itemPos )
GetItem ( long itemPos, *oiObject pItem )


Retrieve the item at the specified position in the current Items collection. If pItem is omitted the Item is store in the oiOutlook.pItem property, otherwise it is stored in the passed pItem parameter.

Parameter Description
itemPosThe index (position) of the item being retrieved.
pItem (optional)If passed the item is stored in this object (if there is an item to retrieve)
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs or there is not matching item.



GetItemByID (string itemID, <*oiObject pItem>)


Retrieves an item with the passed ID from any folder in the current Outlook data store and stores it in the passed pItem, or the oiOutlook.pItem property if the pItem parameter is omitted.

Parameter Description
itemsIDThe Outlook ID of the item to retrieve. This is not limited to Items in the current Folder/Items collection, it will retrieve the items from Outlook regardless of the folder that it is in.
pItemIf this is passed then the item retrieved is stored in this oiObject, if it is omitted, then the item is stored in the oiOutlook.pItem property.

Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.

Outlook.GetItemById(itemID, MyItem)


GetItemByValue (string pValue, <*oiObject pItem>)

Retrieves an item from the currently selected Folder that matches the passed pValue. The string is matched against the default field for the Item (for example Mail matches against the Subject field).

Parameter Description
pValueA string to match against the value of the default field to locate an item in the selected Folder
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs or no Item is found.



GetNamespace ()


Retrieves the default MAP namespace. This only needs to be called once to retrieves the Namespace which all other Outlook objects belong to. It does not need to be called when using the built in methods, and the oiOutlook object stores the Namespace object in the oiOutlook.pNamespace property.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



LastItem ()


Selects the last Item in the current folder. The items is stored in the oiOutlook.pItem property.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



MoveItem (string destFolderName, <*oiObject pItem>)
MoveItem (*oiObject destFolder, <*oiObject pItem> )


Moves an Item to the specified destination folder. If the pItem parameter is omitted, then the item stored in oiOutlook.pItem is moved, otherwise the passed pItem is moved to the specified folder.

Note: You must first set the current folder using the WithFolder method, and if you don't have the handle to the Item COM object, use the GetItemByID.

Parameter Description
destFolderNameThe name of the destination folder. The object will search from the root folder to locate a folder with a name that matches the passed string.
destFolderAn oiObject that stores the Folder to move the item into.
pItemOptional parameter that contains the item to move. If this is omitted the oiOutlook.pItem is moved.
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



MoveItems (string destFolderName, <string filterString>)


Moves all items in the current folder to the specified destination folder. Allows an optional filter string to be passed. See the Filter Expressions notes for creating filter expressions in Outlook.

Parameter Description
destFolderNameThe name of the folder to move the items into
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.

! Move items with the Company name field contains 'CapeSoft'
sFilter = '[CompanyName] = "CapeSoft"'
Outlook.MoveItems(destFolderName, sFilter)


PreviousItem ()


Fetch the Previous items in the current Items collection. Typically this is the previous items in the selected folder, which may have the items filtered based on a filter expression. If the method succeeds the oiOutlook.pItem property contains the item retrieved.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



RemoveItem (long ndx )


Removes the item from the Items collection (this does not delete the actual Item from Outlook). This is the equivalent of filtering out unwanted records from a record set.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.

i             long
    ! Remove the first 10 items from the collection
    loop i = 1 to 10
        if not Outlook.RemoveItem(i)


Restrict (string filterExpression)


Applies a filter to the Items collection, returning a new collection containing all of the items from the original that match the filter.

This method is an alternative to using the FindItems method and FindNextEm method to iterate over specific items within a collection. The FindItems or FindNextItem methods are faster than filtering if there are a small number of items. The Restrict method is significantly faster if there is a large number of items in the collection, especially if only a few items in a large collection are expected to be found.

See the example in the Generics example folder for an example of this method being used.

Parameter Description
filterExpressionA filter string expression to be applied. For details, see the Filter Expressions notes for creating filter expressions in Outlook.
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.

! Search for contacts with the last name that begins with 'M'
sFilter = '[LastName] > "LZZZZ" And [LastName] < "N"'


ResetColumns ()


If SetColumns has been called to limit the number of columns (Fields) being retrieved, this resets it.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



SetColumns (string colList)


Caches certain properties for extremely fast access to those particular properties of an item within the collection.

The SetColumns method is useful for iterating through the Items object. If you don't use this method, Microsoft Outlook must open each item to access the property. With the SetColumns method, Outlook only checks the properties that you have cached. Properties which are not cached are returned empty.

Use ResetColumns to reset Outlook to fetch all columns

Parameter Description
colListA comma separated string that contains the names of columns to (cache) restrict Outlook to.
Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.

Outlook.SetColumns('Subject, DueDate')


SortItems ()


This method is not implemented in the current release.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.



WithFolder (string folderName)


Selects a folder by name. Once a folder has been selected, the Items within the folder can be retrieved, filtered and otherwise manipulated.



Return Values

Returns True if successful, or False if an error occurs.


The oiOutlook Class - Equates

All equates are documented in the methods that they are used in and under the data types that they apply to, these are listed here for convenience.
oiOutlook Class Equates
"Importance" / "Priority" Equates oio:ImportanceLow or oio:PriorityLow
oio:ImportanceNormal or oio:PriorityNormal
oio:ImportanceHigh or oio:PriorityHigh
"Busy-Status" Equates oio:Free
"Update Appointment" Equates

See the UpdateAppointment method for a description of each field, the values that it takes, and its usage, along with example on how to update appointments.
"Update Task" Equates

See the UpdateTask method.
"Update Contact" Equates

See the UpdateContact method

Useful References

HowTo and Code Examples

This section contains code examples for performing specific tasks.

Trigger Send and Receive

i           long
SyncCol     oiObject
SyncObj     oiObject
numAccs     long
Outlook     oiOulook        ! Typically populated by the template
    if Outlook.GetNameSpace()
        if Outlook.pNamespace.GetChild('SyncObjects', SyncCol)           ! Get the specific appointment object
            SyncCol.GetProperty('Count', numAccs)
            loop i = 1 to numAccess
                if SyncCol.GetChild('SyncObject', SyncObj, i)
            Message('Could not get the SyncObjects collection from Outlook, cannot send and receive')