Please Note: Premiere
requires StringTheory
From time to time a discussion will arise in the newsgroups about the
"look" of a program. What can Clarion programs look like if you move
beyond the plain default settings. In response I'll usually post a link to
one of our commercial apps ( to act as a
visual aid to some of the topics I discuss in reply. Lots of interesting
discussion will then take place, but sooner or later someone asks;
"What Print Preview are you using?"
(You can see the print preview screen-shot here
The answer is that it's a modified version of the previewer that's built
into our RightReports product. Which of course is not terribly helpful if
you are not using Right Reports in your own program. (And RightReports is
a bit expensive to purchase just for the previewer.)
Then I needed a print previewer for a program that doesn't use
RightReports. So I took the time to extract the previewer into a separate
accessory, and along the way added some features to it, and tidied it up a
bit. One thing lead to another, more features were added, and so Premiere
was born.
Premiere is a PrintPreview procedure that replaces the
default preview procedure in your application.
It exists as a procedure in your app tree, so the look of the procedure
can be completely consistent with your application. Plus it allows your
user more control over the output - they can select a subset of pages and
then save that to a PDF,
Excel or Word send
to someone else via email,
upload to a cloud drive,
print multiple copies and so on.
Saving to a PDF
requires a PDF engine. The SoftVelocity engine, Tracker's PDF-Tools
version 4.1, and Klarisoft's wPDF are all supported.
Saving to an Excel
or Word document requires an Office Engine. Currently only CapeSoft's
Inside is supported. If you are using an alternate engine that has
the ability to create office documents from a Report then ask that
supplier to contact us with a view to adding support for it in Premiere.
Sending via Email
8 (any level) or later, or an
SendEmail procedure.
Uploading to a Cloud
drive requires
10 (any level) or later and
File Explorer, or an
UploadFileToCloud procedure.
A ClarionLive webinar, #386, was made of the Premiere
release. It is available
CapeSoft (and others) have been making accessories for
a long time, and the accessory toolbox includes all sorts of useful
functionality. A product like Premiere is a natural candidate to make use
of these additions. It has however been carefully constructed so you can
use as many, or as few, of these optional extras as you desire.
Specifically supported engines are listed below as optional requirements.
However the system is constructed so that support for more engines can be
easily added if there is demand for it. So if you don't see your favorite
engine listed feel free to contact us for more information.
- StringTheory is an absolute requirement. It
reduces hand-code by so much that like almost all our other products
it is not a requirement. The rest of the items in this list are
- Saving to a PDF requires a PDF engine. The SoftVelocity engine,
Tracker's PDF-Tools version 4.1, and Klarisoft's wPDF are all
- Saving to an Excel or Word document requires Office Inside.
- Sending an email requires NetTalk (8 or later).
- Uploading to a Cloud Drive requires NetTalk (10.19 or later) AND File Explorer AND jFiles.
- If you have Hyperactive in the application users will be
able to open files once they are created, just by clicking on the
- Add the StringTheory Global Extension to the application.
- (Optional) Add the HyperActive Global Extension to the
- Add the Premiere Global Extension to the application.
- On the General tab, Import the Premiere, PremiereGetData,
PremiereCreateExcelFromQueue, PremiereCreateWordFromQueue
and PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue procedures.
- Add the Global Extension Call_Premiere_Previewer - Call
Premiere from all reports to the application.
(This adds the Previewer call to all reports. If you want to do this
manually then see Manual Previewer Calls below.)
- (Optional) On any report go to the extensions and set extra
settings there for the Premiere previewer.
PDF Engine (optional)
- Add the global extension of your PDF Engine to the application. It
should be one of
- The SoftVelocity ReportToPDFGlobal extension
- Tracker's PDFXToolsGlobal41 extension, or
- Klarisoft's wPDF Global extension. Fill in
the License details as normal here.
Some PDF Engine specific
features can be found in the PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue
procedure. You can use these settings to tune the creation of the
PDF, depending on your engine.
The PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue procedure will
detect whichever of these extensions you have added, and generate code
appropriate to that engine.
If you do not have any PDF engine in the application then the
Save As PDF functionality will be disabled.
Office Engine (optional)
- Add the global extension of your Office Engine to the application.
It should be one of
The PremiereCreateExcelFromQueue and PremiereCreateWordFromQueue
procedures will detect whichever of these extensions you have added,
and generate code appropriate to that engine.
If you do not have any Office Engine in the application then the Save As Excel AND Save
As Word functionality will be disabled.
Add NetTalk Email (optional)
(If you don't already have a NetTalk SendEmail procedure in your
- Using the \Examples\NetTalk\Email\Demo
app as a reference;
- Copy (Copy and Paste) the EmailLog and
EmailSettings tables from the NetTalk demo dictionary to
your dictionary.
- Open your application. Import the SendEmail and
UpdateEmailSettings procedures from the NetTalk
demo app. (You may also want to import the BrowseEmailLog
No Email
If you are not using NetTalk (or any email
procedure) in this application, go to the Premiere Procedure, Extension
Templates, and on the Premiere Extension, Options tab, turn off the
Allow Send Email from Previewer..
If you are using an alternate Email procedure (not NetTalk) then you can
leave this option on, and create the SendEmail procedure appropriately.
below for instructions.
Add NetTalk File Upload to Cloud (optional)
(If you don't already have a NetTalk UploadFileToCloud procedure
in your app)
This feature allows the previewer to upload any
report (in any of the export formats, PDF, Excel etc) to the user's
cloud drive. Supported clouds are Dropbox, GoogleDrive, and Microsoft
OneDrive. Since these services use OAuth authentication it is necessary
to include
FileExplorer in the application (as it is used by
the OAuthLogin procedure). This feature also requires NetTalk 10 (any
level), build 10.19 or later and
- Using the \Examples\NetTalk\NetDrive\Demo
app as a reference;
- Add the File Explorer Global Extension
to your application, if it is not already there.
- Open your application. Import the UploadFileToCloud
and OAuthLogin procedures from
the NetTalk demo app.
No Cloud
If you are not using NetTalk (or any
UploadFileToCloud procedure) in this application, go to the Premiere
Procedure, Extension Templates, and on the Premiere Extension, Options
tab, turn off the CheckBox
Allow File Upload from Previewer..
If you are using an alternate UploadFileToCloud procedure (not NetTalk)
then you can leave this option on, and create the UploadFileToCloud
procedure appropriately. See
below for
Hyperactive (optional)
- Add the CapeSoft HyperActive Global Extension
to the application. (If Multi-DLL this only needs to be in the Data
- Go to the PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue procedure,
to the Local Extensions, and add the HyperActive Local
- Go to the Properties of the Hyperactive Local Extension, to the
Controls tab, and Insert a control there. Select ?Answer
from the list of controls. You can leave the other settings at their
default values.
The above instructions are for a single Exe
application. If you have a multiple-application suite then there are a
few additional instructions that need to be noted.
- You will need to add the Premiere Global Extension to the data
DLL, and any other DLL (or EXE) that contains a Report.
- In the Data DLL (the DLL which exports the dictionary) go to
Premiere Global Extension, To the Multi-DLL tab, and tick on the
option to Export Premiere Classes from this DLL.
