Technical Briefing
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Problem: |
You need some simple functions to talk to the Comms port |
Problem: |
You need some simple functions to handle the Windows Taskbar and System Tray |
Problem: |
You need your App to shut down when Windows closes |
Problem: |
You need to sub-class a window in order to receive special, or unusual, Windows
messages |
Problem: |
You need a cost-effective solution! |
WinEvent opens up the power of
Windows, but in the easy Clarion way. If you're doing background
processing or communications, then WinEvent is a cost effective
solution to your problems.
WinEvent is designed to be easy
to use. The functions take a minimum of parameters, and the
documentation describes each function in detail. A template is
provided to make prototyping and linking the functions in your
applications trivial.
This is the perfect tool for writing background applications. Things
like receiving data from a serial barcode scanner, sending data to a
Point of Sale cash register or interfacing with other serial
hardware becomes trivial using the communications functions. The
taskbar functions allow you to hid your background process away,
like other background Window programs, in the System tray. You can
play WAV files when certain events, or error conditions apply, or
bring your window to the front to alert the user that something is
wrong. In addition the message trapping allows your program to quite
gracefully when Windows is shutdown. The Free Disk Space feature
even allows you to monitor disk space, altering the user when it
drops too low! RS 232 communications functions give
you access to Serial Comm ports under Windows. The simple WinEvent
interface makes it easy for even novice programmers to interface to
external hardware via the Serial port. WinEvent supports up to 24
comm ports in a single program. Simple functions like ReadPort and
WritePort are provided that assume no knowledge of serial
Taskbar functions let your 32-bit program interface to the Windows
Taskbar. You can place icons in the System Tray, complete with
pop-up tip, change an icon that's already there (great for hardware
monitoring) and prevent your background application from appearing
on the main part of the Taskbar.
All versions of Windows ( 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2K / XP / Vista ) are
Messaging functions allow you to trap messages being sent to
your application from other programs, DLL's etc. They also allow you
to trap messages being sent to your program by Windows, but not
normally passed on by the Accept command. They allow your program to
automatically shutdown when windows is closed by the user.
Window behaviour functions allow you to make a window float on
top of all other windows, or bring the window to the front when
triggered by some event. |
RS 232 Communications Functions
- Newport / OpenPort - opens a port for communication
- ReSetPort - resets the parameters for a port, like baud rate, parity etc.
- KillAllPorts / ClosePort - closes the communications port
- WritePort - writes out a string to a port
- ReadPort - reads in a string from a port
- ErrorPort - returns the error associated with a port, if an error occurs
- SetHandShake - sets the handshaking to be used with that port
- GetCommStatus - returns the status of all the modem hardware lines
- CtsHigh - returns the current status of the CTS modem line
- DsrHigh - returns the current status of the DSR modem line
- RingHigh - returns the current status of the ring indicator modem line
- CdHigh - returns the current status of the carrier detect modem line
Task Bar Features
- WinTaskbarAddIcon - adds an icon to the System Tray on the Taskbar
WinTaskbarRemoveIcon - removes an icon from the system tray
- WinTaskbarChangeIcon - Changes an icon in the system tray
- WinNotOnTaskbar - prevents a window from appearing on the main part of the Taskbar
Messaging Functions
- WinAlert - alerts the accept loop to watch for a particular message
- WinEvent - returns the message which caused the alert to trigger
- WinParam1 - the first parameter passed with the message by Windows
- WinParam2 - the second parameter passed with the message by Windows
- WinControl - the control to whom the message was sent
Window Functions
- WinBringToFront - bring the specified Window to the front for the users attention
- WinOnTop - make the current Window remain floating on top of all the other windows
- WinNotOnTop - make the Window behave as a normal window
System Functions
- WindowsVersion - returns the major Windows version number
- WindowsRelease - returns the minor Windows version number
- DosVersion - returns the major DOS version number
- DosRelease - returns the minor DOS version number
- GetFreeDiskSpace - returns the amount of free space on the specified drive
- Sound - plays a WAV file through any Windows compatible sound car
Cost & Availability
WinEvent costs $149. This price
includes versions for Clarion 5 or higher. To order On-Line visit
For more information contact
or fax +27 21 715 2535.A working demo version can be downloaded from our
website - www.capesoft.com/ftp/public/windem.exe
© 2012 CapeSoft Software CC