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Check out the Agents available to you!
Click here for instruction on how to install new agents.
Installing Characters
.EXE Files - All characters in the Character Gallery are available as self-extracting
executable files. Double-click the .EXE file after you have downloaded it
to automatically install the character to your character folder.
You can delete the .EXE file after the character is installed.
These .EXE files are ZIP compatible so you can optionally open them with a program like
WinZip after downloaded to extract the characters manually.
.ACS Files - Microsoft Agent Character Files (.ACS) should be saved
This is your character folder and is automatically created when
you install Agent 2.0.
.ZIP Files - You may sometimes find characters packaged in .ZIP files. Download the
.ZIP file, open it with a program like
and then extract the character .ACS file to your character folder.
You can delete the .ZIP file afterwards.
© 2012 CapeSoft Software CC