(You will do the same for the StringTheory global extension, and the
Hyperactive Global Extension, if you have them.)
In all the other apps with the Premiere Global Extension (including
any EXE apps with the global extension) make sure the option This
is part of a Multi-DLL program is ON and the Export
Premiere Classes from this DLL option is OFF.
- In the Data DLL Make sure the Premiere Procedure has the EXPORT
option ticked on.
- You Do NOT need to import the Premiere Procedures into other DLL's
or the Exe. Only the Data DLL needs these procedures.
Adding a Second Global Extension
When adding the second Premiere global extension (which adds the Local
Extension to all the reports) you need to first select the main
CapeSoft Premiere extension and then click the
button. If you have some other extension selected then the
Call_Premiere_Previewer extension will not be
available in the template list.
Premiere Procedures
The easiest way to import the procedures is to click the
Procedures button on the Global Extension.
This imports a TXA file, with 5 procedures into your application. Some
builds of Clarion can struggle with TXA files, so if you have any
problems, import the procedures directly from one of the example
applications. The procedures you want are
PremiereCreateWordFromQueue, PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue and
Clarion 9/10 Important Note:
When importing into some builds of Clarion 9 and Clarion 10, the
Parameters setting is not set. If this is the case you get compile
errors when compiling for the first time. Simply "visiting" the
properties of the three procedures in question (see list in paragraph
above) solves the problem.
Import Errors
The example applications, and Premiere TXA's include a Hyperactive
extension in the
PremiereCreateWordFromQueue and
procedures. If you do not have Hyperactive then this will
trigger an error on import;
GEN: Unknown Template type
This error can be ignored.
If you get the error
Unknown Variable %HaDefaultBright
(and several like it) when importing the procedures you have
Hyperactive, but the global Hyperactive Extension is not in this
application. Add the global extension to get this feature.
Compile Errors
If you do not import or create a
SendEmail procedure,
and you do not tell Premiere that Send Email is not available, then you
will get an error when compiling
No Matching Prototype Available
The error will be on a line of code reading;
Return SendEmail(pEmail)
If you get this error then either follow the steps above to
Email support, or tick on the option to
off email support..
Engine Overrides
By default Premiere will detect your PDF and Office engines by
inspecting the Global Extensions. If you wish to override this detection
the see the
Global Extension
template, Options tab.
Compile Errors
If you do not import or create a
UploadFileToCloud procedure, and
you do not tell Premiere that Upload to Cloud is not available, then you
will get an error when compiling
No Matching Prototype Available
The error will be on a line of code reading;
Return UploadFileToCloud(pCloud)
If you get this error then either follow the steps above to
Cloud support, or tick on the option to
off cloud support..
Upgrading from an earlier Premiere version
Repopulating Premiere Window (3.20 or later)
The Premiere window has a number of new control on
it in build 3.20. For this reason it is
recommended (although not required) for the control template on the
window to be repopulated, or for the Premiere procedure to be
re-imported from one of the examples.
If you are using the Clarion built-in resizing template, and you have
not added other custom functionality to the window, then re-importing
the procedure from an example app is probably the easiest approach.
If you are using an alternate resizer, or other custom functionality on
the window, then simply deleting the control template, and repopulating
it on the window is probably the better approach. You may then need to
add the new controls (Pages entry field, and upload buttons) to the
resizer etc. The window will also likely need to be made slightly wider
to accommodate the new fields.
Adding Cloud Support (3.20 or later)
- Add File Explorer Global Extension template (if it's not already
- Import OAuthLogin procedure from ABCNetTalkFE or LegacyNetTalkFE
- Import UploadFileToCloud procedure
from ABCNetTalkFE or LegacyNetTalkFE
importing Right-click on the UploadFileToCloud procedure and choose
source. Find the line that starts with
pParms.pClientId and change the pClientId
and pClientSecret parameters
to your own values. To get more information on these values see the
NetTalk documentation.
- Re-import Premiere procedure from one of the examples.
Turning Off Cloud Support (3.20
or later)
Cloud support is turned on by default. If you do not
have File Explorer, or do not want cloud support in the previewer, then
go to the Premiere procedure, to the Premiere Print Preview extension,
to the Options tab. Turn off the option there Allow
File Upload From Previewer. Failure to do this step will likely
incur the error;
No matching prototype available on
Return UploadFileToCloud(pCloud)
Extending PremiereGetData (3.40 or
As from build 3.40 the PremiereGetData procedure has
been updated to get 2 items of data from the user, instead of just one.
This is primarily to support the entry of a file password when entering
a filename.
Note that this update is REQUIRED whether you plan to use the password
feature or not.
To upgrade this procedure;
- Open the app that contains the PremiereGetData Procedure
- Go to the Premiere Global Extension, click on the Import
PremiereGetData Procedure button
- When prompted by the IDE select Replace All
Clarion Changes (very optional)
These suggested changes affect both ABC and Legacy
If you are using the SoftVelocity PDF engine, and saving as a PDF, you can
optionally choose to display a progress window as the report is converted
to PDF.
This window is declared in the Clarion file \clarion\libsrc\win\abwmfpar.clw
in the WMFDocumentParser.GenerateReport
method. By default this window is pretty ugly, and probably does not match
the look of your program. You can edit the window there (use Ctrl-D
to open the window designer) to make it look better.
ProgressWindow WINDOW('Export
Progress...'),AT(,,331,53),CENTER,FONT('Segoe UI',10),TIMER(1),DOUBLE
STRING('Page 0 of
You may also want to copy
\clarion\accessory\images\pvPDF.Ico to \clarion\images\EXP_PDF.ICO
so that the PDF icon on the progress window looks better.
Of course these changes will be overwritten by future Clarion installs, so
will need to be repeated after updating Clarion. If the changes are not
repeated then there is no functional penalty to your program, other than
the progress window looking a bit ugly.
Third Party Support
Call Premiere Print
Preview template supports the Clarion Report Template for both ABC
and Clarion (Legacy) applications. In addition to this it also supports
the following other Reporting templates;
CPCS / Creative Reporting Tools
There are a large number of Creative Reporting Tools
(nee CPCS) features, but the Premiere template should support CRT
reports. If it does not support a CPCS report that you have
automatically then please notify
RightReports has built-in support for a number of
different previewers.
To use Premiere with RightReports make sure you are using build 1.97 or
On the Right Reports Global Extension, Options Tab, select Premiere from
the drop-list of previewer's available.
Fomin Report Builder
Premiere supports the FRB "RuntimeReport" procedure.
If the user chooses the Printer as the output, and Preview is on, then
the Premiere Previewer is displayed.
Translation Tools
Premiere supports
AnyText directly. If you are using another
translation tool then Premiere provides a method for translating any
text used by the class. See
for more information.
PDF Engines
If a PDF engine is available, then a Save-As PDF
option is available to the user on the preview screen. Currently
supported engines are;
- SoftVelocities PDF engine inside the clarion enterprise Edition
- wPDF
from Klarisoft
- PDF-Tools from Tracker Software
Office Engines
If an Office engine is available then a Save-As
Excel and Save-As Word option is available to the user on the preview
screen. Currently the only supported engine is
CapeSoft's Office Inside. Suppliers of other engines (that support
Report to Office functionality) can contact us to collaborate on support
for other engines.
