Return to the main Ezhelp documentation |
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1) | Fixed bug where ? and F1 keys often would not bring up the ezhelptip. |
2) | Major improvement of documentation and examples. (Thank you Jono) |
1) | Modified error handling where an invalid path for the ezhelp file is specified. Now gives warning and continues. |
1) | Fixed bug in Ezhelp where the default help for a control type was not correctly selected. |
2) | Added buttons to the Ezhelp Edit window for the control sequences ie. bullets, lines etc. |
3) | Added a button to the Ezhelp Edit window to save changes and then open the Ezhelp formatter. |
4) | Added a "Repeat last format" menu item within the Ezhelp formatter window popup menu. This applies the last font size, colour and style that was set. |
1) | Fixed bug in Ezhelp where when using Ezhelp and Winevent together, some events caused the application to GPF. |
1) | Fixed bug in the formatter where the ProcedureName was not saved and so the links to other tips would not work. |
2) | Added "Save & Exit | Exit" to close button on formatter. |
3) | Fixed bug where "Ignored" controls in the Ezhelp tip window fuctionality extension under the Exclude tab, still got a "Whats this" right click popup menu. |
4) | Updated documentation. The <T> formatting for bullets does not require a bullet number as in <T1> <T2> etc. Just use <T> for a bullet. |
5) | Update documentation. You can provide an ShortName for your links using the format <S"some thing short"FollowedByTheFullLinkURL> |
1) | Fixed bug where multiple list boxes on a window caused "Redeclaration of %BrowseClass in same scope" compile error. |
2) | Fixed bug where cancelling the edit window retained changes made to help tips. |
1) | Added support for Ezhelp on Report and Progress windows. Especially useful if PAUSE button is used. |
2) | Added support for machines running large fonts |
3) | Fixed bug where a direct call to Ezhelp, using the code template, might cause a compile error. |
4) | Added support for Multi-Proj |
5) | Fixed bug where controls on the toolbar, with no USE EQUATE caused a compile error. |
6) | Added feature. If tip contains just "no help for this topic" then the tip is not displayed via CueCard. |
7) | Support for Clarion 4 terminated. Support for Clarion 6 added. |
8) | Support for 16 bit terminated |
9) | Added support for CHM files. |
10) | Modified help window behaviour. If the window contains only a html \ chm \ URL link then the link is opened immediately. |
11) | Added a close button to the help windows.
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12) | Fixed the "flash" on opening a help window. |
13) | Fixed bug where cue cards selected but no INI file specified cause compile error. Now cue cards on / off status is not saved if no INI file specified. |
14) | Added option "Use application frame icon as system icon" on the "Appearance" tab under Global Extensions. |
15) | Removed the "Browse Class Names" button from the "General" tab under the "Ezhelp tip window functionality" extension. No longer required. |
1) | The 32 bit Question Mark feature has been fixed, and re-activated. |
2) | Cue Cards have been added. ( Clarion 4 and Clarion 5 ). |
3) | Clarion 5, 32 bit, Local mode compile now working. |
4) | 'Flash' when tip opens fixed |
5) | Better Tip positioning |
1) | In Clarion 4 and Clarion 5, Online Help Tips ( in the IDE ) have been implemented. In Clarion 2 it's not possible to do this. |
2) | Supports Browse Class renaming. |
3) | Supports the new C4 Browse popup as well as the old popup. |
4) | Support for setting the Runtime Tip Editing is now on the global extension. |
5) | IMPORTANT : In 32 bit, the Question Mark feature has been turned off. This should be temporary, but it seems to be causing random GPF's on some machines. |
1) | Internet hyperlinking fixed. |
2) | Fixed Alert key bug for individual controls. |
1) | Support for hyperlinking directly to <www.capesoft.com> as well as <c:\some.htm> and <file:\\some.htm> |
2) | Assorted bug fixes |
3) | Removal of Ezhelp wizard ( In Clarion 4 version )- no longer necessary... |
1) | Support for ABC templates in Clarion 4 included. |
2) | Addition of Export Defaults utility template. (see Creating a default help tip file) |
1) | We have fixed some linking problems relating to links between Tips. |
2) | The Tip Manager will now show the correct controls in the Control Listbox that match the selected control. |
3) | When variable width is selected for the Tip Window (check global extension settings), the window can be resized so that you can see your text better. |
1) | Fixed: Linking problems when creating a new link caused by some back and forth history code. |
2) | Fixed: Tip Manager bugs in the search for Specific Text. |
3) | We have included the following properties in the Global Extension:
New: Set the default tip color (will default to yellow if omitted). New: Set a caption for the Tip (defaults to no caption) New: Make the Tip a Toolbox so it will stay on top of all the other windows New: Make the Tip stay open will stop it from closing when it loses focus or when someone clicks on the tip. |
4) | New: Along with the above amendments in the global extension we have also included a setting to make the tip a variable width tip. The Tip Text will scroll horizontally and will only start a new line when terminated by a carriage return \ line feed (Enter Key). The Window in turn will adjust to however wide it needs to be to display all the controls that are created. Note: The Horizontal Lines will adjust according to the resulting window width. |
1) | The character limit for a Help Tip has been increased from the original 900 characters to a whopping 10K! |
2) | We have put "forward" and "back" buttons in on the tip for easy Tip link traversing (like a browser) |
3) | In the Tip Manager we have included a utility to show tips containing specified text. |
4) | You can now "date" your tips so that in the Tip Manager you can see tips that have been edited since a particular date. |
5) | There is also support for the "<" character! So to get the text " When Date < 1996" you need to specify a double << |