Technical Briefing
Problem: | You need logins, passwords and Control level Access Control in your program |
Problem: | You need robust product registration facilities |
Problem: | You want security that's easy enough for your client to administer |
Problem: | You want security that's easy to add to your application, yet powerful enough
to meet your needs |
Firstly, Secwin allows you to add
user access security to your Clarion applications. Logins, passwords, limiting
access to screens, to controls, even to browse columns. Secondly, Secwin
provides you the developer with an effective copy protection and registration
tool which allows you to activate all, or part, of your program via phone,
fax or email. It can limit network instances of an application and
can even tell you exactly who is running the program over the network.
In addition to all of this, ease of use has been a priority during
the development of Secwin. Ease of use for the developer, and most importantly
east of use for the end user. Any security is useless if it can't be remembered
or if it takes longer than a minute to explain. Most importantly when giving over-the-phone
support, the user should be able to follow your simple instructions without
going wrong. Secwin doesn't compromise on the rock solid security
underneath though. Secwin makes your applications totally secure from unauthorized
access. Not even other developers with the Secwin package can bypass your security.
Other developers can not issue activation codes for your applications. And Secwin
is the only product you can supply to your client where he is safe, regardless
of the security at your development site. For those sites requiring lower security
but more convenience, the Super User feature means access to the developer
is always allowed. Secwin is completely network compatible. It
is designed with networks in mind and supports multiple applications
one central access file. In this way the user has only one password, not
different passwords to each application. And they are free to login from any workstation.
Best of all you don't need to configure Secwin on each workstation, only on the
server. Secwin even comes in a Btrieve version to support WANS. |
"Secwin is a feature-filled security package for
Clarion for Windows... it has more features than I expected in a security system...
Good value for your money... it's easy for the Supervisor to grant both screen
access and control access... [User Groups] greatly simplify the Supervisor's administrative
work. By using this feature it would be easy to administer large groups of users...
Implementing security with Secwin was extremely easy." Clarion Online
(Sep 97) "Secwin offers some compelling features
and certainly deserves a look. If you need both security and protection at a reasonable
price, this package is a hard one to beat." Clarion Online (Aug 98) |
User Access Control Features
- Logins and passwords
- User access control at a screen level
- User access control at a control level - link controls together if you
- Inaccessible controls can be set to hidden, disabled or read-only
- User access control at browse-column level
- User groups - group
users together for easy administration
- Workgroups - limit records visible
in browses based on user
- Lock screen - leave your desk with the program
- Allows multiple login areas inside an application
- Enforce
case sensitive passwords
- Enforce regular password changes
Enforce minimum password composition
- Supports creation of a developer
defined "Super User"
- Rock solid security protects clients
even against developers
Licensing and Registration
Features - Company name - the client's not yours
Serial number - issued by you
- Expiry date - great for demos or leased
- Program level - demo, lite, standard, professional and enterprise
- Optional modules - allows up to 15 of them
- Run counter - lets
you expire the program after a certain number of runs or reports etc
Seed code - chosen by you protects your applications from other Secwin developers
- Copies - limits the number of copies open at one time on the network
- Supports defaulting to 30 days demo license if no license exists
- Supports central network user database spanning
multiple EXE's so the user has just 1 password
- Supports TopSpeed, Btrieve,
MsSQL, SQLAnywhere, ODBC, Oracle file drivers
- Supports central configuration,
no need to got to each workstation
- Checks and enforces concurrent network
copies of your app
- Lets you know who else on the network is using the
Other Features
- 9 source examples, including a full working registration database, included
- 75+ pages of printable documentation, including user guide, template
guide, template guide and technical reference
- Low-level functions supply
access to all Secwin features and data for advanced programmers
- No hand
code required - everything available in templates
- Full internationalization
support lets you translate any and all Secwin text
- Control over the
"look and feel" of screens, including fonts and graphics
- Create
your own login, change password and product registration screens, or use the built
in ones
Cost & Availability
Secwin costs $249. This includes Secwin
for Clarion 5, Clarion 5.5 and Clarion 6. To order On-Line visit
For more information contact
or fax +27 21 715 2535. A working demo version can be downloaded from our
website - www.capesoft.com/ftp/public/secdem.exe
© 2012 CapeSoft Software CC