Email Engines
If an Email engine is available then an option to
send the report as an email is available to the user on the preview
screen. This requires a PDF or Office engine as well. Currently the only
supported email engine is
CapeSoft's NetTalk. Suppliers of other engines
can contact us to collaborate on support for another engine.
Cloud Engines
If a Cloud engine is available then an option to
upload the report as a file is available to the user on the preview
screen. This requires a PDF or Office engine as well. Currently the only
supported cloud engine is
CapeSoft's NetTalk. Suppliers of other engines
can contact us to collaborate on support for another engine.
Manual Previewer Calls
In most cases you will use the second Premiere Global
Extension (Call Premiere Previewer) to add the necessary local extension
to all report procedures. However use of this global extension is optional
and you may prefer to add the Local extension to selected reports by hand.
To add the local extension simply go to the report and add the
Premiere PrintPreviewer extension to the report. This extension
supports most common report procedures.
If your report is a hand-coded procedure, then you will need to add the
call to the Previewer manually from there. The syntax for the call is as
Premiere (PrintPreviewFileQueue, pReport, pOptions)
PrintPreviewFileQueue is the queue of
WMF files as created by your report.
pReport is the name of your report
pOptions is a group of type
This parameter can be omitted.
You will need to declare the
pOptions parameter
in your procedure.
pOptions Group(PremierePreviewerOptions).
The declaration of
PremierePreviewerOptions is
For more information on the fields you can set in the group, see the
PremierPreviewOptions Group
The default Clarion previewer does not have the ability to print the
report. The printing was done on the return from the previewer depending
on the value (
true or
returned by the previewer. Since the Premiere previewer does the printing
directly itself this additional code in the calling procedure can be
PremierePreviewerOptions Group
The declaration of
is in
The contents of the group are as follows;
Property |
Type |
Description |
AllowCommas |
Byte |
If set to true then commas are allowed in filenames when
creating PDF files. Note that NetTalk 10 does not allow commas in
filenames, so the default value is false. If you are using NetTalk
11 or later then you can set this property to true. (See Previewer
Control Template). |
AllowPageSelections |
Long |
not currently used |
AttachmentList |
String |
A semi-colon separated list of files that will be added to
outgoing emails, in addition to the generated PDF or Office file. |
Automatic |
Long |
If Automatic is set to true then
the PremiereCreateFromQueue window is
closed immediately after the file is created. If it is false
then the PremiereCreateFromQueue will
remain open when the file is created, allowing the user to note
the name and location of the created file (and if Hyperactive is
used, to click on the file name to open it.)
Note that Automatic is independent of
HideWindow. It is possible to have
HideWindow set to true (so
the preview window is hidden), Destination
set to 'F', and
Automatic set to false. In
this scenario the user will not see the preview window, but will
see the PremiereCreateFromQueue window
as the file is created. |
Copies |
Long |
The number of copies to print. Only applies when Destination is
'P', or if the user clicks on the
Print button. The user can override this setting by clicking on
the Advanced Print Button. |
Destination |
String |
Sets the destination of the report, if HideWindow
has been set to true. Valid
options are;
'P' -- Send the report to a printer.
'E' -- Send the report to email as a
PDF Attachment.
'L' -- Send the report to email as a
Excel Attachment.
'R' -- Send the report to email as a
Word Attachment.
'F' -- Send the report to a PDF File.
'X' -- Send the report to a Excel
'W' -- Send the report to a Word File.
(also 'D')
'G' -- Upload the report to Google
'O' -- Upload the report to Microsoft
'B' -- Upload the report to DropBox
If 'F' or 'E'
(PDF File) then a PDF engine in the application is required.
If 'X' or 'L'
or 'D' or 'W'
(Excel or Word) then an office engine in the application is
If 'E' or 'L'
or 'D' then an email engine in the
application is required.
If there is no PDF engine and no office engine then destination
will be treated as 'P'.
If the field is set to another (invalid) value then it will be
treated as 'P'.
The Destination string can contain multiple of the above
characters. For example if it contains 'PEW'
then it will be sent to the printer, emailed as a PDF, and create
a Word file. |
Disable |
String |
Disables some functionality in the previewer. This can be used
on a report-by-report basis to control which features are
available per report. Valid options are;
'P' -- Prevent Printing.
'E' -- Prevent Emailing.
'S' -- Prevent Saving (or Emailing).
'F' -- Prevent Saving As (or Emailing)
a PDF.
'X' -- Prevent Saving As (or Emailing)
an Excel File.
'W' -- Prevent Saving As (or Emailing)
a Word File.
'C' -- Prevent Uploading to any Drive
'G' -- Prevent Uploading to Google
'O' -- Prevent Uploading to Microsoft
'B' -- Prevent Uploading to DropBox |
DropboxFolder |
String |
The default folder to store this report, if the report is
uploaded to Dropbox. |
EmailSignature |
String |
Used by the Email Templates. |
EmailSubject |
String |
The subject line of the email when sending by email. If blank
the the ReportName field is used as
the subject. |
EmailSynopsis |
String |
Used by the Email Templates. |
EmailTemplate |
String |
The file name of the Email Template
to use for the text portion of the email for this report. |
EmailTemplateHTML |
String |
The file name of the Email Template
to use for the html portion of the email for this report. |
EmailText |
StringTheory |
The content to use for the text part of the email. If this
property is set (even to a blank StringTheory object) then this
will override the EmailTemplate field. The same tags as used in
the email template can be used in this string. |
EmailTextHTML |
StringTheory |
The content to use for the HTML part of the email. If this
property is set (even to a blank StringTheory object) then this
will override the EmailTemplateHTML field. The same tags as used
in the email template can be used in this string. |
EmailTo |
String |
A semi-colon separated list of email addresses. When the user
clicks on the Email button this will provide the default email
address for the report and the user can change or replace it.
If HideWindow is
true, or PreventEmailChange is
true then the user will not be able
to override this setting. |
ExcelFileName |
String |
The name of the Excel file to create when sending an email, or
when saving as Excel. If Hidewindow is
false then this is the default name used when the user clicks on
the Save-As-Excel button. |
ExcelOpenPassword |
String |
A password to apply to the created Excel file. Users will need
to enter this password in order to open the spreadsheet in Excel. |
ExcelEditPassword |
String |
A password to apply to the created Excel file. Users will need
to enter this password in order to edit the spreadsheet in Excel. |
GoogleDriveFolder |
String |
The default folder to store this report, if the report is
uploaded to GoogleDrive. |
HideWindow |
Long |
If this property is true then the
preview window, will not be displayed to the user. If this is true
then the Automatic field is also
treaded as on. The other properties in the group (Destination etc)
will instruct the Preview window what to do, and then the window
will close automatically. |
OneDriveFolder |
String |
The default folder to store this report, if the report is
uploaded to Microsoft OneDrive. |
OpenDocument |
Long |
If this property is true, and the user creates a Word, Excel or
PDF document, then the document will automatically be opened after
it has been created. |
PDFFileName |
String |
The name of the PDF file to create when sending an email, or
when saving as a PDF. If Hidewindow is
false then this is the default name used when the user clicks on
the Save-As-PDF button. |
PDFOwnerPassword |
String |
Sets the owner password for the created PDF. (Extended to all
engines) |
PDFPermissions |
Long |
Sets the user permissions for the PDF. (Extended to all engines)
The permissions should be some combination of
pv:AllowPrint, pv:AllowChange,
pv:AllowCopy, pv:AllowForms
(permissions can be added together.)
since each engine uses different equates for these values, the pv:
values should be used - these are translated into the appropriate
values for the engine being used. |
PDFUserPassword |
String |
Sets the user password for the created PDF. (Extended to all
engines). The user password will need to be entered by the user
before the PDF file can be opened in a viewer. This password
causes the file to be encrypted. |
PreventEmailChange |
Long |
If true then the user cannot
change the EmailTo when clicking on
the Send Email button. If this is true,
and the EmailTo field is not set
then the user will not be able to send emails. |
PreventFilenameChange |
Long |
If true then the user cannot change the Filename when clicking
on the SaveAs button. If this is true, and the filename is not
set, then the user will not be able to save files. |
RecipientName |
String |
Used by the Email Templates. |
Report |
&Report |
A pointer to the original report structure. This is used by some
of the Export tools when exporting the report to other formats. |
ReportName |
String |
The name of the report.
Used in the email text when the report is being sent via email.
Used as the Subject line of the email if EmailSubject is not set. |
ReportDescription |
String |
Used in the email text when the report is being sent via email. |
ReturnIfEmailWasSent |
Long |
not currently used |
UserData |
StringTheory |
Data which can be set in the report procedure, which will be
passed to the Premiere procedure, and from there to the
SendEmail[1] and UploadFileToCloud[1] procedures. For more
information see The UserData Field.
[1] The parameter will only be sent to these procedures if you are
using NetTalk 12 (or no NetTalk at all). |
WordFileName |
String |
The name of the Word file to create when sending an email, or
when saving as Word. If Hidewindow is
false then this is the default name used when the user clicks on
the Save-As-Word button. |
WordOpenPassword |
String |
A password to apply to the created Word file. Users will need to
enter this password in order to open the spreadsheet in Word. |
WordEditPassword |
String |
A password to apply to the created Word file. Users will need to
enter this password in order to open the spreadsheet in Word. |
Setting a Parameter
The template supports setting some of the parameters, but not all of them.
If you wish to set a parameter which is not offered by the template, then
you can do it in the embed code for the report.
The code will go into the
method, before the call to
For example;
Previewer.Display PROCEDURE(...
ReturnValue BYTE,AUTO
! CapeSoft Premiere
PreviewParms.ReportName = 'Customer List Report'
PreviewParms.EmailTemplate = 'CustomerReportEmailTemplate.Txt'
PreviewParms.EmailTemplateHTML = 'CustomerReportEmailTemplate.Htm'
PreviewParms.PDFFileName = 'Customer List.PDF'
! Start of "Set Premiere Options"
PreviewParms.EmailSubject = 'Premiere Example
Report via Email'
! End of "Set Premiere Options"
ReturnValue = Premiere(self.ImageQueue,Report,PreviewParms)
The UserData Field
The UserData field in the Options Group allows the
programmer to pass custom information from the report procedure, to the
Premiere procedure, and from there into the SendEmail
and UploadFileToCloud
[1] procedures.
The field is declared as a reference to a StringTheory object. In other
words, it can be assigned to an existing StringTheory object. In the
destination procedures it can be accessed as a StringTheory object, and
any changes to the object will change the original object in the Report
procedure. In this way results can all be passed back to the report
To use this property instantiate (create) a StringTheory object in the
report procedure. This could be declared in the data pad, or in embed
code. For example;
UserData StringTheory
It can then be assigned to the group using the reference assignment.
(There is also a template setting you can use for this.)
PreviewParms.UserData &= UserData
The contents of the object are up to you, and can be anything you like. If
you have a single item to pass you might just put it in there. If you have
multiple items you could add them as a comma delimited list (or something
like that.) As long as the "other end" knows what is in the field you can
use it.
If you plan to make extensive use of this field then you could (and
probably should) use a more structured approach, populating the field with
JSON, or XML, or some other structured text format.
Note 1 : The parameter will only be sent to
the SendEmail and UploadFileToCloud procedures if you are using NetTalk 12
(or no NetTalk at all).
Constructing a SendEmail procedure without
The SendEmail() procedure
is deliberately architected as a separate procedure in your application.
This allows you to substitute an alternate method for sending emails - ie
not using NetTalk.
The requirements for the procedure are as follows;
The Prototype for the procedure needs to be;
(EmailParametersGroup pEmail),Long,Proc
The parameters for the procedure needs to be
(EmailParametersGroup pEmail)
This group is declared for you in Premiere.Inc,
and you can inspect the components for it there.
The following items in the group are populated by the Premiere window;
Additional properties may also be set (in embed code) in the Premiere
procedure, SendEmail method.
Constructing an UploadFileToCloud procedure
without NetTalk
The UploadFileToCloud()
procedure is deliberately architected as a separate procedure in your
application. This allows you to substitute an alternate method for
uploading - ie not using NetTalk or FileExplorer.
The requirements for the procedure are as follows;
The Prototype for the procedure needs to be;
(CloudParametersGroup pParms),Long,Proc
The parameters for the procedure needs to be
(CloudParametersGroup pParms)
This group is declared for you in Premiere.Inc,
and you can inspect the components for it there.
The following items in the group are populated by the Premiere window;
Using NetTalk 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12.29 (or
The SendEmail procedure
in the examples makes use of fields added with NetTalk 12.30. If you are
using an older NetTalk (any level) then edit Netall.Inc
to update the EmailParametersGroup so it
appears as follows;
EmailParametersGroup Group,Type
pEmailFrom String(255)
pEmailTo String(255)
pEmailSubject String(255)
pEmailCC String(255)
pEmailBcc String(255)
pEmailFileList String(NET:StdEmailListSize)
pEmailEmbedList String(NET:StdEmailListSize)
pEmailMessageText String(100000)
pEmailMessageHtml String(100000)
pEmailSettingsPath String(255)
pEmailTest Long
pHelo String(255)
pSSL Long
pSign Long
pHide Long
pServer string(255)
pPort Long
pEmailReplyTo string(255)
pSmtpUser String(255)
pPassword String(255)
pSSLMethod Long
pEmailFileNameList String(NET:StdEmailListSize)
pEmailImagePath String(255)
pUserData &StringTheory
This update will not affect NetTalk 7,8,9,10 or 11 in any way.
Cloud Drive
The UploadFileToCloud procedure
in the examples makes use of fields added with NetTalk 12.30. If you are
using an older NetTalk (any level) then edit Netall.Inc
to update the CloudParametersGroup so it
appears as below. If you are using a version of NetTalk older than
NetTalk 10 then the Cloud Upload feature is not available to you.
CloudParametersGroup Group,type
pServiceName string(20)
pLocalFileName string(256)
pCloudFileName string(256)
pClientId String(256)
pClientSecret String(256)
pAutoStartUpload Long
pUserData &StringTheory ! 12.30
Email Templates
When sending reports via email it is often useful to
have the email text formatted a specific way to make the email attractive
to the recipient. It is also occasionally desirable to use different email
text for different reports.
In order to allow for this, Premiere supports the concept of Email
Templates. These are text files which can be created by the developer,
and, if necessary, customized by the end user.
Email Tags
Special "tags" inside email text and HTML allow text
replaced when the email is created. These tags work regardless of the
email source (ie the EmailTemplate, or the EmailText properties)
Supported tags are
HTML in Emails
Template Settings
Each report can make use of different email
templates. The
Report Extension Template
has settings which allow you to set templates for both the HTML and Text
part of the emails.
Some Online Tools for creating HTML Templates
Goggling for online tools to help with creating
email templates quickly leads you to many possible options. Some
suggested sites are;
NetTalk Version
If you are using NetTalk version 9.20 or later then
(local) image references in the template will automatically be embedded
into the email. For example if your email template contains something
<img src="capesoft200.png">
Then this image will be embedded in the email.
Group contains a number of options that let you completely, or
partially, automate the preview window.
- HideWindow: If set to true then the
whole process is automatic. The preview window does not appear
(although various progress windows may appear.) note that the template
setting is Show Preview Window which is the
opposite of what the parameter is set to.
- Automatic: If set to true then the
previewer will automatically perform the action specified in the Destination field. Depending on the
destination other fields (like the email address, or filename) will
come into play.
- OpenDocument: If this is set to true,
and a PDF, Excel or Word document is created then the document will
automatically open after it is created. This does not apply if the
document is being emailed.
Default File Names and Locations
You can control, or suggest, the name for PDF, Excel
or Word files in different places. This section discusses those places in
order of most specific to least specific.
Bear in mind that any file name consists of two parts, the name of the
file and the location (full path) to the file. With some thought it's
possible to set these separately in different places, as discussed below.
Report Procedure
The most specific place is in the report procedure
itself. In the Premiere extension to the report you can set
individualized names, and possibly paths for the PDF, Excel and Word
files. This could be a fixed value or an expression.
This value defaults to the procedure name with the appropriate
There is also a setting here (Prevent File Name Change) which, if set
on, prevents the user from changing the name (or location) of the file.
In addition you can set the default cloud directories here for the
supported cloud drives.
Premiere Procedure
If the PATH is not set in the report procedure, then
the Premiere (preview) procedure can default the location of the file to
a specific folder. this is set via the Default File Folder setting, on
the Premiere Extension, on the
Tab. You can choose from a number of common windows folders
(Desktop, My Documents etc), use the Current Folder, or specify some
other specific folder there.
On the Defaults Tab you can also set the default directories to use for
the various supported Cloud drives.
At Runtime
If the Cloud path is not set by the report, or the
Premiere procedure, then the last-used folder will be suggested to the
the user is able to override the suggestion with another path if they
choose to do so.
As the Premiere window is just a procedure in your
application you are free to translate the text on the window (and
generally change the window layout and design) as you please.
There are however some interface elements in the class - default text for
emails, popup options on the Pages button, AdvancedPrint button and so on
which you may wish to translate. A mechanism for this is provide by the
.Translate method in the class.
All English text in the class is passed to the Translate method when it is
used. You can then use your favorite translation tool to translate the
text there. (Naturally, if you are using
AnyText as your favorite tool, then you don't need
to do anything as Premiere supports AnyText automatically.)
To add your translation code, you can embed directly into the Translate
method in the Premiere procedure. There is only one input, the text to be
translated, and only one return value - the translated text.
ThisPremiere.Translate PROCEDURE (String pText)
ReturnValue any
ReturnValue = MyFavoriteTranslationTool(pText)
Return ReturnValue
Fast Report Closing
Acknowledgement: This issue, and
solution, was first proposed by Carl Barnes, and documented on
ClarionHub and
When a report is closed, then all the temporary files used by the report
are deleted from the temp folder.This is done automatically by the
CLOSE(Report) function.
Unfortunately this function (internally) makes use of the
command, which in turn has some option parameters, and hence it's
designed for flexibility, not speed. The Windows API call (
DeleteFileA) is less powerful, but at the same time
much faster. For reports with a number of pages this speed difference is
noticeable for reports of about 40 pages, and is significant for reports
of around 100 pages or more. For very large reports (several hundred
pages) the time taken to close the report is painful.
Premiere includes a function (
which can be added to report procedures, which deletes the files using
DeleteFileA. This greatly improves the performance of the closing of the
report (ie after the previewer closes). It is a simple function call, and
does not require an object to be declared in the procedure. It takes the
print preview queue as a single parameter.
ABC and Legacy App Report Procedures
By default if the report calls the Premiere
previewer then the template will add a call to the PremiereDeleteFilesInPrintPreviewQueue
function before the call to Close(Report).
There is nothing to do, it is simply on.
This can be overridden at the global level, or the local level. You
might wish to override the call if it would interfere with your own
queue manipulation.
Hand-Code / Other Report Procedures
If you have a hand-coded report, and you wish to
make use of this function then simply call
Before the call to CLOSE(Report)
Password Protected PDF, Excel and Word
Premiere can create PDF, Excel and Word files from the
report. It can also Email or Upload these files after creation. It is
sometimes desirable to password-protect these files because they may
contain sensitive or private information. Premiere allows the user to
optionally enter a password when setting the file name, which will in turn
cause the file to be protected with the password.
This feature is new in build 3.37. If you have used a version prior to
this version in your application then you will need to tweak your
PremiereGetData procedure. See Upgrading Premiere for more information.
This feature makes use of Office Inside build 4.68 (for creating the Excel
and Word files). So to support these files you will need to be on Office
Inside 4.68 or later.
- Why are PDF files created with the SV PDF
Engine very large?
Why are PDF files created with the SV PDF
Engine very large?
The SV PDF Engine can generate files using one of
two modes. Scan Copy Mode makes bigger files, but supports more
non-ASCII character sets. You can set the engine to use Scan Copy mode,
or not, in the Premiere
template in the
PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue procedure
which is in your app tree.
Note that PDF's in Scan Copy mode do not support password protection.
Template Reference
Global Extension Template Extension
Options Tab
Preview Procedure
Select the name of the Preview Procedure here. The default is
and if this setting is left blank then this name will be used.
Generate External Premiere Procedure into Map
If this is a Multi-DLL system, and this is NOT the Data DLL, then the
Premiere function will be added to the MAP for you and you do not need
to have it declared in your application tree. If you do want it
declared in the tree (as an external) then tick this option off to
avoid Duplicate Identifier errors.
Use PDF Engine
If set to "default" then the PDF engine included in your app will be
detected and used. If you wish to override the auto-detection then you
can do so here. You can also choose to suppress PDF support (even if
an engine exists) here.
Use Office Engine
If set to "default" then the Office engine included in your app will
be detected and used. If you wish to override the auto-detection then
you can do so here. You can also choose to suppress Office support
(even if an engine exists) here.
Use Email Engine
If set to "default" then the Email engine included in your app will be
detected and used. If you wish to override the auto-detection then you
can do so here. You can also choose to suppress Email support (even if
an engine exists) here.
Use Cloud Engine
If set to "default" then the Cloud engine included in your app will be
detected and used. If you wish to override the auto-detection then you
can do so here. You can also choose to suppress Email support (even if
an engine exists) here.
Defaults Tab
The settings on this tab are defaults for local
report options. These options can be overridden at the local procedure
Show Preview Window
If this expression resolves to true, then the preview window will be
visible after the user generates the report.
Default Destination
If the preview window is not visible, then the output will go directly
to this destination. Some destinations require specific tools. See the
PremierePreviewOptionsGroup for more
If the above setting is set to Expression, then this option will be
available. You can then enter an expression which contains the desired
destination value.
Auto Open Document
If this is set to true, and the user saves the report to a PDF, Excel
or Word document, then the document will automatically open in the
respective program once it has been generated. This option does not
require Hyperactive.
Email Signature
A default email signature can be set here. This will be added to the
bottom of the default email text, and will also be injected into
template, or StringTheory, email text replacing the
[emailsignature] tag.
Multi DLL Tab
This is part of a Multi-DLL program
If this app is part of a suite of apps, where you are making your own
DLL's, then tick this option on in all the apps, including the DLL
apps and the EXE apps in the suite.
Export Premiere Class from this DLL
Check this box if this app is the root DLL of the app suite.
Report Extension Template
General Tab
Disable This Extension
If this switch is on the no code will be generated into this procedure
by the Premiere template.
Preview Procedure
Leave this blank to use the global preview procedure. Or enter a
specific procedure for this report here.
Show Preview Window
If this option is blank then the global default will be used. If the
global default is also blank then this option defaults to true (ie the
preview window will be displayed.) If this option (or the global
option) is set, and evaluates to false, then the preview window is not
visible to the user after the report runs. In this situation the Auto
Open Document, Default Destination and various file name settings will
be important, and will determine the behavior.
Auto Open Document
If this option is blank then the global default will be used. If the
global default is also blank then this option defaults to false (ie
the document will be created, but not automatically opened. If
Hyperactive is in the app then the user will have the option to open
the file manually.)
If this option is blank then it defaults to false. If this option
evaluates to true then the previewer will automatically perform the
task, as determined by the Destination field (Print, make a File,
Email etc.)
Report Name
Used as the Subject when emailing the report. Also used in the message
body of the email.
Report Description
Used in the message text when sending an email to a user.
Default Destination
If set to Default (or nothing) then the global template option will be
used. If the preview window is not visible, then the output will go
directly to this destination. Some destinations require specific
tools. See the
for more details.
PDF File Name
The default name to use when a PDF file is created by the previewer.
The user will still be asked for the name, but the default name will
be presented to them. This field is an expression, meaning that
current date and time (or anything else) can be included in the name.
For example;
'Customer Report as at ' & format(today,@d1)
Excel File Name
As for the PDF Filename above, but used when exporting to Excel.
Word File Name
As for the PDF Filename above, but used when exporting to Word.
Prevent File Name Change
If this is on then the user will not be able to change the generated
file names. The names set above will be used.
Fast Delete WMF Files
If this is set to Yes (or Default, with the global setting set to
Yes), then Premiere will delete the WMF files itself before returning
control to the Report procedure. Premiere bypasses an issue in Clarion
where deleting files can be slow for large numbers of files. Unless
you are doing further manipulation of the WMF files in the report
procedure, After the previewer, this option can be set to Yes.
User Data (st Object)
The label of a StringTheory object can be entered here. This field
should JUST be the label of the object. You can select from the data
pad, or simply type the name of the object in here.
Disable Tab
This tab lets you disable features in the
previewer on a report-by-report basis.
For example some reports may not be suitable for savig to Excel, and
so this can be turned off for that report.
Email Tab
Email To
The default address to send the report to, if the user selects the
Email button. The user will still be able to change the email address.
Note that this field is an expression, so a user-related value might
be appropriate.
Prevent Email Address Change
If this is on the the user will not be able to override the email
destination of this report. In other words the report can only be
emailed to the specified address above.
Email Subject
A subject line to use when emailing. If this is left blank then the
report name is used in the subject line of the email.
Email Text Content (st)
The label of a StringTheory object, containing the content of the
email text part to send with this report. If this is set then the
Email Template (Text) setting is ignored.
tags can be used.
Email HTML Content (st)
The label of a StringTheory object, containing the content of the
email HTML part to send with this report. If this is set then the
Email Template (HTML) setting is ignored.
tags can be used.
Email Template (Text)
The name of the
email template to use
for the text potion of the email body.
Email Template (HTML)
The name of the
email template to use
for the html potion of the email body.
Email Signature
A signature to replace the
tag. This signature will also be appended to
the standard email text if no text, or template, is set.
Email Synopsis
Text to replace the
[emailsynopsis] tag.
This synopsis will also start the standard email text if no text, or
template, is set.
Previewer Control Template
Options Tab
Selected Page Color
Not currently Used.
Unselected Page Color
Not currently Used.
Allow Send Email from Previewer
If this option is off then the Email button on the previewer will be
disabled. If this option is on then you will need a
procedure in the application.
SendEmail procedure
This is the procedure that will send the email. If this option is
blank, and the option above is ticked, then the default name
will be used.
Allow Save To Word
from Previewer
If an Office Engine is set, then you can use this option to prevent
exporting to Word. If there is no Office engine set then this setting
has no effect.
Allow Save To Excel from Previewer
If an Office Engine is set, then you can use this option to prevent
exporting to Excel. If there is no Office engine set then this setting
has no effect.
Allow File Upload from Previewer
If this option is off then the Upload button on the previewer will be
disabled. If this option is on then you will need a
procedure in the application.
Upload procedure
This is the procedure that will upload the file to the cloud. If this
option is blank, and the option above is ticked, then the default name
UploadFileToCloud will be used.
Allow Commas in FileNames.
By default Premiere does not allow commas in export to (PDF, Excel
etc) file names. This is because NetTalk 10 (and earlier) did not
allow commas in the attachment list when sending emails. In NetTalk 11
and later commas are allowed. If you are using NetTalk 10 or earlier,
leave this option set to false. If you are using NetTalk 11 or later
(or some other email engine that does support commas) then you can
turn this option on.
Defaults Tab
Default File Folder
Use this to set the default location for created PDF, Excel and Word
If the Default File Folder is set to Specific folder then you can
enter an expression for the specific folder here.
Default Folder For
This lets you set the default folder for the listed cloud services. If
the user saves a report to the cloud then this will be the folder
suggested to them.
General Tab
Disable This Extension
If this switch is on the no code will be generated into this procedure
by the Premiere template.
Show Progress
If on then a progress window is displayed when converting the report to
a PDF.
Use Scan Copy Mode
Turns on the ScanCopyMode feature for the SV PDF engine. This is most
useful when using non-ASCII character sets. If this is on then the PDF
files will be much larger than when it is off.
wPDF Tab
Set the compression level for the wPDF engine.
JPEG Compression
Set the JPEG compression level for the wPDF engine.
Font Mode
Set the Font mode for the wPDF engine.
This template is used in the
PremiereCreateWordFromQueue procedures.
General Tab
Select from Excel or Word.
Disable This Extension
If this switch is on the no code will be generated into this procedure
by the Premiere template.
GetData Control Template
General Tab
Disable This Extension
If this switch is on the no code will be generated into this procedure
by the Premiere template.
Lookup Dialog Header
Allows you to change the wording used by the
command when the user does a file lookup.
There are 8 examples that ship with Premiere.
This is the full-featured example and includes
Premiere, NetTalk (for emailing and cloud), FileExplorer for cloud
upload, Office Inside for Excel and Word support, Hyperactive and the SV
PDF Engine. The PDF engine can be replaced with whichever PDF engine you
prefer. If you have File Explorer, Office and NetTalk then this is the
recommended example to use.
If you use this example as a source for your own application then note
the two tables in the dictionary (EmailLog and
EmailSettings) which you will likely want to
import into your dictionary as well.
Legacy All
A Clarion (Legacy) version of the ABC All example.
The resize template on the Premiere procedure is the built-in Clarion
Legacy Resize template. It is recommended that this be replaced with a
more capable resizing template, such as
ABC Office
This example includes Premiere, Office Inside
Hyperactive and the SV PDF Engine. The PDF engine can be replaced with
whichever PDF engine you prefer. Use this example if you have Office
Inside, but not NetTalk.
Legacy Office
A Clarion (Legacy) version of the ABC Office
The resize template on the Premiere procedure is the built-in Clarion
Legacy Resize template. It is recommended that this be replaced with a
more capable resizing template, such as
ABC NetTalk
This example includes Premiere, NetTalk (for
emailing), Hyperactive and the SV PDF Engine. The PDF engine can be
replaced with whichever PDF engine you prefer. If you have NetTalk, but
not Office then this is the recommended example to use.
If you use this example as a source for your own application then note
the two tables in the dictionary (EmailLog and
EmailSettings) which you will likely want to
import into your dictionary as well.
Legacy NetTalk
A Clarion (Legacy) version of the ABC NetTalk
The resize template on the Premiere procedure is the built-in Clarion
Legacy Resize template. It is recommended that this be replaced with a
more capable resizing template, such as
A minimal ABC app with the Premiere report preview,
but no PDF engine, no Office engine and no Email engine. You can add
your favorite PDF engine to this app to enable the Save As PDF button.
A minimal Clarion (Legacy) app with the Premiere
report preview, but no PDF engine, no Office engine and no Email engine.
You can add your favorite PDF engine to this app to enable the Save As
PDF button.
The resize template on the Premiere procedure is the built-in Clarion
Legacy Resize template. It is recommended that this be replaced with a
more capable resizing template, such as
A Multi-DLL ABC app with the Premiere report
preview, and SoftVelocity PDF engine (in the Data DLL) a report (no PDF
engine) in the Functions app, and nothing in the Demo app.
You can remove the SV PDF extension and replace it with the global
extension for PDF-Tools or wPDF templates if you like.
Multi-DLL Legacy
A Multi-DLL Clarion (Legacy) app with the Premiere
report preview, and SoftVelocity PDF engine (in the Data DLL) a
report (no PDF engine) in the Functions app, and nothing in the Demo
You can remove the SV PDF extension and replace it with the global
extension for PDF-Tools or wPDF templates if you like.
The resize template on the Premiere procedure is the built-in Clarion
Legacy Resize template. It is recommended that this be replaced with a
more capable resizing template, such as
- GEN: Unknown Template type
Unknown Variable %HaDefaultBright
Errors when Importing from a TXA. See Note .
- Prototype is:
Unknown identifier: PWHAT
Likely occurs just after the TXA import of the procedures. See for more information. Just going to the
Properties of each Premiere Procedure solves the problem.
- No Matching Prototype Available
When you are not using Email. See Note .
- No matching prototype available on
Return UploadFileToCloud(pCloud)
When you are not using Cloud support. See upgrading.
Your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Check our web page (
for new versions. You can also contact us in one of the following ways:
CapeSoft Support |
Support Page |
Find support page with various options here |
Email |
Telephone (landline) |
+27 87 828 0123 (outside South Africa)
087 828 0123 (inside South Africa) |
No additional files are required for shipping.
License & Copyright
This template is copyright 2023 by CapeSoft Software.
None of the included files may be distributed. Your programs which use
Premiere can be distributed without any royalties.
This product is provided as-is. Use it entirely at your own risk. Use of
this product implies your acceptance of this, along with the recognition
of the copyright stated above. In no way will CapeSoft Software, their
employees or affiliates be liable in any way for any damages or losses you
may incur as a direct or indirect result of using this product.
Version History
Version 3.48 - 14 April 2023
3.47 - 18 July 2022
- Change: In PremiereGetData Procedure, variables Ans and Ans2 are
extended from 256 bytes to 4096 bytes long.
Version 3.46 - 7 February 2022
- Fix: PDF's opened in Adobe Reader could have the Print icon
disabled. (Opening in other readers seems to be unaffected.)
Version 3.45 - 2 February
- Add: Support for I2PDF report engine (Alternate SoftVelocity engine)
- for real this time....
Version 3.44 - 31 January 2022
- Add: Embed points to SetupPremiere routine
- Add: Support for I2PDF report engine (Alternate SoftVelocity engine)
- Change: Size of EmailTo field made bigger
Version 3.43 - 6 December 2021
- Add: EmailText, EmailTextHTML
properties, as StringTheory object references to the PremierPreviewOptions
- Add: EmailSignature, EmailSynopsis
properties, as strings to the PremierPreviewOptions
- Add: UserData property as StringTheory
object reference to the PremierPreviewOptions
Group. Use of this field is discussed at The
UserData Field.
- Add: AllowCommas property to PremierPreviewOptions
Group. See also Previewer Control
- Add: "Other" as options in Global
template for PDF, Office, Email and Cloud engines.
- Add: Global Extension,
Defaults tab, Email Signature option.
- Refactor: GetEmailText method so it can take a template name, or a
prefilled StringTheory object.
- Update: Default text in email updated to include RecipientName,
EmailSynopsis and EmailSignature
- Update: EmailParametersGroup updated to match the one in NetTalk
12.30 (only generated if you are not using NetTalk). If you are using
an older NetTalk (ie < 12.30) then see Using
(old) NetTalk 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12.29 (or earlier)
3.42 - 10 November 2021
- Fix: Regression in 3.35 with disabling
the ZoomOut button (and never enabling it.)
Version 3.41 - 28 October 2021
- Fix: Duplicate embed point when
generating alternate windows.
Version 3.40 - 17 October 2021
Version 3.36 - 23 September 2021
- Add: Fast Report Closing (courtesy
of Carl Barnes)
- Updated: ABCAll example app updated to use ChromeExplorer not
Version 3.35 - 17 August 2021
- Fix: Handle new Clarion 11.1 behavior for Disable(0)
- Fix: In Premiere procedure ThumbQueue is now generated even when
extension is disabled (because it is used on the window.)
Version 3.34 - 24 May 2021
Version 3.33 - 22 September 2020
- Change: If the parms.Automatic and parms.Hidewindow property is
set, then the EmailParms.pHide property is set before the call to
SendWindow. (The SendEmail procedure would still need to use this
Version 3.32 - 4 September 2020
- Change: The Select Printer button had the Standard Action set to
STD:PrintSetup. This is equivalent to PrinterDialog('',1).
This standard action has been removed from the template, and code
generated for PrinterDialog('SelectPrinter',0) instead. For existing
apps remove the STD:PrintSetup from the button.
Version 3.31 - 7 August 2020
- Add: Recognizes Chrome Explorer as a valid HTML engine for OAuth
Version 3.30 - 28 June 2020
- Add: Limit to "number of copies" to 1000. This prevents problems
where the "copies" parameter is set high by mistake.
- Updated: Email Parameters Group for programs not using NetTalk.
- Updated Cape templates to 4.21
Version 3.29 - 21 October 2019
- Add: Ability to override Preview procedure at the local report
level. (Courtesy of Jeff Hojka)
- Fix: Not all calls to Premiere Procedure respect the global
procedure name. (Courtesy of Jeff Hojka)
Version 3.28 - 23 July 2019
- Add: AllowWord and AllowExcel properties,
Options on Previewer Control Template.
Version 3.27 - 1 October 2018
- Fix: Setting engines to None on global extension did not remove
them if they were actually available in the app.
Version 3.26 - 14 September 2018
- Add: Clarion 11 to install.
- Change: Subject, ToAddress and attachment list primed before
calling PrimeEmailParameters, not after.
- Fix: CPCS, ABC, reports did not generate parameters correctly.
- Fix: Commas removed from report file names. (although legal,
NetTalk 10 and earlier splits the attachment list on commas)
- Fix: Recipient name (set from email address) set specifically for
the Email template each iteration of the To list.
Version 3.25 - 30 August 2018
- Add: Support for programs who have an old version of NetTalk that
don't have the Cloud Parameters group declared.
Version 3.24 - 22 August 2018
- Fix: PrimeEmailParameters method.
Version 3.23 - 15 August 2018
- Add: PrimeEmailParameters method.
Version 3.22 - 26 July 2018
Version 3.21 - 15 May 2018
- 3.20 was A Major update. Read Upgrading from an earlier Premiere version for
more information on upgrading.
- Add: Template option to determine default location for PDF's, Excel
and Word docs.
- Add: Support for setting default cloud folders at Report and
Preview level.
- Add: Support for wPDF Licensing settings.
- Add: Support for wPDF engine options in PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue.
- Add: Embed points to PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue before and after
the PDF engine is initialized.
- Add: PDF Permission properties to PremierPreviewOptions
- Add: DefaultFilePath, DefaultfilePathName,DefaultDropboxFolder (et
al) properties to the Premiere class.
- Add: Cloud drives as possible default destinations.
- Add: Template option to Report extension to prevent file name
change at runtime.
- Change: wPDF engine uses EXISTS to determine if file creation is
- Rename: Fields in
PremierPreviewOptions group type, DropboxDirectory to
DropboxFolder et at.
- Documentation: Section on Default File
Names and Locations added.
Version 3.20 - 2 May 2018
- A Major update. Read Upgrading
from an earlier Premiere version for more information on
- Add: Support for Upload to Cloud Drive feature to print previewer.
- Add: Allow user to select pages, and page ranges, using entry box.
eg 2,3,5-9 and so on.
- Add: Pages Layout - Full Page option. (Now has Page Width, and Full
Page for 1 page layout.)
- Add: Property. PreventFilenameChange to PremierPreviewOptions
- Add: Property; UsingMDIWindow. Set if the preview window is running
in MDI mode.
- Change: Control Template updated. Repopulation in the Premiere
procedure is recommended.
- Change: New options added to Destination property of PremierPreviewOptions
- Fix: CPCS Legacy reports were not setting the Preview Parameters
- Internal: Tidy up some code to use equates instead of numbers.
- Refactor: ApplyZoom
Version 3.12 - 9 February 2018
- Fix: Compile error under Clarion PE where no Clarion PDF engine
Version 3.11 - 9 January 2018
- Change: Destination 'D' is mapped to
Word document. Destination 'R' is now
used for Email/Word attachment. Backwards compatible with
- Update to \Abc\Office example to show new switches added in build
Version 3.10 - 3 January 2018
- Add: Global Template, Defaults
- Add: New options to Local Template, General
- Add: Local Template: Email
- Add: New destinations L and D.
- Add: The Destination string can now contain multiple characters (ie
- Add: OpenDocument option to PremierPreviewOptions
- Add: Embed in Premiere procedure before call to ThisPremiere.Init
- Fix: File names could be set to x:\\ if in the root folder. (thanks
to Marty Berliner)
Version 3.08 - 24 November 2017
- Add: Show Progress
Option to SV PDF options on CreatePDFFromQueue procedure.
(Defaults on).
- Fix: If using PDF-Tools, or wPDF the Office procedures would
generate an error because of missing AB include files.
- Fix: When using SV PDF Engine, report size was not respected in the
PDF output. Especially affected Landscape reports.
- Document: A new section added to the docs to show how to edit
the Clarion files for a better progress window.
Version 3.07 - 17 November 2017 -- SEE
upgrade notes for changes to your program
- Add: Support for Office Inside to create Word and Excel files from
the previewer window.
- Add: Report field in
PremierePreviewerOptions. This allows engines to get additional
information from the actual report structure.
- Add: Excel and Word file names to Report
Extension template.
- Add: Allows selection of attachment for mat when emailing.
- Replacement: Save-As button to replace SaveAsPDF button - with drop
to select Save-As type.
- Add: Examples containing Office added.
Version 3.06 - 21 February 2017
- Fix: Calls to GetData from Premiere class did not pass first
parameter through TRANSLATE method.
Version 3.05 - 20 February 2017
- Fix: (hidden) Preview window did not automatically close when .HideWindow option set to true.
Version 3.04 - 17 February 2017
- Add: Translation support.
- Add: Built-In support for translation via AnyText.
- Add: Support for Email templates for
Text and HTML.
- Document: Parameter group
when calling Premiere procedure.
- Tidyup: Use of HideWindow and Automatic
- Remove: Premiere.Copies property. Use Premiere.previewParms.Copies instead.
Version 3.03 - 19 December 2016
- Add: Support for SendTo_Printer
procedure as a special case. If the user chooses PDF on the SendTo
options window then the Previewer is not displayed.
Version 3.02 - 22 November 2016
- Add: Option To
PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue procedure extension: New tab of
options for SV PDF converter. Specifically ScanMode for foreign
character sets.
- Change: Default values for Report Name and PDF File Name set to
Procedure name. (Delete second global extension and re-add it for new
defaults to take effect.) Do not do this if you've already set report
- Fix: CPCS / CRT Support - could return error on missing variable
- Fix: %Email used instead of %EmailTo in report settings.
- Docs: Template Reference added.
Version 3.01 - 21 November 2016
- Add: CPCS / CRT Support
- Add: Fomin Report Builder support.
- Add: PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue procedure sets local variable RESULT
if file is created ok.
- Change: Hyperlink in PremiereCreatePDFFromQueue window is disabled
until file creation is completed.
Version 3.00 - 18 November 2016
- First build as a separate product.
Version 1.00 - 17 September 2007
- Original version included with RightReports